İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizce kelimeler, konuşmanın ve anlamanın temelidir. Kelime dağarcığını ne kadar geliştirirsen İngilizce öğrenmen o kadar kolay olur. Bir başka deyişle kendini ifade edebilmen için kelimelere ihtiyacın olacak. Başka bir deyişle, İngilizceni geliştirmen için İngilizce kelimeler listesini bu sayfada bulabilirsin.
İngilizcede Kaç Kelime Var?
İngilizcede yaklaşık 1 milyon civarında kelime var. Bu 1 milyon kelimenin içerisinde terimler, madenler gibi detaylarda mevcut. Ama genelde dünyaca ünlü sözlüklerde bu sayı 300 bin ile 470 bin arasında değişir. Ama İngilizce konuşabilmek ve anlayabilmek için bu kadar İngilizce kelime bilmene gerek yok. Yaklaşık 3,000 kelime bilmen yeterli. İngilizcedeki bu 3000 kelime gündelik hayatta konuşulanların %95’ini rahatlıkla anlamanı sağlayacak. Ayrıca bunu biz değil, aslında Oxford söylüyor. İşte bu yüzden The Oxford 3000 yayınlanıyor.
Son güncellenme tarihi: 28/03/2025

The Oxford 3000 Nedir?
Oxford Dictionary, 3 ana kritere göre 3000 İngilizce kelime yayınlıyor. Bu kelimeler 3 kritere göre seçiliyor;
- İngilizcede en sık kullanılan kelimeler
- Sadece sık kullanılmasının dışında, gazeteler veya bilimsel makalelerde kullanıyor olması
- Sık kullanılmasa da genele hitap eden önemli kelimeler, örneğin seyahat terimleri
Bu yüzden İngilizcedeki 3000 Kelime gündelik hayatta konuşulanların %95’ini rahatlıkla anlamanı sağlayacak
İşte bu sebeple, İngilizce öğrenmek daha da kolaylaşıyor. Artık, İngilizce öğrenmek için ilk etapta neye ihtiyacın var biliyorsun; İngilizce Kelimeler!
İngilizce Öğrenmeye Yeni Başlayanlar İçin
Kelime dağarcığını geliştirmek yeni başlayanlar için ideal yöntemdir. Ama genelde okullarda ve ingilizce kurslarında hep aynı yöntemler ile geliştirilir. Mesela, önce hayvanları öğreniriz. Örneğin, Giraffe – Zürafa. İngilizce bilen birine sormak lazım. Acaba Giraffe kelimesini İngilizce konuşurken hayatında kaç kere kullanmış? Konuyu anladığını düşünerek hemen kelime listelerine geçiyorum. Bu arada hemen İngilizce öğrenmeye başlamak için aşağıdaki formdan bize ulaşabilirsin. Ya da Sıfırdan İngilizce Öğrenmek yazısıda ilgini çekebilir.
Oxford 3000’i Öğrenmenin Faydaları
Oxford 3000, İngilizcede konuşulan keliemleirn %95’ini anlaman için hazırlanmış bir liste. Oxford 3000’i öğrenmenin başlıca faydaları;
- Daha hızlı ve kolay İngilizce öğrenme: En sık kullanılan kelimeleri öğrenerek, İngilizce konuşma ve yazma becerilerini çok daha hızlı bir şekilde geliştirebilirsin.
- Daha geniş kelime hazinesi: Oxford 3000’i öğrenerek, kelime hazneni önemli ölçüde genişletebilir ve kendini çok daha iyi ifade edebilirsin.
- Daha iyi dilbilgisi: Oxford 3000’deki kelimeler, dilbilgisi kurallarını ve kelimelerin nasıl kullanıldığını öğrenmene yardımcı olur.
- Daha yüksek sınav puanları: Oxford 3000’deki kelimeleri öğrenerek, TOEFL, IELTS ve diğer İngilizce yeterlilik sınavlarında daha yüksek puanlar alabilirsiniz.
Oxford 3000’i Nasıl Öğrenebilirim?
Oxford 3000 İngilizce kelime listesini öğrenmek için;
- Oxford 3000 kelime listesini kayıt edin. Arzu edersen Oxford 3000 kelime listesinin PDF formatına sayfanın en altındaki linkten ulaşabilirsin.
- Kelimeleri gruplar halinde öğrenin. Kelimeleri anlamlı gruplar halinde öğrenmek, daha kolay ezberlemene yardımcı olur.
- Kelimeleri tekrarlayın. Kelimeleri tekrarlamak, onları uzun süreli hafızanıza kaydetmene yardımcı olur.
- Kelimeleri kullanın. Kelimeleri İngilizce cümleler içinde kullanmak, onları daha iyi öğrenmenize ve hatırlamanıza yardımcı olacaktır.
İngilizcede En Sık Kullanılan 3000 Kelime
İngilizce Kelimeler Listesi
İngilizce kelime dağarcığını geliştirmek için öncelikle en sık ve en çok kullanılan İngilizce kelimelerden başlamalısın. Kısaca, İngilizce konuşurken ve yazarken işine yarayacak kelimeler hızını arttıracaktır. Bunun için çok faydalı olacak bir liste hazırladık. Ve İngilizce kelimeler listesinde, diğer kaynaklardan bir farkımız olsun istedik. Ve bu listelerde tüm kelimeler için seviyeleri, Türkçe anlamlarını ve örnek cümleleri ekledik. Ayrıca tüm kelime grupların harfı A’dan Z’ye İngilizce kelimeler olarak gruplandırdık. Bu listelerden İngilizce kelime kartları yaparak, daha hızlı öğrenebilirsin.
Ana dili İngilizce olan biri, yani Native dediğimiz kişiler yaklaşık 20 – 30 bin arasında İngilizce kelime biliyor. Biz ise, zaten dilimizde olan 1000’e yakın İngilizce kelimeyi zaten biliyoruz. Örnek; radio – radyo , television – televizyon, vb gibi. Yani başlangıçta zor gibi gelse de aslında o kadar da zor olmadığını ilerledikçe göreceksin… Hadi Başlayalım…
Daha kısa bir liste isteyenler için: Henüz işin başındaysanız şu listelerden başlamanız daha iyi olabilir;
- İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 100 Kelime
- İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime
- İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 3000 Kelime (hemen aşağıda)
“A” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “A” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;

A Harfi ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
a | A1 | bir | a man, a horse. |
abandon | B2 | terketmek | He gave the order to abandon ship. |
abandoned | B2 | terkedilmiş | The world is full of abandoned mines. |
ability | B1 | yetenek | She’s a woman of considerable abilities. |
able | A2 | yetenekli, yapılabilir | He will buy a new car as soon as he is able. |
about | A1 | hakkında | What’s that book about? |
above | A1 | yukarıda, üzerinde | There’s a mirror above the sink. |
abroad | B1 | yurt dışında | He will go abroad this summer. |
absence | B2 | yokluk | A new teacher was appointed during her absence. |
absent | B1 | yok, bulunmayan | Jack has been absent from course for a week now. |
absolute | B2 | kesin, tam | She is an absolute idiot! |
absolutely | B1 | kesinlikle, tamamen | The weather is absolutely freezing today. |
absorb | B2 | emmek | Trees absorb carbon dioxide. |
abuse | B2 | kötüye kullanmak, taciz, suistimal | Abuse can be scary and isolating |
academic | B2 | akademik | We are following his academic progress. |
accent | B1 | aksan | She has got a strong northern accent. |
accept | B1 | kabul etmek | Do you accept credit cards |
acceptable | B1 | kabul edilebilir | His performance was acceptable, but not stunning. |
access | B1 | erişim | This is the access point. |
accident | A2 | kaza | My father had an accident but he is ok now. |
accidental | B2 | tesadüfi, kazara | The treasure was found after the accidental discovery in the field |
accidentally | B1 | kazara | I delete the file accidentally. |
accommodation | B1 | konaklama, kalacak yer | There is a shortage of accommodation in Dublin in summers. |
accompany | B1 | eşlik etmek | We have an accompany. |
according to | B1 | -na göre | According to the news, the postponed match will be played tomorrow. |
account | B1 | hesap | You have to open a new bank account. |
accurate | B1 | doğru, kesin | The figures they have used are not accurate. |
accurately | B1 | tam olarak | In order to see the results we need to record teh data accurately. |
accuse | B2 | suçlamak | Are you accusing me of steeling? |
achieve | B1 | başarmak | He finally achieved his ambition to visit Far East. |
achievement | B1 | başarı | It wouldn’t be easy to reach that achievement. |
acid | B2 | asit | We are in a threat of acid rains. |
acknowledge | C1 | onaylamak, kabul etmek | They refuse to acknowledge the new parliement. |
acquire | B2 | edinmek | I have finally acquired the pole position. |
across | A2 | karşısında | She walked across the road. |
act | B2 | hareket, eylem | Stop acting like a child! |
action | B2 | aksiyon, eylem | To solve it, you need to take an action. |
active | B1 | aktif, faal | There is an active volcano in this island. |
actively | B2 | aktif olarak | I have been actively looking for a job for 2 months. |
activity | B2 | aktivite, etkinlik, faaliyet | There were a lot of activity in the city. |
actor | A2 | aktör, oyuncu | He is a celebrated Hollywood actor. |
actress | A2 | aktris, oyuncu | She is a celebrated Hollywood actress. |
actual | B2 | gerçek | We had estimated about 300 visitors, but the actual number was much higher. |
actually | A2 | aslında, gerçekten | So what actually happened? |
advertisement | A2 | reklam | Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing. |
ad | A1 | reklam | I often prefer the ads on TV to the actual programmes. |
adapt | B2 | uyarlamak, uydurmak | We had to adapt our plans to fit Jack’s timetable |
add | A2 | eklemek | If you add three and four you get seven. |
addition | B1 | ilave, ek | In addition to his day job in school, he is working on anight shift. |
additional | B2 | ek, ilave | There will be an extra charge for any additional passengers. |
address | A1 | adres, adres yazmak | Her new address is Cumhuriyet Street in Kadıköy. |
adequate | B2 | yeterli, uygun | I didn’t have adequate time to prepare. |
adequately | B2 | yeterli olarak | Have the risks been adequately studied? |
adjust | B2 | ayarlamak | If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you. |
admiration | B2 | hayranlık | My admiration for that woman grows daily. |
admire | B1 | hayran olmak, takdir etmek | I was just admiring your jacket. |
admit | B1 | itiraf etmek, kabul etmek | He admitted to stealing the keys. |
adopt | B2 | benimsemek, kabul etmek | We’ve adopted a new approach. |
adult | A1 | yetişkin | I’ve lived most of my adult life in London. |
advance | B1 | ilerlemek, önceden, avans | You need to book your ticket at least 14 days in advance. |
advanced | B1 | gelişmiş, ileri | The disease was at an advanced stage. |
advantage | B1 | avantaj, üstünlük | One of the advantages of living in town is having the shops so near. |
adventure | A2 | macera, serüven | She had some exciting adventures in Egypt. |
advertise | B1 | duyurmak | We advertised our car in the local newspaper. |
advertising | B2 | ilan | Fiona works in advertising. |
advert | B1 | reklam | an advert for the local radio station |
advice | A2 | tavsiye | He gave some good advice. |
advise | B1 | tavsiyede bulunmak | I strongly advise you to quit smoking. |
affair | B2 | mesele, ilişki | She organizes her financial affairs very efficiently. |
affect | B2 | etkilemek | Their house was badly affected by the fire. |
affection | B2 | sevgi | She had a deep affection for her brother. |
afford | B1 | gücü yetmek | I don’t know if we can afford a new house. |
afraid | A2 | korkmak, korkmuş | I am afraid of flying. |
after | A1 | sonra, ardından | Let’s go to cinema after coffee. |
afternoon | A1 | öğleden sonra | It is going to rain this afternoon. |
afterwards | A2 | sonradan | We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a while. |
again | A1 | tekrar | Could you spell your name again, please? |
against | A2 | karşı | 50 people voted against the new proposal. |
age | A1 | yaş, çağ | Do you know the age of that building? |
aged | A2 | yaşında, yaşlı | They’ve got one daughter, Isabel, aged three. |
agency | B1 | ajans | We have an appointent at the estate agency. |
agent | B2 | ajan, temsilci | Please contact to our agent for further information |
aggressive | B2 | agresif, saldırgan | If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting. |
ago | A2 | önce | The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. |
agree | A2 | aynı fikirde olmak | I agree with you. |
agreement | B2 | anlaşma | We can sign the agreement. |
ahead | B1 | önde, ileride | The road ahead is very busy. |
aid | C1 | yardım, yardımcı olmak | He gets about with the aid of a walking stick. |
aim | B1 | amaç, hedef | My main aim in life is to be a good husband and father. |
air | A2 | hava | I went outside to get some fresh air. |
aircraft | B2 | uçak, uçak filosu | Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the aircraft. |
airport | A2 | havalimanı | We arrived at the airport just in time to catch the plane. |
alarm | B1 | alarm, korku | The first two bomb alerts were false alarms, but the third was for real. |
alarming | C1 | korkutucu | There has been an alarming rise in the rate of inflation. |
alarmed | B2 | paniğe kapılmış | I was a bit alarmed at how much weight she’d lost. |
alcohol | A2 | alkol | I could smell the alcohol on his breath. |
alcoholic | B1 | alkolik, alkollü | Could I have something non-alcoholic, like orange juice, please? |
alive | B1 | canlı, hayatta | Doctors kept him alive on a life-support machine. |
all | A1 | tüm, tümü, hepsi | All animals have to eat in order to live. |
allow | B1 | izin vermek | You’re not allowed to talk during the exam. |
ally | C2 | yardım eden ülke, müttefik | The US is one of Britain’s staunchest allies. |
allied | C2 | müttefik | The foreign invaders were finally defeated by allied forces. |
almost | A2 | neredeyse, hemen hemen | She’s almost 40. |
alone | A1 | yalnız | He likes being alone in the house. |
along | A2 | boyunca | We walked along the beach. |
alongside | C1 | yanında, yanısıra | Most of the staff refused to work alongside the new team. |
aloud | B1 | yüksek sesle | He read her letter aloud to the rest of the family. |
alphabet | A2 | alfabe | Z comes after Y in the alphabet. |
alphabetical | B2 | alfabetik | The names are published in alphabetical order. |
alphabetically | B2 | alfabetik olarak | The names of the contest winners are listed alphabetically. |
already | A2 | zaten | I’ve already told him. |
alright | A1 | pekala | Everything will be alright. |
also | A2 | ayrıca | I’m cold, and I’m also hungry and tired. |
alter | B2 | değiştirmek | I need to alter my plans. |
alternative | B2 | alternatif, seçenek | I need an alternative plan. |
alternatively | B2 | alternatif olarak | We can eat fast food, alternatively we can try somethgn different. |
although | B1 | rağmen | He went back although I begged him not to. |
altogether | B1 | tamamen | It will be 20 dollars altogether. |
always | A1 | her zaman, daima | He always comes late. |
amaze | B1 | şaşırtmak | You’ve done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me. |
amazing | B1 | şaşırtıcı | It’s amazing that no one else has applied for the job. |
amazed | B1 | şaşırmış | I was absolutely amazed when I heard he’d been promoted. |
ambition | B1 | hırs | He has already achieved his main ambition in life |
ambulance | A2 | ambulans | I called an ambulance. |
among | A2 | arasında | I saw a few familiar faces among the crowd. |
amount | B1 | miktar, tutar | They didn’t deliver the right amount of cement. |
amuse | B2 | eğlendirmek | Apparently these stories are meant to amuse. |
amusing | B1 | eğlenceli | an amusing situation |
amused | B2 | eğlenmiş | She was very amused at your comments. |
analyse | B2 | analiz etmek, incelemek | The powder was sent to the lab to be analysed. |
analysis | B2 | analiz | Some of these arguments need further analysis. |
ancient | B1 | eski | People have lived in this valley since ancient times. |
and | A1 | ve | Tom and Mary agree. |
anger | B2 | öfke | He couldn’t control his anger. |
angle | C1 | açı | The interior angles of a triangle 180 degrees. |
angry | A2 | kızgın | he made me really angry. |
angrily | B1 | öfkeyle | Don’t do that! she shouted angrily. |
animal | A1 | hayvan | I love animals. |
ankle | B1 | ayak bileği | The nurse bandaged my sprained ankle. |
anniversary | B1 | yıldönümü | We will celebrate our 30th anniversary tomorrow. |
announce | B1 | duyurmak | They announced the winner of thE race. |
annoy | B1 | kızdırmak | It really annoys me when people expect me to tip. |
annoying | B1 | can sıkıcı | He’s got a really annoying laugh. |
annoyed | B1 | sinirlenmiş | I was so annoyed with him. |
annual | B1 | yıllık | An annual event |
annually | B2 | yılda 1 kez | The prize is awarded annually. |
another | A2 | başka, diğer | I need another job. |
answer | A1 | cevap, yanıt | Answer the phone. |
anti | B1 | karşıt | Just because I won’t join you, it doesn’t mean that I’m anti you. |
anticipate | C1 | beklemek | We don’t anticipate any trouble. |
anxiety | B2 | kaygı, endişe | That explains his anxiety over his health. |
anxious | B1 | endişeli | I saw my sister’s anxious face at the window. |
anxiously | B2 | endişeyle | “Is something wrong?” he asked anxiously. |
any | A1 | herhangi, hiç | Is there any sugar? |
anyone | A2 | kimse, herhangi biri, hiç kimse | Anyone home? |
anything | A1 | bir şey, her şey | Can I do anything? |
anyway | A2 | zaten, neyse | I’m going that way anyway. |
anywhere | A2 | herhangi bir yer | I can’t find my keys anywhere. |
apart | B1 | ayrı | How far apart should the speakers be? |
apart from | B1 | dışında | He works until nine o’clock every evening, and that’s quite apart from the work he does over the weekend. |
apartment | A2 | apartman | I’ll give you the keys to my apartment. |
apologize | B1 | özür dilemek | I must apologize to her for my lateness |
apparent | B2 | açık, belli | It was becoming increasingly apparent that he could no longer take care of himself. |
apparently | B2 | görünüşe göre | Apparently it’s going to rain today. |
appeal | C1 | temyiz, başvuru | The police have issued an appeal to the public to stay away from the area over the weekend. |
appear | B1 | görünmek | We’d been in the house a month when dark stains started appearing on the wall. |
appearance | B2 | görünüm, görünüş | Organizing book signings, readings and public appearances is a vital element of an author’s marketing campaign. |
apple | A1 | elma | Apples are the perfect backyard fruit tree. |
application | B1 | uygulama, başvuru | Supplementary Form have been given in the Passport Application Form, which has to be filled only if they are applicable to you, else leave them. |
apply | B1 | uygulamak, başvurmak | There is no reason to re-apply four months after you were rejected. |
appoint | C1 | atamak | The Director of Public Works shall be appointed by the Mayor. |
appointment | C1 | randevu, atama | Schedule an appointment for biometric enrolment. |
appreciate | b2 | takdir etmek | We really appreciate you stepping in to support us. |
approach | B1 | yaklaşım | The absolute best way to approach the Eiffel Tower is from the Palais Chaillot just opposite the Place du Trocadero on the Right Bank. |
appropriate | B2 | uygun | If you live or work in a taxing city listed below, you are required to complete and submit the appropriate City Tax Withholding Form. |
approval | B2 | onay, onaylama | The data is adequate and no field approval is required. |
approve | B2 | onaylamak | Authors get a notification when someone approves or rejects their content. |
approving | B2 | onay | For each department, use this task to define the approving manager. |
approximate | B1 | yaklaşık | Furthermore, these samples approximate a normal distribution. |
approximately | B1 | yaklaşık olarak | The project is approximately 16 miles northwest of the central business district of the city of Austin . |
april | A1 | nisan | 23 April Ceremony for The National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. |
area | B1 | alan, bölge | Find rental assistance programs in your area. |
argue | B1 | tartışmak, savunmak | You need to learn when to argue, when to walk away. |
argument | B1 | tartışma, iddia | Former politician Rory Stewart shares his top tips for having great arguments. |
arise | C1 | kalkmak, doğmak | Medical negligence cases arise when doctors, nurses or other health professionals deliver improper or harmful medical care to a patient. |
arm | A1 | kol arms silah, arma | It costs an arm and a leg to attend college these days. |
arms | A1 | silah, arma | 3 hybrid militants arrested yesterday and arms and ammunition recovered. |
armed | B2 | silahlı | Information on financial help available to people currently serving in the armed forces |
army | B1 | ordu | To become an Army Officer, you must be at least 18 years old and have a college degree obtained. |
around | A2 | etrafında, çevresinde | Christmas traditions vary around the world. |
arrange | B1 | düzenlemek | Sure, you want to arrange a meeting, but spell out why. |
arrangement | B1 | düzenleme, aranjman | Flexibility in work arrangements allows for a productive work environment. |
arrest | B1 | tutuklamak | The former conservative president was sentenced to house arrest under electronic surveillance. |
arrival | B1 | varış | They were awaiting the arrival of guests. |
arrive | A2 | varmak | She has arrived before the bell rang. |
arrow | B2 | ok | When equipped with her bow and arrows, Katniss can survive in the forest. |
art | A2 | sanat | Art is like sky which has no limits. |
article | B1 | makale, madde | Learn how and when to use indefinite and definite articles in English |
artificial | yapay, suni | There are many ways artificial intelligence can be used for good and to help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. | |
artificially | B2 | yapay | The actor spoke his lines artificially, with too much intonation. |
artist | B2 | sanatçı | We asked artists around the globe about their role as an artist in their local society. |
artistic | A2 | artistik | She shows real artistic talent. |
as | A2 | olarak, gibi, olduğu gibi | She’s as busy as I am. |
ashamed | B1 | mahçup, utanmış | Some believe that making overweight people feel ashamed of their weight or eating habits may motivate them to get healthier. |
aside | B2 | bir kenara | Aside from ancient Greece and Rome, the earliest examples of european literature are in irish. |
aside from | B2 | den başka | He looked human, aside from the fanged smile. |
apart from | B1 | dışında | There were no others apart from me and the trainer. |
ask | B1 | sormak | And we need to ask someone else for help. |
asleep | B1 | uykuda, uyuyan | The police report indicated that she fell asleep at the wheel . |
aspect | B2 | görünüş | The layout and floor plan will greatly affect a few different aspects of your event |
assist | B2 | yardım, yardımcı olmak | May I assist you? |
assistance | B2 | yardım, destek | Google Assistant is an easy way to use your phone and apps, hands-free |
assistant | B1 | yardımcı, asistan | Apparently her assistant arranges what the guy must wear. |
associate | C1 | ortak, birleştirmek | Through science we’ve got the idea of associating progress with the future. |
associated | C1 | with ile ilişkili | Since 1846, The Associated Press has done more than any organization in the world to expand the reach of factual reporting. |
association | B2 | dernek, ortaklık | The American Medical Association, founded in 1847 and incorporated in 1897, is the largest association of physicians |
assume | B2 | üstlenmek | People don’t assume you’re closed-minded or set in your ways. |
assure | B2 | sağlamak at de, da | His boss assured him that he had her continued support. |
atmosphere | B2 | atmosfer | An atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding a planet. |
atom | B2 | atom, zerre | Atoms are extremely small and are made up of a few even smaller particles. |
attach | B1 | iliştirmek, eklemek | You can attach one or more files to the email. |
attached | B1 | ekli | I’ve attached his job application for you. |
attack | B1 | saldırı | He had a sudden asthma attack. |
attempt | B1 | girişim, teşebbüs | Her successful attempt at going back to school inspired many people. |
attempted | B1 | denemek | I attempted a cast, but the wind blew it away. |
attend | B1 | katılmak | The doctor attended to the patient day and might. |
attention | B1 | dikkat | Pay attention to these sentences and answer the questions. |
attitude | B1 | tutum, tavır | She has a positive attitude. |
attorney | C1 | avukat | Many people ask whether or not they need a criminal defense attorney to assist them |
attract | B1 | çekmek, cezbetmek | I am attracted to him. |
attraction | B1 | cazibe | Social media offers many attractive ways to connect with customers. |
attractive | A2 | çekici | hey do this because they want to look more attractive. |
audience | B1 | seyirci, grup | An exampleof a target audience would be women in Florida between the ages of 25-45 with a bachelor’s degree. |
august | A1 | ağustos | My birthday is 23rd August 2000. |
aunt | A1 | teyze, hala | I will visit my aunt this summer. |
author | B1 | yazar | Here you’ll find guidance and tips for first-time and experienced authors on writing style and the best way to structure an article. |
authority | B2 | yetki, otorite | Scottish local authority environmental health departments carry out food sampling, as part of their enforcement of UK |
automatic | B2 | otomatik | If your licence is only for automatic cars, you can upgrade it by passing a driving test in a manual car. |
automatically | B2 | otomatik olarak | You can automatically create groups for users to participate in. |
autumn | A1 | sonbahar | Fethiye becomes a more laidback destination in autumn, with more locals than tourists. |
available | A2 | mevcut | What kinds of scholarships are available? |
average | B1 | ortalama | The term ‘average‘ refers to the ‘middle’ or ‘central’ point. |
avoid | B1 | önlemek, kaçınmak | View the list of poisonous foods to avoid. |
awake | B1 | uyanık, uyandırmak | He fell asleep immediately but awoke an hour later. |
award | B2 | ödül, vermek | The number of annual awards are restricted to a maximum of three in a particular year. |
aware | B2 | farkında, haberdar | She wa actually aware of the situation. |
away | A2 | uzakta, uzak | How far away is the city? |
awful | A2 | korkunç | The weather last summer was awful. |
awfully | A2 | çok, son derece | If something is done awfully, it is done in a bad and terrible manner. |
awkward | B2 | garip, beceriksiz | He is awkward! |
awkwardly | B2 | beceriksizce | He is acting awkwardly! |
Aşağıdaki bölümden A harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimelerin PDF veya ekran görüntüsüne ulaşabilirsiniz.
“B” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “B” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;

İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
baby | A1 | bebek | She is having a baby in the spring. |
back | B2 | geri, arka | When you take the scissors, remember to put them back. |
background | B2 | arka plan | He has photographed her against lots of different backgrounds. |
backward | B2 | ilerlememiş, geri | When he was a child, his teachers thought he was backward. |
backwards | B1 | geriye, geriye doğru | I walked backwards towards thedoor. |
bacteria | B1 | bakteriler | There are many different types of bacteria. |
bad | A1 | kötü, fena | We’ve just had some very bad news. |
badly | A2 | kötü, fena | I thought he was treated very badly. |
bag | A1 | çanta, torba | She pulled a pen and notepad out of her bag. |
baggage | B1 | bagaj | How many pieces of baggage do you have? |
bake | A2 | fırında pişirmek, kavurmak | Bake for 5 – 7 minutes in a preheated oven. |
balance | B2 | denge, dengelemek | New tax measures are designed to redress the balance. |
ball | A1 | top, bilye | Just try to concentrate on hitting the ball. |
ban | B2 | yasak, yasaklamak | The film was banned in several countries. |
band | A1 | grup, bando | The Beatles were probably the most famous band in theworld. |
bandage | B1 | bandaj, sarmak | The nurse put a bandage over the cut in my finger |
bank | A1 | banka | I am going to withdraw all my savings from the bank. |
bar | A1 | bar | I order a soft drink from the bartender who is behind the bar. |
bargain | B2 | pazarlık | Do not hesitate to bargain over the price. |
barrier | B2 | bariyer, engel | Police erected barriers to hold back the crowd. |
base | B2 | temel, baz | I felt a sharp pain at the base of my thumb. |
based | B2 | on dayalı | The company is based in Geneva. |
basic | B1 | temel, basit | The basic problem is very simple |
basically | B2 | temel olarak, aslında | The two PCs are basically the same. |
basis | B2 | temel, esas | This idea is the basis of my argument. |
bath | A1 | banyo, küvet |
I’ll fill the bath with water for you.
bathroom | A1 | banyo | I need to use the bathroom |
battery | A2 | batarya, pil | My car has a flat battery |
battle | B1 | savaş, çatışma | Her grandfather was killed in battle |
bay | B1 | defne, koy, körfez | The ship was anchored in the bay. |
be | A1 | olmak |
Be quiet!
beach | A1 | plaj, kumsal, sahil | Children love playing on the beach. |
beak | A2 | gaga, burun | The bird had a worm in its beak. |
bear | A2 | ayı | He have a bear. |
beard | A1 | sakal | My cousen with a beard |
beat | B2 | dövmek, yenmek | She beat the dog with a stick |
beautiful | A1 | güzel | Those roses are beautiful. |
beautifully | A2 | güzelce | I decorated my room beutifully. |
beauty | B1 | güzellik | The whole area is famous for its natural beauty. |
because | A1 | çünkü | I phoned because I needed to talk to you. |
because | A1 | o yüzden, nedeniyle, dolayı | I can’t go because I am ill. |
become | A2 | olmak | She became a doctor. |
bed | A1 | yatak |
He had only just got out of bed.
bedroom | A1 | yatak odası | The bedroom has an en-suite bathroom. |
beef | B2 | sığır eti | I want beef. |
beer | A1 | bira | She loves to drink beer. |
before | A1 | önce | She arrived before me. |
begin | A2 | başlamak | He began to talk |
beginning | A2 | başlangıç | Things went well in the beginning. |
behalf | B1 | adına | I’m collecting on behalf of the blind. |
behave | B1 | davranmak | They are behaving like children. |
behaviour | B1 | davranış | The teachers were pleased with the behaviour/behavior of the students. |
behind | A1 | arkasında, geride | Close the door behind you. |
belief | B2 | inanç | I have belief in his ability. |
believe | A2 | inanmak | I can’t believe that she wants to go out with me. |
bell | B1 | çan, zil | Please ring the bell for attention. |
belong | B2 | ait | I never felt that I belonged there. |
below | B1 | altında | The temperature there rarely drops below 22°C. |
belt | A2 | kemer, kayış | The car needs a new fan belt. |
bend | B2 | viraj, bükmek, eğmek | The road bent sharply to the left. |
bent | B1 | bükülmüş | The metal bars were bent and twisted. |
beneath | B1 | altında | He hid the letter beneath a pile of papers. |
benefit | B2 | yarar, yararlanmak | At that time, I didn’t have the benefit of experience. |
beside | A2 | yanında | She knelt beside his bed. |
bet | B1 | bahis | She won her bet. |
betting | B1 | bahse girme | He lost all his money betting on horses. |
better | A1 | daha iyi | Jeff’s been offered a better job in the States. |
best | A1 | en iyi | She’s one of our best students |
between | A1 | arasında | A narrow path runs between the two houses. |
beyond | B1 | ötesinde | Our house is just beyond the bridge. |
bicycle | A2 | bisiklet | The bicycle was their only means of rapid travel. |
bike | B1 | bisiklet | She like ride a bike. |
bid | B2 | teklif, teklif vermek | I made a bid of $150 for the painting. |
big | A1 | büyük | I come from a big family. |
bill | A2 | fatura | Have you paid the electricity bill? |
bin | B1 | çöp kutusu | I threw it in the bin |
biology | A2 | biyoloji | I going to biology class |
bird | A1 | kuş | Kiwis and ostriches are birds which cannot fly. |
birth | B2 | doğum | She gave birth to twins. |
birthday | A1 | doğum günü | She is celebrating her seventieth birthday. |
biscuit | A1 | bisküvi | We people who have never tasted chocolate biscuits. |
bit | A2 | parça | I wrote it down on a bit of paper. |
bite | B1 | ısırık, ısırmak | She bit into an apple. |
bitter | B1 | acı, sert | She learned from bitter experience. |
bitterly | B2 | acı olarak, için için | We were bitterly disappointed about the decision. |
black | A1 | siyah | She always dresses in black |
blade | B2 | kılıç | His penknife has several different blades |
blame | B1 | suçlamak, suçlama | Many people blame him forTony’s death. |
blank | B1 | boş | The space for the date was left blank. |
blankly | B1 | boş boş | She just stared at me blankly |
blind | B1 | kör | She went blind after an accident. |
block | B2 | blok |
The sink is blocked up.
blonde | A2 | sarışın | Aliki is a natural blonde. |
blood | A2 | kan | Blood poured from the wound in his side. |
blow | B1 | darbe, uçurmak, üflemek | He suffered serious blows to the head during the attack. |
blue | A1 | mavi | Her eyes are blue. |
board | A2 | tahta | He nailed some boards across the broken window. |
boat | A1 | tekne | They spent the afternoon boating on the river. |
body | A1 | vücut | They covered their bodies with mud. |
boil | A2 | kaynatmak | I’ll boil some water for a cup of tea. |
bomb | B1 | bomba, bombalamak | The bomb destroyed several office buildings in the city. |
bone | B1 | kemik | He broke a bone in his hand |
book | A1 | kitap | Please open your books. |
boot | A2 | çizme | Put on your boots and come. |
border | B1 | sınır | We crossed the border from Canada into the US. |
bore | A2 | sıkmak, delik | His war stories really bore me. |
boring | A1 | sıkıcı | The film was so boring, I fell asleep. |
bored | A1 | sıkılmış | I’m bored with doing homework. |
born | A2 | doğmuş | She was born in London in 1973. |
borrow | A2 | ödünç almak | I borrowed the book from my sister. |
boss | A2 | patron | I’ll ask my boss if I can leave work early tomorrow. |
both | A1 | ikisi de | The children both have red hair. |
bother | B2 | rahatsız etmek | The noise of the dogs barking bothered the old man |
bottle | A2 | şişe | This wine was bottled in France. |
bottom | A1 | alt, alttaki | Click on the icon at the bottom of the page. |
bound | B2 | bağlı | A country’s culture is bound up with its language and history |
bound | B1 | to bağlı olmak | The molecul bound together |
bowl | A2 | çanak, kase | Iwant a soup bowl. |
box | A2 | kutu | Will you box these apples? |
boy | A1 | oğlan | Steve’s gone out with the boys |
boyfriend | A2 | erkek arkadaş | What do you think of Sophie’s new boyfriend? |
brain | A2 | beyin | He has brains and good looks. |
branch | B2 | şube, dal | Neurology is a branch of medicine. |
brand | B2 | marka | The team plays a distinctive brand of football. |
brave | B1 | cesur | He died after a brave fight against cancer. |
bread | A1 | ekmek | Can you give me a slice of bread. |
break | A2 | mola, kırmak | The vase fell on the floor and broke. |
breakfast | A1 | kahvaltı | She had breakfast in bed this morning |
breast | B1 | meme, göğüs | He clutched the child to his breast. |
breath | B1 | nefes | His breath smells of garlic. |
breathe | B1 | nefes almak | Doctors gave him oxygen to help him breathe. |
breathing | B1 | nefes alma, soluma | The doctor listened to my breathing. |
breed | B2 | doğurmak, nesil | Rabbits breed and grow quickly. |
brick | B2 | tuğla | I walk on a brick way. |
bridge | A2 | köprü | We crossed the bridge. |
brief | B1 | kısa, özet | At the meeting reporters were briefed on the plans. |
briefly | B1 | kısaca | They discussed the matter briefly. |
bright | B1 | parlak, aydınlık | The room is small but bright. |
brightly | B1 | parlak, aydınlık | The stars shone brightly in the night sky. |
brilliant | A2 | görkemli | We saw a brilliant film. |
bring | A2 | getirmek | Did you bring an umbrella with you? |
broad | B1 | geniş | The wooden table was two metres/meters broad. |
broadly | B1 | geniş olarak | The plans have been broadly accepted. |
broadcast | B2 | yayın | The concert will be broadcast live next week |
broken | A2 | kırık, kırılmış | His leg’s broken in two places. |
brother | A1 | erkek kardeş |
I have two older brothers.
A1 | kahverengi | Her eyes are brown. |
brush | A2 | fırça |
He picked up the brush and began to sweep the floor.
bubble | A1 | baloncuk | The soup was bubbling on the stove. |
budget | B2 | bütçe | The government has cut the budget for education. |
build | A2 | inşa etmek | The bridge is built of steel and aluminium. |
building | A2 | bina, yapı | The new supermarket is a very ugly building. |
bullet | B2 | kurşun | The hunters bullet is gone. |
bunch | B1 | demet, grup | He handed me a bunch of flowers. |
burn | B1 | yanmak | The factory burned to the ground. |
burnt | B2 | yanmış | The bread is burnt. |
burst | B2 | patlama | A water pipe burst and flooded the cellar. |
bury | B1 | gömmek | He was buried next to his wife. |
bus | A1 | otobüs | I’ll go home by bus. |
bush | B2 | çalı | There was someone hiding in the bushes. |
business | A1 | iş | We do a lot of business with China. |
businessman | A1 | iş adamı | A management training school for local businessmen |
businesswoman | A1 | iş kadını | My aunt is a bussineswoman |
busy | A2 | meşgul | Mum was busy in the kitchen. |
but | A1 | fakat, ama | I’d drive you there, but I don’t have my car. |
butter | A2 | tereyağı | I eat a slice of bread and butter. |
button | B1 | düğme | Press the play button to listen to your recording. |
buy | A1 | satın almak | I went out to buy some milk. |
buyer | B1 | alıcı, müşteri | Buyers are about to arrive. |
by | A2 | tarafından, göre, ile | She was examined by a doctor. |
bye | A1 | bay, Hoşça kal | Bye, see you tomorrow. |
Aşağıdaki bölümden B harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimelerin PDF veya ekran görüntüsüne ulaşabilirsiniz.
“C” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “C” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;

İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
cabinet | A2 | kabin, dolap | The cabin is not close. |
cable | B1 | kablo | This channel is only available on cable |
cake | A1 | kek, pasta | I get a piece of cake. |
calculate | B2 | hesaplamak | Calculate the number of days in a century. |
calculation | B2 | hesaplama | I did some quick calculations to see if I could afford to buy it. |
call | B1 | arama, çağrı | I want to call the baby Alex. |
calm | B1 | sakin | Try to stay calm |
calmly | B2 | sakince | He spoke slowly and calmly. |
camera | A1 | kamera | He’s a natural in front of the studio cameras. |
camp | A2 | kamp | We camped on the beach for two nights. |
camping | A2 | kamp yapma | We’re going camping in France this summer |
campaign | A2 | kampanya | We make a election campaign. |
can | A1 | kutu, ebilmek, yapabilmek | Anna can speak four languages. |
cancel | B1 | iptal | The meeting has been cancelled. |
cancer | B1 | kanser | His wife died of cancer. |
candidate | B2 | aday | My uncla a presidential candidate |
candy | A2 | şekerleme | That child eats too much candy. |
cap | A2 | kapak | Please replace the cap after you’ve finished using the pen. |
capable | B2 | yetenekli | She’s a very capable young woman |
capacity | B2 | kapasite | The restaurant has a capacity of about 200. |
capital | A2 | sermaye, başkent | Paris is the capital of France. |
captain | B1 | kaptan, yüzbaşı | He’s captain of the college rugby team. |
capture | B2 | yakalamak | The campaign has really captured the public’s imagination. |
car | A1 | araba | She goes to work by car. |
card | B1 | kart | This phone accepts coins and cards. |
cardboard | B2 | karton | Today, most jigsaw puzzles are made of cardboard. |
care | B1 | bakım | He cares deeply about the environment. |
care | B1 | for umursamak | I couldn’t care less what people think. |
career | B1 | kariyer | She began her acting career in TV commercials. |
careful | B1 | dikkatli | Be careful. |
carefully | B1 | dikkatlice | She carefully carried the baby upstairs. |
careless | B1 | dikkatsiz | It was very careless of you to forget your passport. |
carelessly | B2 | dikkatsizce | He carelesly written essay |
carpet | A2 | halı carrot havuç | Many families have suffered enormous losses because of ruined carpets and furnishings. |
carry | A1 | taşımak | He was carrying my bags. |
case | B1 | durum | People were imprisoned, and, in some cases, killed for their beliefs. |
cash | A2 | nakit | I’m taking 100 euros in cash. |
cast | B2 | doküm, oyuncular | The cast are in rehearsal at the moment. |
castle | A2 | kale | He moved his castle to d5. |
cat | A1 | kedi | This is a big cat. |
catch | A1 | yakalamak | Try to catch the ball. |
category | B2 | kategori | Our customers fall into two main categories |
cause | B2 | neden, sebep | She died of natural causes. |
CD | A1 | cd | She’s in her bedroom listening to CDs. |
cease | B2 | durdurmak | He ordered his men to cease firing. |
ceiling | A2 | tavan | They have set a ceiling on pay rises. |
celebrate | B1 | kutlamak | Do you celebrate Christmas in your country? |
celebration | B1 | kutlama | You’ve passed? This calls for a celebration. |
cell | B2 | hücre | The human body is made up of cells. |
cellphone | A2 | cep telefonu | I have a cellphone. |
cent | A2 | sent | The newspaper costs sixty-five cents. |
centimeter | A2 | santimetre | My height is 176 centimeter. |
central | B1 | merkezi | The roof is supported by a central column |
centre | A2 | merkez | She stood in the centre of the room. |
century | A2 | yüzyıl | The family have owned the house for more than a century. |
ceremony | B1 | tören | 23 April CEREMONY for The National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. |
certain | A2 | belirli | He was quite certain about/of the thief’s identity. |
certainly | A2 | kesinlikle | She may never find out. I’m certainly not going to tell her. |
certificate | B1 | sertifika | I forget my exam certificate. |
chain | A2 | zincir | She wore a gold chain around her neck. |
chair | A2 | sandalye | He holds the chair of History at this university. |
chairman | B1 | başkan | Who is the chairperman presiding over the meeting |
chairwoman | B1 | kadın başkan | Who is the chairperwoman presiding over the meeting |
challenge | B2 | meydan okuma, itiraz | It was the element of challenge which attracted me to the job. |
chamber | B2 | bölme, oda | There were few members left in the chamber |
chance | B1 | şans | She has little chance of passing the exam. |
change | A2 | değişim | Meeting you has changed my life. |
channel | A2 | kanal | Please make your request through the proper channels |
chapter | B1 | bölüm | The fırst chapter was amazing. |
character | A2 | karakter | It’s not in her character to be jealous |
characteristic | B2 | karakteristik | Does he have any distinguishing physical characteristics? |
charge | B1 | ücret, suçlama | There’s no charge for children under 14. |
charity | B1 | sadaka, hayır, hayır kurumu | The raffle will raise money for charity. |
chart | B2 | grafik | I’m charting our progress. |
chase | B2 | kovalamak | The dog was chasing a rabbit. |
chat | A2 | sohbet | I wanted to chat to you about the party on Saturday. |
cheap | A1 | ucuz | I got a cheap flight to Spain at the last minute. |
cheaply | A2 | ucuza | You can buy some goods more cheaply in America. |
cheat | B2 | hile | He cheats at cards. |
check | B1 | ara, kontrol | Have you checked your facts? |
cheek | B1 | yanak | Tears ran down his cheeks. |
cheerful | B1 | neşeli | I’m not feeling very cheerful today. |
cheerfully | B1 | neşeyle | She waved cheerfully to me as I went past her house. |
cheese | A1 | peynir | The mouse wants to eat the cheese, but the window is closed. |
chemical | B2 | kimyasal | Some chemicals give off harmful fumes. |
chemist | B1 | kimyager | Where is the nearest chemist? |
chemistry | A2 | kimya | Chemistry was his favourite subject. |
cheque | A2 | ara, kontrol | I want to check my resipe. |
chest | B2 | göğüs, sandık | He was complaining of a severe pain in his chest. |
chew | A2 | çiğnemek | This meat is difficult to chew. |
chicken | A2 | tavuk | She keeps chickens |
chief | A2 | şef | The wonderful weather was our chief reason for coming here. |
child | A2 | çocuk | How many children are there in your class? |
chin | B1 | çene | His beard completely covers his chin. |
chip | B2 | çip | This cup has a chip in it. |
chocolate | A2 | çikolata | Have a chocolate. |
choice | B1 | tercih, seçim | If I had a choice, I’d give up work. |
choose | B1 | seçmek | I helped my sister choose a name for her baby. |
chop | B1 | kesmek, doğramak | Chop an onion finely. |
church | A2 | kilise | We used to go to church every Sunday morning. |
cigarette | A2 | sigara | She lit a cigarette. |
cinema | A2 | sinema | Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? |
circle | A2 | daire | We all sat on the floor in a circle. |
circumstance | B2 | durum | In the circumstances, I don’t see what else I could have done. |
citizen | B1 | vatandaş | My husband became a British citizen in 1984. |
city | A2 | şehir | Do you prefer living in the city or in the country |
civil | A2 | sivil | They married in a civil ceremony. |
claim | B2 | talep, iddia | She claimed that the dog attacked her. |
clap | B1 | alkış | The crowd clapped and cheered for more. |
class | A1 | sınıf | Katie and Sarah are in the same class at school. |
classic | B2 | klasik | Dan’s a classic example of a child who’s clever but lazy. |
classroom | A2 | derslik | Given the increased use of multimedia classrooms, more research is needed in this area. |
clean | A1 | temiz | You should try to keep the kitchen a bit cleaner. |
clear | A2 | temizlemek, açık, net | These photos are very clear. |
clearly | A2 | açıkça | He spoke very clearly. |
clerk | B2 | katip | He is bank clerk. |
clever | B1 | zeki | The algorithm is quite clever, simple and general. |
click | A2 | tık | The door clicked shut behind him. |
client | B2 | müşteri | This lawyer with a lot of famous clients. |
climate | B1 | iklim | Terrorism creates a climate of fear. |
climb | A2 | tırmanmak | He climbed up on a chair to change the light bulb. |
climbing | B1 | tırmanma | The top five places to go climbing in Australia |
clock | A1 | saat | She could hear the hall clock ticking |
close | A1 | yakın | His house is close to the airport. |
closely | A2 | yakından | Look closely at him. |
close | A1 | kapatmak | Lie down and close your eyes. |
closed | A1 | kapalı | We went to the library but it was closed. |
closet | B1 | dolap, klozet | This is my clothes closet. |
cloth | B2 | bez, kumaş | Woollen cloth is often more expensive than other cloths. |
clothes | A1 | giysi, elbise | She was wearing her sister’s clothes. |
clothing | B2 | giyim | He clothing so nice. |
cloud | A2 | bulut | The entire region is covered in thick cloud. |
club | B1 | kulüp | He goes to the club every Friday |
coach | B1 | koç | They employed a coach to help their son with his mathematics. |
coal | B2 | kömür | Give me a lump of coal. |
coast | B1 | sahil | They live on the east coast of Scotland. |
coat | A1 | ceket | Put on your coat. |
code | B2 | kod | The message was written in code. |
coffee | A1 | kahve | Do you want a cup of coffee? |
coin | B1 | bozuk para | The recently-formed country soon started to coin its own money. |
cold | A2 | soğuk | This soup has gone cold. |
coldly | B1 | sakinlikle | He looked at me coldly. |
collapse | B2 | çöküş | He collapsed and died of a heart attack. |
colleague | A2 | meslektaş | He gets on well with his colleagues. |
collect | B1 | toplamak | The police are continuing to collect information. |
collection | B1 | koleksiyon | I have a stamp collection. |
college | A2 | kolej, üniversite | He studies at agricultural college. |
colour | A2 | renk | She dressed in bright colours. |
coloured | A2 | renkli | She prefers white walls to coloured/colored walls. |
column | B2 | sütun | He added up the column (of figures) to find the answer. |
combination | B2 | kombinasyon | Strawberries and cream – a perfect combination! |
combine | B2 | birleştirmek | The band combines jazz rhythms and romantic lyrics. |
come | A1 | gelmek | Come and see what I’ve done. |
comedy | B1 | komedi | The film is a romantic comedy. |
comfort | B1 | konfor | The car has been designed for practicality, safety, and comfort. |
comfortable | A2 | rahat | We had a comfortable journey. |
comfortably | A2 | rahatça | We were comfortably accommodated in the Randolph Hotel. |
uncomfortable | B1 | rahatsız | These shoes are really uncomfortable. |
command | B2 | komuta | Jones was in command |
comment | B2 | yorum | He made negative comments to the press. |
commercial | B2 | ticari |
Private cars are allowed to use this road, but not commercial vehicles.
commission | B1 | komisyon | Many salesmen work on commission. |
commit | B2 | işlemek | He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn’t commit. |
commitment | B2 | taahhüt | Players must make a commitment to daily training. |
committee | B2 | komite | The committee meet(s) today |
common | B1 | ortak | English has some features common to many languages. |
commonly | B2 | çoğunlukla | These caterpillars are commonly found on nettles. |
communicate | B1 | iletişim kurmak | We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world. |
communication | B1 | iletişim | The school is improving communication between teachers and parents. |
community | B2 | topluluk | He did it for the good of the community |
company | B1 | şirket | I am happy to work in this company. |
compare | karşılaştırmak | ||
comparison | B2 | karşılaştırma | They published a comparison of schools in the area. |
compete | B2 | yarışmak | She’s competing for a place in next year’s Olympics. |
competition | B2 | yarışma | There’s a lot of competition between computer companies. |
competitive | B1 | rekabetçi | She’s very competitive. |
complain | B1 | şikayet | Lots of people have complained about the noise. |
complaint | B1 | şikayet | I wish to make a complaint. |
complete | B1 | tamamlama, tam | Our report is almost complete. |
completely | B1 | tamamen | I completely forgot that you were coming. |
complex | B2 | karmaşık | The situation is very complex. |
complicate | B1 | zorlaştırmak | These new regulations just complicate matters further. |
complicated | B1 | karmaşık | The instructions were too complicated for me. |
computer | A2 | bilgisayar | We’ve put all our records on computer. |
concentrate | A2 | yoğunlaştırmak | Be quiet – I’m trying to concentrate |
concentration | B1 | konsantrasyon | Because she lacks concentration she will never pass the exam. |
concept | A2 | kavram | His design was a new concept in town-planning. |
concern | B2 | endişe | Environmental issues concern us all. |
concerned | B2 | endişeli | People are becoming more concerned about what they eat. |
concerning | B2 | ilgili olarak | I’ve had a letter concerning my tax payments. |
concert | A2 | konser | I want go to concert. |
conclude | B2 | sonuçlandırmak | The concert concluded with a firework display. |
conclusion | B2 | sonuç | I’ve come to the conclusion that we’ll have to sell the car. |
concrete | B1 | beton | People have used concrete to build road |
condition | B1 | durum | He’s in no condition |
conduct | B2 | davranış | They’re conducting a survey. |
conference | B1 | konferans | The conference of heart specialists was held in New York |
confidence | B2 | güven | He’s a good student, but he lacks confidence. |
confident | B1 | kendine güvenen | He feels confident of winning. |
confidently | B1 | güvenle | He feels confident of winning. |
confine | B2 | hapsetmek | He was confined to a prison cell for several days. |
confined | B2 | hapsedilmiş | She was confined to bed with a cold. |
confirm | B1 | onaylamak | The report could not be confirmed independently. |
conflict | B2 | çatışma | The Government was in conflict with the unions over pay. |
confront | B1 | karşı koymak | Confronted with the evidence, she broke down and confessed. |
confuse | B1 | şaşırtmak | These advertisements simply confused the public. |
confusing | B1 | kafa karıştırıcı | I found the instructions very confusing. |
confused | A2 | şaşkın | Sorry, I’m completely confused. |
confusion | B2 | karışıklık | There was a lot of confusion about what was actually going on. |
congratulations | A2 | tebrikler | Congratulations on doing an outstanding job. |
congress | A2 | kongre |
He has been elected to Congress.
connect | B1 | bağlamak | Connect up the printer to your computer. |
connection | B2 | bağlantı | The connection between smoking and heart disease is well known. |
conscious | B2 | bilinçli | She became conscious of his stare. |
consequence | B2 | sonuç | The ship capsized, with disastrous consequences. |
consequence | B2 | muhafazakar | The money was of little consequence to Tony. |
consider | B1 | düşünmek | Have you considered surgery? |
considerable | B2 | önemli | The damage has been considerable. |
considerably | B1 | önemli ölçüde | Considerably fewer people came than I expected. |
consideration | B2 | düşünce | The consideration of others’ opinions is important in a healthy discussion. |
consist | B2 | of oluşmaktadır | The recipe consists of various ingredients such as flour, sugar, and eggs. |
constant | B1 | sabit | She showed constant dedication to her studies and achieved excellent grades. |
constantly | B1 | sürekli | He constantly checks his phone for updates. |
construct | B2 | inşa etmek | They plan to construct a new building in the city center. |
construction | A2 | inşaat | The construction of the new bridge will start next month. |
consult | B1 | danışmak | I need to consult with my lawyer before making a decision. |
consumer | B1 | tüketici | The consumer demands high-quality products at reasonable prices. |
contact | B1 | temas | Please get in contact with me as soon as possible. |
contain | B2 | içermek | The box contains books, toys, and stationery. |
container | A2 | konteyner | The container is used for storing food items. |
contemporary | B2 | çağdaş | He is known for his contemporary art style. |
content | B1 | içerik | The website has a lot of interesting content. |
contest | B1 | yarışma | She participated in a singing contest and won the first prize. |
context | B1 | bağlam | The context of a conversation is crucial for understanding its meaning. |
continent | A2 | kıta | Africa is the second-largest continent in terms of land area. |
continue | A2 | devam etmek | : I will continue working on my project until it is complete. |
continuous | A2 | sürekli | The continuous rain made it difficult to go outside. |
continuously | B1 | sürekli olarak | The machine operates continuously, without any breaks. |
contract | B1 | sözleşme | They signed a contract to formalize their business agreement. |
contrast | B2 | zıtlık | The bright colors of the flowers created a beautiful contrast against the green grass. |
contrasting | B2 | karşılaştırmak | She was wearing a black dress, which contrasted with her friend’s white outfit. |
contribute | B2 | katkıda bulunmak | Everyone should contribute to protecting the environment. |
contribution | B2 | katkı | His contribution to the team’s success was significant |
control | A2 | kontrol | You need to have control over your emotions in difficult situations. |
controlled | A2 | kontrollü | The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment to ensure accurate results. |
convenient | B1 | uygun | The hotel’s location is convenient for accessing the main attractions. |
convention | B2 | kongre | Scientists from around the world gathered at the convention to share their research findings. |
conventional | B2 | geleneksel | The couple decided to have a conventional wedding ceremony. |
conversation | B1 | konuşma | We had a pleasant conversation over a cup of coffee. |
convert | B1 | dönüştürmek | They want to convert the attic into a home office. |
convince | B2 | ikna etmek | She tried her best to convince her parents to let her go on the trip. |
cook | A2 | pişirmek, aşçı | I love to cook and try out new recipes. |
cooking | A2 | yemek pişirme | Cooking dinner together can be a fun and enjoyable activity. |
cooker | A2 | ocak | : The soup is boiling on the cooker. |
cookie | A2 | kurabiye | My mom baked delicious chocolate chip cookies. |
cool | A1 | serin, güzel | The weather is cool today, perfect for a walk in the park. |
cope | B1 | başa çıkmak | It can be challenging to cope with stress, but there are effective strategies to help. |
copy | A2 | kopya | Please make a copy of the document for each team member. |
core | A2 | çekirdek | The core of the issue lies in poor communication. |
corner | A1 | köşe | The cat likes to hide in the corner of the room. |
correct | A1 | DOĞRU | The answer to the question is correct. |
correctly | A2 | DOĞRU şekilde | She followed the instructions correctly to solve the puzzle. |
cost | B1 | maliyet | The total cost of the project exceeded our initial estimates. |
cottage | B2 | kulübe | They rented a cozy cottage by the lake for their summer vacation. |
cotton | B1 | pamuk | The shirt is made of soft cotton fabric. |
cough | B1 | öksürük | : He had a persistent cough that lasted for a week. |
coughing | B1 | öksürme | She couldn’t stop coughing during the meeting. |
could | A2 | olabilir | I could go to the party if I finish my work early. |
council | A2 | konsey | The city council meets once a month to discuss important issues. |
count | A2 | saymak | Can you count the number of books on the shelf? |
counter | B1 | sayaç | There is a counter at the entrance to keep track of the number of visitors. |
country | A2 | ülke | France is a beautiful country known for its rich history and culture. |
countryside | B2 | kırsal bölge | : I love taking long walks in the peaceful countryside. |
county | B1 | ilçe | He lives in the neighboring county, just a few miles away. |
couple | A2 | çift | The couple walked hand in hand along the beach. |
courage | A2 | cesaret | It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. |
course | A1 | kurs | I’m planning to take a photography course next month. |
court | A2 | mahkeme | The trial will take place in the district court next week. |
cousin | A1 | kuzen | My cousin is coming to visit us this weekend. |
cover | A1 | kapak | The book has a beautiful cover with vibrant colors. |
covered | B1 | kapalı | The sky was covered with dark clouds before the storm. |
covering | B2 | kaplama | : The wall was adorned with a beautiful wallpaper covering. |
cow | A1 | inek | : The cow grazed peacefully in the meadow. |
crack | B1 | çatlak | Be careful not to step on the cracked pavement. |
cracked | B1 | kırık | The vase fell and cracked into several pieces. |
craft | B1 | zanaat | : She is skilled in the craft of woodworking. |
crash | A2 | kaza | There was a loud crash as the car collided with the wall. |
crazy | A2 | çılgın | They went on a crazy adventure and had a lot of fun. |
cream | A1 | krem | I like to add cream to my coffee for a creamy taste. |
create | A2 | oluşturmak | Artists have the ability to create beautiful works of art |
creature | B2 | yaratık | The forest is home to many unique and fascinating creatures. |
credit | A2 | kredi | He applied for a loan to buy a car and got approved for the credit. |
credit | A2 | card kredi kartı | I used my credit card to buy the new laptop. |
crime | A2 | suç | The police are investigating the crime that occurred last night. |
criminal | A2 | suçlu | The criminal was caught and taken into custody. |
crisis | A2 | kriz | The country is facing an economic crisis. |
crisp | B1 | gevrek | I love the sound of biting into a crisp apple. |
criterion | B2 | kriter | The main criterion for admission is academic achievement. |
critical | B1 | kritik | It is critical to address climate change for the future of the planet. |
criticism | B1 | eleştiri | He received constructive criticism on his presentation. |
criticize | B2 | eleştirmek | She didn’t hesitate to criticize the government’s policies. |
crop | A2 | ekin, mahsül | The farmers harvested the crop in the fall. |
cross | A2 | geçmek, çapraz | Be careful when you cross the road. |
crowd | B1 | kalabalık | The concert attracted a large crowd of enthusiastic fans. |
crowded | A2 | kalabalık, sıkışık | The subway was crowded during rush hour. |
crown | A2 | taç | The queen wore a beautiful crown for the ceremony. |
crucial | B1 | çok önemli | Teamwork is crucial for the success of the project. |
cruel | B1 | zalim | It is cruel to mistreat animals. |
crush | A2 | ezmek | She accidentally crushed the empty can under her foot. |
cry | A2 | ağlamak | The baby started to cry when she dropped her toy. |
cultural | A2 | kültürel | The city is known for its rich cultural heritage. |
culture | A1 | kültür | Learning about different cultures broadens our perspective. |
cup | A1 | fincan | I like to start my day with a cup of hot tea. |
cupboard | A2 | dolap | She stored her dishes and glasses in the kitchen cupboard. |
curb | A2 | zapt etmek | The city implemented measures to curb pollution. |
cure | B2 | tedavi | Scientists are working on finding a cure for cancer. |
curious | B1 | meraklı | The child was curious about the world and asked many questions. |
curiously | B1 | merakla | She looked curiously at the strange object on the table. |
curl | A2 | kıvırmak | She likes to curl her hair using a curling iron. |
curly | A2 | kıvırcık | He has beautiful curly hair that bounces when he walks. |
current | B1 | akım, geçerli | The current in the river was too strong for swimming. |
currently | B1 | şu anda | I am currently studying for my exams. |
curtain | B2 | perde | She pulled the curtain to block out the sunlight. |
curve | A2 | eğri | The road ahead had a sharp curve, so we slowed down. |
curved | B1 | kavisli | The bridge had a curved design, resembling a rainbow. |
custom | A2 | gelenek, ısmarlama | It is a custom to exchange gifts during the holiday season. |
customer | A2 | müşteri | The store provides excellent service to its customers. |
customs | B1 | gümrük | You need to declare your goods at customs when traveling internationally. |
cut | B1 | kesmek | She used a knife to cut the vegetables for the salad. |
cycle | A2 | devir | The washing machine goes through a cycle of washing, rinsing, and spinning. |
cycling | A2 | bisiklete binmek | He enjoys cycling in the park on weekends. |
Aşağıdaki bölümden C harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimelerin PDF veya ekran görüntüsüne ulaşabilirsiniz.
“D” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “D” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;

İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
dad | A1 | baba | My dad is the best. |
daily | A2 | günlük | I write in my diary daily |
damage | A2 | hasar | Be careful not to damage the furniture. |
damp | B1 | nemli | The clothes are still damp after being washed |
dance | A1 | dans etmek | She’s dancing with Steven |
dancing | A2 | dans etme | She likes ballroom dancing. |
dancer | A1 | dansçı | The dancer performed gracefully on stage |
danger | A2 | tehlike | Crossing the road without looking both ways is dangerous. |
dangerous | A2 | tehlikeli | It’s important to be cautious in dangerous situations. |
dare | B1 | cesaret etmek | I dare you to jump off the diving board |
dark | A1 | karanlık | I don’t like being in a dark room alone. |
data | A2 | veri | The scientist analyzed the data collected from the experiment |
date | A2 | tarih, randevu | Let’s set a date for our meeting. |
daughter | A1 | kız evlat | My daughter loves playing with her toys. |
day | A1 | gün | We had a great day at the beach |
dead | A2 | ölü | The flowers wilted and are now dead |
deaf | B1 | sağır | He uses sign language to communicate because he is deaf. |
deal | B1 | anlaşma | We reached a deal after long negotiations. |
deal | B1 | with uğraşmak | I have to deal with this difficult situation. |
dear | A2 | sevgili, değerli | Dear John, I hope you’re doing well. |
death | A2 | ölüm | The news of his death came as a shock |
debate | B1 | tartışma | The politicians engaged in a heated debate |
debt | B1 | borç | I’m struggling to pay off my debts |
decade | B1 | on yıl | The fashion trends have changed over the past decade |
decay | B2 | çürüme | The tooth decay was caused by poor dental hygiene |
december | B1 | aralık | I love the festive atmosphere in December. |
decide | A2 | karar vermek | It took me a long time to decide which movie to watch |
decision | A2 | karar | Making important decisions can be challenging |
declare | B1 | bildirmek | He declared his intention to run for president. |
decline | B1 | reddetmek, düşüş | I had to decline the invitation due to a prior commitment |
decorate | A2 | süslemek | We decorate the house with lights and ornaments during the holiday season. |
decoration | B1 | dekorasyon | The room looked beautiful with the colorful decorations. |
decorative | B2 | dekoratif | She bought some decorative pillows to enhance the living room’s appearance. |
decrease | A2 | azaltmak | We need to decrease our expenses to save money |
deep | A1 | derin | The ocean is deep and mysterious. |
deeply | A2 | derinden | I am deeply grateful for your help. |
defeat | B1 | yenilgi | They suffered a crushing defeat in the final match. |
defence | B1 | savunma | The team’s defense was solid throughout the game. |
defend | B1 | savunmak | He bravely defended his principles. |
define | A2 | tanımlamak | Can you define the meaning of this word? |
definite | B1 | kesin | Can you define the meaning of this word? |
definitely | B1 | kesinlikle | I will definitely attend the party. |
definition | B1 | tanımlama | The dictionary provides the definition of each word |
degree | B1 | derece | The temperature today is 25 degrees Celsius |
delay | A2 | gecikme | I apologize for the delay in responding to your email. |
deliberate | B1 | kasıtlı | He made a deliberate decision to quit his job. |
deliberately | B2 | kasten | She deliberately ignored his calls. |
delicate | B1 | narin | Be careful with the delicate china plates |
delight | A2 | zevk almak, lokum | The children’s faces were filled with delight when they saw the presents |
delighted | A2 | memnun olmak | We are delighted to hear about your success. |
deliver | A2 | teslim etmek | He will deliver the package to your doorstep tomorrow |
delivery | B1 | teslimat | The online store offers free delivery on all orders. |
demand | B1 | talep | There is a high demand for the new product in the market |
demonstrate | A2 | göstermek | The professor will demonstrate the experiment during the lecture. |
dentist | B1 | diş hekimi | I have an appointment with the dentist next week |
deny | B1 | reddetmek | He denied any involvement in the crime. |
department | A2 | departman | She works in the marketing department of the company. |
departure | A2 | kalkış | The flight’s departure is delayed by one hour |
depend | B1 | on bağlıdır | The success of the project will depend on the team’s efforts. |
deposit | B1 | yatırmak, depozito | She deposited the money into her bank account. |
depress | B2 | bastırmak | The news of the accident depressed him. |
depressing | A2 | iç karartıcı | The rainy weather can be quite depressing. |
depressed | B1 | bunalımlı | He has been feeling depressed lately and seeks professional help. |
depth | A2 | derinlik | The ocean’s depth is unfathomable |
derive | B2 | türetmek | This word is derived from Latin. |
describe | B1 | tanımlamak | Please describe the symptoms you are experiencing |
description | A2 | tanım | Please provide a detailed description of the missing item. |
desert | B1 | çöl | The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. |
deserted | B2 | ıssız | The old house looked eerie and deserted |
deserve | B1 | hak etmek | He deserves recognition for his hard work. |
design | A2 | tasarlamak, tasarım | She is known for her unique fashion designs |
desire | B1 | arzulamak, arzu | He desires to travel the world and experience different cultures. |
desk | A1 | çalışma masası | I spend most of my day sitting at my desk. |
desperate | B2 | umutsuz | She was desperate to find a job after being unemployed for months |
desperately | B2 | umutsuzca | He searched desperately for his lost keys |
despite | B2 | rağmen | Despite the rain, they continued their outdoor activity. |
destroy | B2 | yıkmak | The hurricane destroyed many houses along the coas |
destruction | B2 | imha | The earthquake caused widespread destruction in the city |
detail | A2 | detay | Please provide more detail about your proposal. |
detailed | A2 | detaylı | He gave a detailed explanation of the projec |
determination | B2 | belirleme | His determination to succeed helped him overcome obstacles |
determine | B1 | belirlemek | We need to determine the best course of action. |
determined | B1 | belirlenen | She was determined to complete the marathon |
develop | B1 | geliştirmek | They are working to develop a new software application |
development | B2 | geliştirme | The company invested in research and development. |
device | B2 | cihaz | He uses a tracking device to monitor his fitness activities. |
devote | B1 | adamak | She devoted her time to helping others |
devoted | B1 | sadık | He is a devoted husband and always supports his wife. |
diagram | B2 | diyagram, şema | The teacher drew a diagram on the whiteboard to explain the concept. |
diamond | B2 | elmas | She received a beautiful diamond necklace as a gift. |
diary | A2 | günlük | She wrote about her daily experiences in her diary. |
dictionary | B1 | sözlük | I use an English dictionary to look up unfamiliar words. |
die | B1 | ölmek | Many plants die in winter due to the cold temperatures. |
dying | B1 | ölen | The dying patient was surrounded by loved ones in the hospital room |
diet | B1 | diyet | She follows a strict diet to maintain her health. |
difference | B1 | fark | There is a noticeable difference between the two products. |
different | A2 | farklı | We have different tastes in music. |
differently | A2 | farklı olarak | She approached the problem differently than others. |
difficult | B1 | zor | This math problem is difficult to solve. |
difficulty | B1 | zorluk | He faced difficulties while learning a new language. |
dig | A2 | kazmak | He used a shovel to dig a hole in the ground |
dinner | B1 | akşam yemeği | Let’s go out for dinner tonight. |
direct | B1 | direkt | She gave me direct instructions on how to assemble the furniture |
directly | B1 | doğrudan doğruya | You can speak directly to the manager about your concerns |
direction | B1 | yön | Please give me directions to the nearest gas station |
director | B2 | yönetmen | The movie was directed by a well-known director. |
dirt | B1 | kir | He wiped the dirt off his shoes before entering the house. |
dirty | B1 | kirli | Please wash your hands if they are dirty. |
disabled | B1 | engelli | The organization provides support for disabled individu |
disadvantage | B1 | dezavantaj | One disadvantage of living in a city is the high cost of living. |
disagree | A1 | katılmamak | I have to disagree with your opinion on this matter. |
disagreement | A2 | anlaşmazlık | They had a disagreement about the best approach to solve the problem. |
disappear | B1 | kaybolmak | The magician made the rabbit disappear from the hat |
disappoint | B1 | hayal kırıklığına uğramak | Her performance in the play disappointed the audience. |
disappointing | A2 | hayal kırıklığı | The movie had a disappointing ending. |
disappointed | A2 | hayal kırıklığına uğramış | He was disappointed with the results of the competition |
disappointment | B1 | hayal kırıklığı | She felt a deep sense of disappointment when her plans fell through. |
disapproval | B2 | onaylamama | His parents expressed their disapproval of his decision to drop out of school. |
disapprove | B2 | reddetme | I disapprove of their behavior. |
disapproving | B1 | onaylamamak | She gave him a disapproving look when he arrived late. |
disaster | A2 | felaket | The earthquake was a major disaster that caused extensive damage. |
disc | B1 | disk | He inserted the disc into the DVD player. |
discipline | B1 | disiplin | The teacher emphasized the importance of discipline in the classroom |
discount | A2 | indirim | The store is offering a 20% discount on all items this weekend. |
discover | B1 | keşfetmek | She discovered an old photo album in the attic |
discovery | A2 | keşif | The discovery of a new species amazed scientists. |
discuss | B1 | tartışmak | Let’s sit down and discuss the issue |
discussion | B2 | tartışma | The panel engaged in a lively discussion on the topic. |
disease | B1 | hastalık | Many people are affected by this rare disease. |
disgust | A2 | iğrenme | The sight of the rotting food filled him with disgust. |
disgusting | B2 | iğrenç | She found the smell of the garbage to be disgusting. |
disgusted | B2 | bıkkın | He was disgusted by their rude behavi |
dish | A2 | tabak, yemek | She prepared a delicious dish for dinner. |
dishonest | A2 | sahtekar | He was caught in a series of dishonest business practices. |
dishonestly | B1 | namussuzca | She obtained the money dishonestly and faced legal consequences. |
disk | B1 | disk | Please insert the disk into the computer to access the files |
dislike | A2 | beğenmeme | I dislike the taste of olives. |
dismiss | B1 | reddetmek | The company decided to dismiss several employees due to budget cuts. |
display | B1 | göstermek, ekran, görüntü | The museum displayed a collection of ancient artifacts. |
dissolve | B1 | eritmek | He dissolved the sugar in the hot water to make a sweet syrup. |
distance | A2 | mesafe | The distance between their houses is quite far. |
distinguish | A2 | ayırmak | She can easily distinguish between different bird species. |
distribute | A2 | dağıtmak | They distribute food and supplies to those in need. |
distribution | B1 | dağıtım | The distribution of the new product will begin next month |
district | A2 | ilçe | She lives in the downtown district of the city. |
disturb | A2 | rahatsız etmek | Please don’t disturb me while I’m studying. |
disturbing | B1 | rahatsız edici | The movie had some disturbing scenes. |
divide | A2 | bölmek | Let’s divide the tasks among the team members. |
division | B1 | bölünme | The division of labor improved efficiency in the company. |
divorce | B1 | boşanmak | They decided to get a divorce after years of marriage. |
divorced | A2 | boşanmış | She is divorced and lives with her children. |
doctor | B1 | doktor, hekim | I need to see a doctor because I’m not feeling well. |
document | A2 | belge, doküman | Please make sure to sign the document before submitting it |
dog | A1 | köpek | Her dog is very friendly and loves to play fetch. |
dollar | A1 | dolar | The price of the item is 10 dollars. |
domestic | B1 | yerli, iç | She prefers to buy domestic products to support local businesses. |
dominate | B1 | hükmetmek | He has a strong personality and likes to dominate conversations. |
door | A1 | kapı | Please close the door behind you. |
dot | A1 | nokta, benek | She put a dot at the end of her sentence. |
double | A2 | çift | He ordered a double cheeseburger for lunch. |
doubt | B2 | şüphe | I have some doubts about his story |
down | A1 | aşağı, aşağı DOĞRU | She walked down the stairs to the first floor. |
downstairs | A2 | alt katta, alt kat | The living room is downstairs in the house. |
downwards | A2 | aşağıya, aşağıya DOĞRU | The river flows downwards towards the valley |
downward | A2 | azalan | The company’s sales have shown a downward trend in the past year. |
dozen | A2 | düzine | She bought a dozen eggs from the grocery store. |
draft | A2 | taslak | Please review and provide feedback on the draft of the report. |
drag | A2 | sürüklemek | He dragged the heavy box across the room. |
drama | A2 | dram | She enjoys watching drama movies and plays. |
dramatic | B1 | dramatik, çarpıcı | The play had a dramatic ending that left the audience in awe. |
dramatically | B2 | dramatik | The price of the house dropped dramatically in just a few weeks. |
draw | A1 | çizmek, çekmek | He loves to draw and often creates beautiful artwork |
drawing | A1 | çizim | She made a detailed drawing of the landscape |
drawer | B1 | çekmece | He placed the documents in the top drawer of his desk. |
dream | A1 | hayal kurmak, rüya | I love to dream about fantastic adventures. |
dress | A1 | giydirmek, elbise | She helped me dress up for the party. |
dressed | A1 | giyinmiş | He was dressed in a formal suit for the wedding. |
drink | A1 | içmek, içki | Can I get you something to drink? |
drive | A1 | sürmek | I learned how to drive when I was 18. |
driving | A1 | sürme | She enjoys the feeling of freedom while driving on long road trips |
driver | A2 | sürücü | The bus driver was friendly and greeted us with a smile. |
drop | A2 | düşürmek, damla | Oops, I accidentally dropped my phone and it cracked. |
drug | B1 | ilaç, uyuşturucu | It’s important to take prescribed drugs according to the doctor’s instructions. |
drugstore | B1 | eczane | I need to stop by the drugstore to pick up my medication. |
drum | B1 | davul | He played the drums in a band and entertained the crowd. |
drunk | B1 | sarhoş | He had a few drinks at the party and got a bit drunk. |
dry | B1 | kuru | Hang your wet clothes outside to dry in the sun |
due | B2 | gereken | The report is due by the end of the week, so we need to finish it soon. |
due | B2 | to nedeniyle | The flight was delayed due to bad weather conditions. |
dull | B1 | donuk, sıkıcı | The lecture was so dull that I struggled to stay awake. |
dump | A1 | boşaltmak, çöplük | He dumped the trash into the dumpster. |
during | A1 | sırasında | I fell asleep during the movie. |
dust | B2 | toz | She used a cloth to dust the furniture. |
duty | B1 | görev | It is your duty to complete the assigned tasks. |
dvd | B1 | dvd | I rented a DVD from the store to watch tonight. |
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“E” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “E” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
each | A2 | her | Each student should complete their own assignment. |
each | A2 | other herbiri | They looked at each other and smiled. |
ear | A1 | kulak | My ear hurts, I might have an ear infection. |
early | B1 | erken | I woke up early to catch the sunrise. |
earn | A2 | kazanmak | She works hard to earn a living. |
earth | A1 | toprak, yeryüzü | The earth is the third planet from the sun. |
ease | A2 | kolaylaştırmak | The new software will ease the process of data analysis. |
east | A2 | doğu | The sun rises in the east. |
eastern | B1 | doğu | We are planning a trip to explore the eastern part of the country. |
easy | A1 | kolay | The math problem was easy to solve. |
easily | A2 | kolayca | She easily completed the puzzle in record time. |
eat | A1 | yemek | I’m hungry, let’s eat something delicious. |
economic | A1 | ekonomik | The country’s economıc growth has slowed down. |
economy | A2 | ekonomi | The government is implementing new policies to boost the economy. |
edge | B1 | kenar | : Be careful not to stand too close to the edge of the cliff. |
edition | A2 | baskı | I bought the latest edition of my favorite novel. |
editor | A2 | editör, yayımcı | The editor reviewed and made changes to the manuscript. |
educate | B1 | eğitmek | Parents have a responsibility to educate their children. |
educated | B1 | eğitimli | She is highly educated and holds multiple degrees. |
education | A2 | eğitim | Access to quality education is essential for personal growth. |
effect | A2 | etki | The medicine had a positive effect on his health. |
effective | A2 | etkili | Regular exercise is an effective way to maintain good health. |
effectively | B1 | etkili bir şekilde | She managed her time effectively and completed all her tasks on time. |
efficient | A2 | verimli | The new technology helps to improve the efficiency of the production process. |
efficiently | B1 | verimli biçimde | The team worked efficiently to meet the project deadline. |
effort | A2 | çaba | With determination and effort, he was able to achieve his goals. |
eg | B1 | örnek | There are many fruits (e.g., apples, oranges, bananas) that are rich in vitamins. |
egg | A1 | yumurta | She cracked an egg into the frying pan to make an omelette. |
either | A2 | her ikisi | You can choose either the blue shirt or the red shirt for the party. |
elbow | B1 | dirsek | He accidentally bumped his elbow on the door while walking through. |
elderly | B2 | yaşlı | The elderly couple enjoyed their retirement in a peaceful countryside. |
elect | A2 | seçmek | The citizens will elect their new representatives in the upcoming elections. |
election | B1 | seçim | : The upcoming election will determine the new president of the country. |
electric | A2 | elektrik | I need to fix the electric wiring in my house. |
electrical | A2 | elektikli | The electrical appliances in the kitchen are modern and efficient. |
electricity | A2 | elektrik | The power went out, so we had no electricity for hours. |
electronic | B1 | elektronik | I bought a new electronic device for my home entertainment. |
elegant | B1 | zarif | She looked absolutely elegant in her evening gown. |
element | A2 | eleman, öğe | Hydrogen is an element in the periodic table. |
elevator | A2 | asansör | Take the elevator to the top floor of the building. |
else | A2 | başka | If you don’t like this book, we can find something else for you to read. |
elsewhere | B1 | başka yerde | I wish I could be elsewhere right now, enjoying a vacation. |
B1 | e posta | Please send me an email with all the details. | |
embarrass | A2 | utandırmak | Don’t try to embarrass him in front of everyone. |
embarrassing | B1 | utandırıcı | It was an embarrassing moment when she tripped and fell on stage. |
embarrassed | B1 | mahçup | He felt embarrassed when he realized his mistake. |
embarrassment | B1 | utanma | Her face turned red with embarrassment after her speech went wrong. |
emerge | B1 | çıkmak | The truth will eventually emerge from the investigation |
emergency | A1 | acil durum | Call 911 in case of an emergency. |
emotion | A2 | duygu | She expressed her emotion through a heartfelt letter. |
emotional | B1 | duygusal | The movie was so touching that it made me emotional. |
emotionally | B1 | duygusal yönden | He was emotionally affected by the news of his friend’s illness. |
emphasis | A2 | vurgu | The teacher put emphasis on the importance of punctuality. |
emphasize | B1 | vurgulamak | I want to emphasize that teamwork is crucial for success. |
empire | B1 | imparatorluk | The Roman empire was one of the greatest in history. |
employ | B1 | kullanmak, çalıştırmak | They employ over 100 people in their company. |
employee | B2 | işçi | The employee worked diligently to meet the deadline. |
employer | B2 | işveren | The employer provided excellent benefits for their employees. |
employment | B1 | iş | Employment opportunities have increased in the IT industry. |
empty | A2 | boşaltmak, boş | The room was empty with no furniture |
enable | B1 | etkinleştirmek | The key will enable you to access the restricted area. |
encounter | A2 | karşılaşmak, karşılaşma | I had a pleasant encounter with an old friend at the supermarket. |
encourage | B1 | teşvik etmek, cesaretlendirmek | His supportive words encourage me to pursue my dreams. |
encouragement | B2 | teşvik | She provided me with encouragement during difficult times. |
end | A1 | son | The movie had a surprising end that left the audience speechless. |
ending | A2 | bitirme, son | The movie had a surprising twist at the ending. |
enemy | A2 | düşman | He considered his rival as his greatest enemy. |
energy | B1 | enerji, güç | She had a lot of energy after a good night’s sleep. |
engage | B1 | tutmak | The teacher tried to engage the students in an interactive discussion. |
engaged | A2 | nişanlı | They recently got engaged and are planning their wedding. |
engine | A2 | motor, makine | The car’s engine started making strange noises. |
engineer | A1 | mühendis | He is an engineer and designs bridges. |
engineering | B1 | mühendislik | She is studying engineering at university. |
enjoy | A2 | zevk almak | I enjoy reading books in my free time. |
enjoyable | B1 | eğlenceli | The amusement park had many enjoyable rides and attractions. |
enjoyment | B1 | hoşlanma | She found great enjoyment in playing the piano. |
enormous | A2 | kocaman, büyük | The dinosaur in the museum was enormous in size. |
enough | A2 | yeterli | I have enough money to buy a new laptop. |
enquiry | B1 | soruşturma | They sent an enquiry to the hotel about room availability. |
ensure | B1 | sağlamak | Please ensure that all doors are locked before leaving. |
enter | A1 | girmek | He asked for permission to enter the building. |
entertain | B1 | eğlendirmek | The clown’s performance entertained the children at the party. |
entertaining | A2 | eğlenceli | The movie was highly entertaining with its humor and action. |
entertainer | A2 | şovmen | The entertainer had the audience laughing throughout the show. |
entertainment | B1 | eğlence | We went to the amusement park for some entertainment. |
enthusiasm | A2 | coşku, heyecan | He expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming concert. |
enthusiastic | B1 | hevesli | She is always enthusiastic about trying new things. |
entire | A2 | bütün,tüm | I have an entire day to myself tomorrow. |
entirely | B1 | tamamen, tümüyle | She is entirely focused on her studies. |
entitle | A2 | adlandırmak | His achievements entitle him to receive the award. |
entrance | B1 | giriş, hol, antre | The hotel lobby has a grand entrance. |
entry | A2 | giriş, girdi, kayıt | Please make sure to fill out the entry form completely. |
envelope | A2 | zarf, mektup | He sealed the letter in a large brown envelope. |
environment | B1 | çevre | We must protect the environment for future generations. |
environmental | B1 | çevresel | The company is committed to taking environmental measures. |
equal | A2 | eşit | All students deserve equal opportunities to succeed. |
equally | A2 | eşit olarak | She treats all her employees equally. |
equipment | A2 | ekipman | Make sure to wear proper equipment when going for a hike. |
equivalent | B1 | karşılık, eşdeğer | The value of the dollar is not equivalent to the euro. |
error | B1 | hata | There was a minor error in the calculations. |
escape | A2 | kaçış | The prisoner managed to escape from the heavily guarded prison. |
especially | A2 | özellikle | I love traveling, especially to exotic destinations. |
essay | A2 | makale | She received an A+ for her well-written essay. |
essential | B1 | esas özellik, gerekli | Water is an essential element for life to exist. |
essentially | B1 | esasen | Essentially, both options lead to the same result |
establish | A2 | kurmak | They plan to establish a new branch in the city center. |
estate | B1 | arazi, mülk | His family owns a large estate in the countryside. |
estimate | A2 | tahmin | The estimate for the project cost is within the budget. |
etc | A2 | ve benzeri, v.b | The store sells fruits, vegetables, bread, etc. |
euro | A1 | euro | I exchanged my dollars for euros before traveling to Europe. |
even | A2 | hatta, bile | The party was a success, even though it rained heavily. |
evening | B1 | akşam | I usually go for a walk in the park in the evening. |
event | B1 | olay | The car accident was a tragic event. |
eventually | B1 | sonunda | She struggled with her studies, but eventually she passed the exam. |
ever | A2 | hiç | Have you ever been to Paris? |
every | A2 | her | Every student should complete the assignment on time. |
everyone | A2 | herkes | Everyone at the office was excited about the new project. |
everything | B1 | her şey | I forgot my keys, my wallet, and everything else at home. |
everywhere | A2 | her yer | Traveling is exciting; you can find beauty everywhere. |
evidence | B1 | kanıt, delil | The lawyer presented strong evidence to support her case. |
evil | A2 | kötülük, kötü | The villain in the story was the epitome of evil. |
ex | A2 | eski | My ex-boyfriend and I are still good friends. |
exact | A2 | tam | Please be exact with your measurements for the project. |
exactly | B1 | tam olarak | I remember the details exactly as you described. |
exaggerate | B2 | abartmak | Don’t exaggerate the size of the fish you caught! |
exaggerated | B2 | abartılı | She exaggerated the size of the fish she caught. |
exam | A2 | sınav | I have an important exam tomorrow, so I need to study tonight. |
examination | B1 | sınav | The final examination will cover all the topics we studied this semester. |
examine | B1 | incelemek | The detective will examine the crime scene for any clues. |
example | A2 | örnek | Let me give you an example to explain the concept better. |
excellent | B1 | mükemmel | His performance in the competition was excellent. |
except | A2 | dışında, hariç | I like all fruits except bananas. |
exception | B1 | istisna | There’s an exception to every rule. |
exchange | B1 | değiştirmek, takas | I need to exchange these dollars for euros before my trip. |
excite | B1 | heyecanlandırmak | The news about the upcoming movie excited her. |
exciting | B2 | heyecan verici | The amusement park has many exciting rides. |
excited | B1 | heyecanlı | She was excited to meet her favorite actor at the event. |
excitement | B2 | heyecan | The excitement in the crowd was palpable as the team scored the winning goal. |
exclude | B2 | dışlamak | They decided to exclude him from the group because of his behavior. |
excluding | B1 | hariç | We are hosting a party at home, excluding the neighbors due to limited space. |
excuse | A2 | maruz görmek, bahane | She made up a lame excuse to avoid going to the event. |
executive | B1 | yönetici, yönetim | The executive board approved the new marketing strategy. |
exercise | A2 | egzersiz | Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. |
exhibit | B1 | sergilemek | The museum will exhibit rare artifacts from ancient civilizations. |
exhibition | B2 | sergi | I’m looking forward to attending the art exhibition this weekend. |
exist | B1 | mevcut | Does extraterrestrial life exist in the vastness of the universe? |
existence | B1 | varoluş | The concept of the soul’s existence beyond the physical body is a philosophical topic. |
exit | A1 | çıkış | Please use the emergency exit in case of a fire. |
expand | B1 | genişletmek | The company plans to expand its business operations to new markets. |
expect | B1 | beklemek | I expect you to arrive on time for the meeting. |
expected | B1 | beklenen | The expected delivery date for the package is tomorrow. |
expectation | B1 | beklenti | She had high expectations for the new movie, but it turned out to be disappointing. |
expense | B2 | gider | The travel expenses for the trip were higher than we anticipated. |
expensive | A2 | pahalı | The designer created an expensive and luxurious gown for the fashion show. |
experience | B1 | deneyim | He has extensive experience in the field of engineering. |
experienced | B1 | deneyimli | The company is looking for an experienced software developer to join their team. |
experiment | B1 | deney | The students conducted a scientific experiment in the laboratory. |
expert | A2 | uzman | The forensic scientist was called in as an expert witness during the trial. |
explain | B1 | açıklamak | Can you explain the concept in simpler terms? |
explanation | B1 | açıklama | The professor provided a detailed explanation of the complex theory. |
explode | B1 | patlamak | The fireworks will explode in a spectacular display of colors. |
explore | B2 | keşfetmek | They plan to explore the remote regions of the Amazon rainforest. |
explosion | B1 | patlama | The sudden explosion caused panic among the crowd. |
export | A2 | ihraç etmek | The export of local products contributes to the country’s economy. |
expose | B1 | ortaya çıkarmak | The journalist’s investigation helped expose the corruption in the government. |
express | A2 | hızlı | Please express your opinions freely during the meeting. |
expression | B1 | ifade | Her facial expression showed a mix of surprise and joy. |
extend | B1 | genişletmek | We need to extend the deadline for the project. |
extension | B1 | uzantı | The file should have a .docx extension. |
extensive | B1 | yaygın, geniş | The company has an extensive network of distributors. |
extent | B2 | kapsam | The extent of the damage caused by the hurricane was significant. |
extra | A2 | ilave | You can order extra toppings on your pizza. |
extraordinary | B1 | olağanüstü | Her extraordinary talents left everyone in awe. |
extreme | A2 | aşırı | The weather conditions were extreme during the storm. |
extremely | B1 | son derece | She was extremely happy with the test results. |
eye | A1 | göz | She has beautiful blue eyes. |
Aşağıdaki bölümden E harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimelerin PDF veya ekran görüntüsüne ulaşabilirsiniz.
“F” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “F” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
face | A2 | yüz | The face is the most expressive part of the human body. |
facility | B1 | tesis | The new facility will be equipped with state-of-the-art technology. |
fact | A2 | gerçek | It’s a fact that exercise is beneficial for our health. |
factor | B1 | faktör | Time management is a key factor in achieving success. |
factory | B1 | fabrika | The factory produces cars at a rapid rate. |
fail | A2 | başarısız | Despite his efforts, he failed to win the competition. |
failure | B1 | başarısızlık | The project’s failure was a result of poor planning. |
faint | B1 | soluk | She felt faint after standing in the sun for too long. |
faintly | B1 | zayıf olarak | The words were written faintly and were hard to read. |
fair | B1 | adil | We need to ensure a fair distribution of resources. |
fairly | B1 | oldukça, dürüstçe | The team played fairly throughout the tournament. |
faith | A2 | inanç | Her strong faith helped her overcome challenges. |
faithful | A2 | sadık | The loyal dog remained faithful to its owner. |
faithfully | A2 | içtenlikle | She always signs her letters faithfully. |
fall | A1 | düşmek | Be careful not to fall on the slippery floor. |
fall | A1 | over düşmek | The child tripped and fell over while playing in the park. |
false | A1 | yanlış | That statement is false, it’s not true. |
fame | B1 | şöhret | His fame spread quickly after his impressive performance. |
familiar | A2 | tanıdık, benzer | The new house looks familiar, it’s similar to the one they used to live in. |
family | A1 | aile | Family is the most important thing in my life. |
famous | A1 | ünlü | The movie stars a famous actor in the lead role. |
fan | A1 | fan, yelpaze | The fan was excited to meet her favorite singer. |
fancy | A2 | süslü | She wore a fancy dress to the party. |
far | B1 | uzak | The mountain is far away, it’ll take hours to get there. |
further | B2 | ileri, ilerideki, ayrıca | Let’s discuss this matter further during the next meeting. |
farm | A2 | çiftlik | They live on a farm and grow various crops. |
farming | A2 | tarım | Farming is the main source of income in this region. |
farmer | A1 | çiftçi | The farmer works hard to cultivate the land and raise animals. |
farthest | B1 | en uzak | The nearest town is the farthest place we can reach in an hour. |
farther | B1 | öteye, daha uzağa | Let’s drive a bit farther and see if there’s a better view. |
fashion | A2 | moda | She always follows the latest fashion trends. |
fashionable | A2 | şık | Sarah is known for her fashionable and elegant style. |
fast | A2 | hızlı | The cheetah is known for its fast speed. |
fasten | A2 | tutturmak | Fasten your seatbelt before the plane takes off. |
fat | A1 | yağ, şişman | The doctor advised him to reduce his intake of fat. |
father | A1 | baba | My father is a kind and caring person. |
faucet | B1 | musluk | The faucet in the bathroom is leaking, and it needs to be fixed. |
fault | B1 | hata | It’s not my fault that the project was delayed. |
favour | A2 | iyilik | She did me a favour by helping with my project. |
favourite | A2 | favori | Chocolate is my favourite dessert. |
fear | B1 | korku | The horror movie filled me with fear. |
feather | B1 | tüy | The peacock has beautiful feathers. |
feature | B1 | özellik | The new smartphone has an interesting feature. |
february | A2 | şubat | February is the shortest month of the year. |
federal | A2 | federal | The United States is a federal republic. |
fee | A2 | ücret | There is a small entrance fee to the museum. |
feed | A2 | beslemek | Please feed the hungry stray cats in the neighborhood. |
feel | A2 | hissetmek | I feel happy when I’m surrounded by friends. |
feeling | A2 | duygu | Love is a powerful feeling that can’t be described easily. |
fellow | B1 | adam, dost | He is a kind and helpful fellow. |
female | A2 | kadın | The movie focuses on the struggles of a strong female protagonist. |
fence | B1 | çit | The cat jumped over the fence to explore the neighbor’s yard. |
festival | A1 | festival | Our town holds an annual music festival during the summer. |
fetch | A2 | almak, getirmek | Can you fetch me a glass of water from the kitchen? |
fever | B1 | ateş | She has a high fever and needs to rest. |
few | B1 | az | Only a few people attended the meeting. |
field | B1 | alan | The soccer team practiced on the field before the match. |
fight | A2 | kavga, dövüş | They got into a fight over a minor disagreement. |
fighting | A2 | kavga, dövüş | The police arrived to break up the fighting crowd. |
figure | A2 | şekil | The artist created a beautiful figure out of clay. |
file | B1 | dosya | I need to organize my documents in a file. |
fill | B1 | doldurmak | Fill the glass with juice to the top. |
film | A1 | film | Let’s go to the cinema and watch a new film. |
final | A1 | son | The final match of the tournament will take place tomorrow. |
finally | A2 | nihayet, sonunda | After hours of waiting, the bus finally arrived finally. |
finance | A2 | finans, maliye | He works in the field of finance and deals with investments. |
financial | A2 | finansal, mali | The company is facing some financial challenges. |
find | A2 | bulmak | I need to find my keys before leaving the house. |
find out | A2 | bulmak, bulup çıkarmak | Let’s find out the truth behind this mysterious event. |
fine | A1 | ince, iyi, güzel | The fabric has a fine texture and feels soft. |
finely | A2 | ince | She chopped the vegetables finely for the soup. |
finger | A1 | parmak | Be careful not to burn your finger on the hot stove. |
finish | A1 | bitirmek, bitiş | I will finish my work before the deadline. |
finished | A2 | bitmiş | The project is finished and ready for presentation. |
fire | B1 | yakmak, ateş, yangın | They gathered around the fire to stay warm during the camping trip. |
firm | A1 | firma | The firm specializes in software development. |
firmly | A1 | sıkıca | Hold the rope firmly to climb up safely. |
first | A2 | ilk, birinci | This is my first time visiting this city. |
fish | A1 | balık | We caught a big fish during our fishing trip. |
fishing | A2 | balık tutma | Fishing is a popular activity in this area. |
fit | A2 | uygun | The shirt doesn’t fit me well, it’s too tight. |
fix | A2 | düzeltmek | I need to fix the broken chair in the living room. |
fixed | B1 | sabit | The picture is fixed on the wall with tape. |
flag | A2 | bayrak | The national flag represents our country. |
flame | A2 | alev | The flame of the candle danced in the breeze. |
flash | A2 | parlama, flaş | Don’t forget to use the flash when taking photos in low light. |
flat | B1 | düz | The surface of the lake was flat and calm. |
flavour | B1 | lezzet | The flavour of the cake was delightful. |
flight | A2 | uçuş | I have a flight tomorrow morning for my business trip. |
float | A2 | yüzmek, yüzdürmek | The boat floats on the calm water. |
flood | B1 | sel | The heavy rain caused a flood in the city. |
floor | A2 | zemin, kat | The ball rolled across the floor and hit the wall. |
flour | A2 | un | I need to buy some flour to bake bread. |
flow | A2 | akış | The river flows gently through the valley. |
flower | A1 | çiçek | The garden is full of colorful flowers. |
flu | A2 | grip | I caught the flu and had to stay home for a week. |
fly | A1 | uçmak, sinek | Birds can fly through the sky with ease. |
flying | A2 | uçuş, uçan | We watched the flying planes at the airshow. |
focus | A1 | odaklanmak, odak | Focus on your studies to achieve success. |
fold | B1 | katlamak | Please fold the paper in half and put it in your pocket. |
folding | B1 | katlanır | The folding chair is easy to carry around. |
follow | A2 | takip etmek, izlemek | Follow me to the park, I know a shortcut. |
following | A2 | izleme, sonraki, ardından | The following chapter of the book is very exciting. |
food | A1 | gıda, yiyecek | The supermarket offers a wide variety of food products. |
foot | A1 | ayak | She hurt her foot while hiking in the mountains. |
football | A1 | futbol | Football is a popular sport worldwide. |
for | A2 | için | For your birthday, I bought you a special gift. |
force | A2 | kuvvet, güç | The police used force to control the crowd. |
forecast | B1 | tahmin | The weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow. |
foreign | B1 | yabancı | The tourists enjoyed exploring the foreign city. |
forest | A1 | orman | We went for a walk in the forest and enjoyed nature. |
forever | A2 | sonsuza dek | I will love you forever and always. |
forget | A2 | unutmak | I forget my keys at home this morning. |
forgive | A2 | affetmek | It’s important to forgive others and let go of grudges. |
fork | A2 | çatal | Pass me the fork, please. I need to eat. |
form | B1 | oluşturmak, kurmak, | The team will form a plan for the upcoming project. |
form, | A2 | biçim | The form of the sculpture was unique and captivating. |
formal | A2 | resmi, biçimsel | The event requires a formal dress code. |
formally | B1 | resmen, biçimsel olarak | The contract was formally signed by both parties. |
former | B1 | eski, önceki | He was the former CEO of the company. |
formerly | B1 | eskiden, önceden | The building was formerly used as a school. |
formula | A1 | formül | The scientist discovered a new chemical formula. |
fortune | A2 | servet | He inherited a great fortune from his wealthy grandfather. |
forwards | B1 | ileriye | The team is moving forwards with confidence. |
forward | B1 | ileri | Please step forward and introduce yourself. |
found | B1 | kurmak, dayandırmak | The company was founded by a group of entrepreneurs. |
foundation | B2 | vakıf | They established a charitable foundation to help those in need. |
frame | B1 | çerçeve | The beautiful painting deserves a stunning frame. |
free | A2 | ücretsiz, özgür, serbest | The concert tickets are available for free to the first 100 attendees. |
freely | A2 | serbestçe | Feel free to express yourself freely during the discussion. |
freedom | A2 | özgürlük | We cherish the value of freedom in our society. |
freeze | A2 | dondurmak, donmak | The ice cream will freeze if you leave it outside in the cold. |
frozen | A2 | donmuş, dondurulmuş | The lake was completely frozen during the winter months. |
frequent | B1 | sık | The restaurant is frequented by locals and tourists alike. |
frequently | B1 | sık sık | She travels frequently for her job. |
fresh | A2 | taze, yeni | I bought some fresh fruits and vegetables from the market. |
freshly | A2 | taze taze | The bread was freshly baked and smelled delicious. |
friday | A1 | cuma | Let’s meet up on Friday for coffee. |
fridge | A1 | buzdolabı | Don’t forget to put the milk in the fridge. |
friend | A1 | arkadaş, dost | My best friend is always there for me. |
friendly | A2 | samimi, arkadaş canlısı | He is known for his friendly and approachable nature. |
friendship | A2 | dostluk, arkadaşlık | The bond of friendship between them is unbreakable. |
frighten | B1 | korkutmak | The sudden loud noise did frighten the little child. |
frightening | B1 | korkutucu | The horror movie was frightening and full of suspense. |
frightened | B1 | korkmuş | The little girl was frightened of the loud thunder. |
from | A1 | itibaren, den, dan | The bus will leave from the station at 10:00 AM. |
front | A2 | ön, cephe | The sign says “No Parking” at the front of the building |
fruit | A1 | meyve | I to eat fresh fruit in the morning. |
fry | A2 | kızartma | Fry the eggs in a little bit of oil. |
fuel | B1 | yakıt | The car’s fuel tank is almost empty. |
full | A1 | tam, dolu | The box was full of old photographs. |
fully | A2 | tam, tamamen, tam olarak | I am fully prepared for the exam. |
fun | A2 | eğlence | The amusement park is a place of endless fun. |
function | B1 | işlev, fonksiyon | The main function of this machine is to print documents. |
fund | B1 | fon, sermaye | The startup received a fund to develop their product. |
fundamental | B1 | temel, ana | The fundamental principles of democracy are vital for a healthy society. |
funeral | B2 | cenaze, cenaze töreni | The funeral service will be held tomorrow. |
funny | A2 | komik, eğlenceli | That joke was really funny; it made us all laugh. |
fur | B1 | kürk | The coat is made of faux fur. |
furniture | B1 | mobilya, eşya | We bought new furniture for our living room. |
further | B2 | ayrıca, daha fazla | Please provide any further information if available. |
furthest | B1 | en uzak, en fazla | The top of the mountain is the furthest point from here. |
far | A2 | uzak, uzakta | The beach is not too far from our hotel. |
future | A2 | gelecek | We should plan for our future carefully. |
Aşağıdaki bölümden F harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimelerin PDF veya ekran görüntüsüne ulaşabilirsiniz.
“G” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “G” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
gram | A1 | gram | She measured the ingredients in grams for the recipe. |
gain | A2 | kazanç | After a lot of hard work, he achieved significant gain in his business. |
gallon | A2 | galon | The car’s fuel tank can hold up to 15 gallons of gasoline. |
gamble | B1 | kumar | Some people have a tendency to gamble despite the risks. |
gambling | B1 | kumar | Gambling can be addictive and harmful to individuals and families. |
game | A1 | oyun, maç | The children are playing a soccer game in the park. |
gap | B1 | boşluk, fark | There is a small gap between the two buildings. |
garage | A2 | garaj | Please park your car in the garage. |
garbage | A2 | çöp | Don’t forget to separate the garbage for recycling. |
garden | A2 | bahçe | We have a beautiful garden with colorful flowers and plants. |
gas | A1 | gaz | Be careful when handling gas cylinders. |
gasoline | B1 | benzin | The car needs gasoline to run efficiently. |
gate | A2 | kapı, geçit | Please close the gate when you leave. |
gather | B1 | toplamak, toplanmak | The villagers gathered in the town square for the celebration. |
gear | B2 | vites, dişli | Don’t forget to shift the gear when driving uphill. |
general | A2 | genel, umumi | The CEO made a general announcement about the company’s plans. |
generally | A2 | genellikle, genel olarak | Generally, I prefer to eat healthy and balanced meals. |
generate | B1 | oluşturmak, üretmek | Solar panels can generate electricity from sunlight. |
generation | B1 | nesil, kuşak | The older generation often has valuable wisdom to share. |
generous | B1 | cömert | She is known for her generous donations to charity. |
generously | B1 | bol bol | He always tips generously at restaurants to show appreciation. |
gentle | B2 | nazik, yumuşak | The doctor treated the patient with gentle care. |
gently | B1 | nazikçe, kibarca | The mother gently rocked her baby to sleep. |
gentleman | B1 | beyefendi, centilmen | He is a true gentleman, always polite and respectful. |
genuine | B1 | hakiki, gerçek | Her genuine smile brightened up the room. |
genuinely | B1 | gerçekten | She was genuinely happy to see her old friend again. |
geography | A2 | coğrafya | Geography was always her favorite subject in school. |
get | A2 | almak, edinmek | I need to get some groceries from the store. |
get | A2 | on binmek, bin | Let’s get on the bus and go to the city center. |
get | A2 | off inmek, in | We should get off the bus at the next stop. |
giant | B1 | dev, kocaman | The giant tree in the park provides shade on hot days. |
gift | A2 | hediye, armağan | She received a beautiful necklace as a gift from her parents. |
girl | A1 | kız | The little girl was playing with her toys in the living room. |
girlfriend | A1 | kız arkadaş, sevgili | John introduced his girlfriend to his family at the party. |
give | A2 | vermek | Please give me your honest opinion on this matter. |
give | A2 | away bağışlamak, vermek | They decided to give away their old clothes to charity. |
give | A2 | out bildirmek, yaymak, duyurmak | The company will give out free samples of their new product. |
give | A2 | up pes etmek, bırakmak | After many failed attempts, he decided to give up on his dream. |
glad | B1 | memnun | She was glad to hear the good news. |
glass | B1 | cam, bardak | The glass window was shattered during the storm. |
glasses | B1 | gözlük | He needs to wear glasses to see clearly. |
global | A2 | global, dünya çapında | Climate change is a global issue that affects us all. |
glove | A2 | eldiven | It’s cold outside, so don’t forget to wear your gloves. |
glue | A2 | tutkal, yapıştırıcı, zamk | Use glue to stick the pieces together. |
gram | A1 | gram | The recipe calls for 100 grams of flour. |
go | A1 | gitmek | Let’s go to the park and enjoy the sunshine. |
go | A1 | up yukarı git, yukarı gitmek be | They decided to go up the mountain for a better view. |
going | A1 | to gidiyor olmak | He is going to visit his grandparents next weekend. |
goal | A1 | hedef | Her team has a common goal of winning the championship. |
god | A2 | tanrı, Allah | Many people believe in a higher power, such as God. |
gold | A2 | altın | The jewelry store has a wide selection of gold items. |
good | A1 | iyi, güzel | She did a good job on her school project. |
good | A2 | at herhangi bir konuda iyi olmak | He is a good singer and dancer. |
good | A2 | for için iyi | Eating vegetables is good for your health. |
goodbye | A1 | elveda, hoşça kal | It’s time to say goodbye and part ways. |
goods | B1 | mal, eşya | The store sells various consumer goods. |
govern | B2 | yönetmek | The president is responsible for governing the country. |
government | B1 | yönetim, hükümet | The government introduced new policies to improve the economy. |
governor | B1 | vali, yönetici | The governor of the province attended the event. |
grab | B1 | kapmak, yakalamak | She managed to grab the last ticket for the concert. |
grade | A2 | derece, sınıf | He received an A+ grade on his math test. |
gradual | A2 | kademeli | The company made gradual changes to its policies over time. |
gradually | A2 | kademeli olarak | The tree’s colors change gradually as the seasons shift. |
grain | A2 | tahıl | The farm grows various types of grain crops. |
gram | A1 | gram | The recipe calls for 100 grams of sugar. |
grammar | A2 | dil bilgisi | She is studying English grammar to improve her writing. |
grand | A2 | büyük | The castle has a grand entrance with tall gates. |
grandchild | A2 | torun | The old man enjoys spending time with his grandchildren. |
granddaughter | A2 | kız torun | She loves spending time with her granddaughter. |
grandfather | A2 | büyük baba, dede | My grandfather tells the best stories from his youth. |
grandmother | A2 | büyük anne, nine | The grandmother loves baking cookies for her family. |
grandparent | A2 | büyük baba ve büyük anne | My grandparents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. |
grandson | A2 | erkek torun | He is very proud of his grandson‘s accomplishments. |
grant | B1 | vermek,bile | The government decided to grant financial aid to the small businesses. |
grass | B1 | çim, ot | The children played on the grass in the park. |
grateful | B2 | minnettar | I am grateful for your help and support. |
grave | B2 | mezar | They visited the grave of their ancestors in the cemetery. |
gray | A1 | gri | Her hair has started to turn gray with age. |
great | A2 | harika, büyük | The concert was a great success and received a standing ovation. |
greatly | B2 | büyük ölçüde | He greatly appreciated the recognition he received for his work. |
green | A1 | yeşil | The trees were covered in lush green leaves. |
grey | A1 | gri | The living room is painted in various shades of grey. |
grocery | B1 | bakkal | I need to go to the grocery store to buy some groceries. |
groceries | B1 | bakkaliye | She picked up a few items from the groceries for dinner. |
ground | B1 | zemin | The children played on the ground during recess. |
group | A2 | grup | The students worked together in a study group. |
grow | A2 | büyümek | Children grow quickly during their early years. |
grow | B1 | up büyümek | I want to see you grow up into a responsible adult. |
growth | B1 | büyüme | The company experienced significant growth in its revenue. |
guarantee | B1 | garanti etmek, garanti | We guarantee the quality of our products. |
guard | B1 | korumak, koruma, bekçi | The security guard patrols the building every night. |
guess | A2 | tahmin etmek, tahmin | Can you guess the answer to this riddle? |
guest | B1 | misafir | We have invited some guests for dinner tonight. |
guide | B1 | yol göstermek, kılavuz, rehber | The tour guide will guide us through the historical sites. |
guilty | B1 | suçlu | He felt guilty for breaking his friend’s toy. |
gun | A2 | silah | The police officer carried a loaded gun for protection. |
guy | A2 | adam | That guy over there is my cousin. |
Aşağıdaki bölümden G harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimelerin PDF veya ekran görüntüsüne ulaşabilirsiniz.
“H” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “H” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
habit | B1 | alışkanlık | Reading is a good habit that can expand your knowledge. |
hair | A1 | saç | She has long, brown hair. |
hairdresser | A2 | berber, kuaför | I need to make an appointment with the hairdresser for a haircut. |
half | A2 | yarı, yarım | He ate only half of his sandwich and saved the rest for later. |
hall | B1 | salon | The event will take place in the main hall of the building. |
hammer | B1 | çekiç | He used a hammer to fix the broken chair. |
hand | B1 | vermek, el | Please hand me the book on the shelf. |
handle | B2 | işlemek, sap | The suitcase has a comfortable handle for easy carrying. |
hang | B1 | asmak | You can hang your coat on the hook by the door. |
happen | B1 | olmak | Accidents can happen when we least expect them. |
happiness | B1 | mutluluk | Her happiness knew no bounds when she received the news. |
happy | A1 | mutlu | The children were happy to play in the park. |
happily | A2 | mutlu bir şekilde | They lived happily ever after. |
hard | A2 | sert, zor | The rock was hard and difficult to break. |
hardly | A2 | zorlukla | She hardly had any time to rest during the busy week. |
harm | B1 | zarar vermek, zarar | Please don’t harm the animals in the forest. |
harmful | B1 | zararlı | Smoking is harmful to your health. |
harmless | B1 | zararsız | The friendly dog is harmless and won’t bite. |
hat | A2 | şapka | He wore a stylish hat to protect himself from the sun. |
hate | A2 | nefret etmek, nefret | I hate when people are rude to others. |
hatred | B2 | kin | There is a deep hatred between the two rival families. |
have | A1 | olmak, sahip olmak | I have a new book that I want to read. |
he | A1 | o | He is my best friend. |
head | A1 | kafa, baş | She touched her head and felt a slight bump. |
headache | A2 | baş ağrısı | I have a terrible headache today. |
heal | B1 | iyileşmek | The wound will heal with time and proper care. |
health | A2 | sağlık | Regular exercise is important for maintaining good health. |
healthy | A2 | sağlıklı | Eating a balanced diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle. |
hear | A2 | duymak | Can you hear the birds singing in the trees? |
hearing | A2 | duyma | Hearing is one of our five senses. |
heart | A1 | kalp | The doctor checked her heart to ensure it was healthy. |
heat | A2 | ısıtmak, sıcaklık | Please heat the food in the microwave for two minutes. |
heating | A2 | ısıtma | The building has central heating during the winter. |
heaven | B1 | cennet | In many cultures, it is believed that good people go to heaven after death. |
heavy | A2 | ağır | Be careful, that box is heavy to lift. |
heavily | A2 | ağır şekilde | After carrying the heavy boxes, she was heavily out of breath. |
heel | B2 | topuk | She wore high-heeled shoes with stylish heels. |
height | B1 | yükseklik | The height of the mountain peak was over 3000 meters. |
hell | B1 | cehennem | In some religions, it is believed that sinners will go to hell after death. |
hello | A1 | merhaba | I greeted my friend with a warm hello. |
help | A1 | yardım etmek, yardım | Can you help me carry these bags? |
helpful | A2 | faydalı | The teacher provided helpful tips for studying effectively. |
hence | B2 | bundan dolayı | He missed the train, hence he was late for the meeting. |
her | A1 | onun | This is Jane, her hair is blonde. |
hers | A1 | onunki | I have my own pen, you can use hers. |
here | A2 | işte, burada | Here is your book that I borrowed. |
hero | A2 | kahraman | The firefighter was recognized as a local hero for saving the family from the burning building. |
herself | A2 | kendini, kendine | She took care of herself after the accident. |
hesitate | B2 | tereddüt | He hesitated before making a decision. |
hi | A1 | merhaba, selam | Hi, how are you doing? |
hide | B1 | gizlenmek | The cat tried to hide behind the curtain. |
high | A2 | yükseğe, yüksek | The airplane flew at a high altitude. |
highly | B1 | büyük ölçüde | The movie was highly praised by the critics. |
highlight | B1 | vurgulamak | Let me highlight the important points in the presentation. |
highway | B1 | otoyol | The highway was busy with traffic. |
hill | B1 | tepe | We climbed to the top of the hill to enjoy the view. |
him | A2 | onu, ona | I gave him a book as a gift. |
himself | A2 | kendisi, kendine | He hurt himself while playing soccer. |
hip | B1 | kalça | She injured her hip while playing sports. |
hire | B1 | kiralamak, işe almak | The company decided to hire a new employee for the position. |
his | A2 | onun, onunki | John is known for his dedication to his work. |
historical | B1 | tarihi, tarihsel | The museum exhibits various historical artifacts. |
history | A2 | tarih | We studied the history of ancient civilizations. |
hit | A2 | vurmak, isabet | He managed to hit the target with his arrow. |
hobby | A1 | hobi | Playing guitar is his favorite hobby. |
hold | B1 | tutmak, ambar | Hold the rope tightly, so it doesn’t slip. |
hole | B2 | delik | There was a hole in the wall. |
holiday | A2 | tatil | We plan to go on a beach holiday next month. |
hollow | B1 | çukur | The old tree had a hollow trunk. |
holy | B1 | kutsal | The church is considered a holy place. |
home | A2 | ev | I’m going back home after work. |
homework | A2 | ev ödevi | I have a lot of homework to finish tonight. |
honest | A2 | dürüst | She is known for her honest and straightforward communication. |
honestly | A2 | dürüstçe | Honestly, I didn’t expect him to react that way. |
honour | B1 | onur | It’s a matter of honour to stand up for what you believe in. |
hook | B1 | kanca | The fish took the bait and got caught on the hook. |
hope | B1 | ummak, umut | We hope for a brighter future for everyone. |
horizontal | B2 | yatay | Hang the picture in a horizontal position on the wall. |
horn | A2 | boynuz | The loud sound of the car horn startled the pedestrians. |
horror | A2 | korku | The movie was a gripping horror story that kept us on the edge of our seats. |
horse | A1 | at | Riding a horse can be an exhilarating experience. |
hospital | A1 | hastane | He was rushed to the hospital after the accident. |
host | B1 | ev sahipliği yapmak, ev sahibi | As the host of the party, she made sure everyone felt welcome and comfortable. |
hot | A2 | sıcak, acı | Today the weather is very hot. |
hotel | A1 | otel | We have chosen a nice hotel for our vacation. |
hour | A1 | saat | The meeting will start in half an hour. |
house | A1 | ev | We moved to a new house. |
housing | A2 | konut | The city needs more affordable housing. |
household | B1 | ev halkı | The whole household gathered and had dinner together. |
how | A1 | nasıl | Let’s think about how we can solve this problem. |
however | B1 | her halükarda, ancak, halbuki | Plans changed, however the outcome was still great. |
huge | B1 | kocaman | Those trees look huge and magnificent. |
human | A2 | insan | Technology has greatly impacted human life. |
humorous | B1 | nükteli, komik | His humorous and witty sense of humor made everyone laugh. |
humour | B1 | mizah | Humor can help us relieve the stress of life. |
hungry | A2 | aç | I’m very hungry today, I need to eat something. |
hunt | B1 | avlamak | We’re going to hunt for deer in the forest. |
hunting | B1 | avcılık | Hunting is one of my father’s favorite hobbies. |
hurry | B2 | acele etmek, acele | I need to hurry to not be late for school. |
hurt | A2 | incitmek, zarar vermek | I didn’t mean to hurt her, I just told the truth. |
husband | A2 | koca, eş | My husband is very understanding and helpful. |
Aşağıdaki bölümden H harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimelerin PDF veya ekran görüntüsüne ulaşabilirsiniz.
“i” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “i” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
I | A1 | ben | I am learning Turkish. |
ice | A1 | buz | I like to eat ice cream. |
ice cream | A1 | dondurma | I like to eat ice cream. |
idea | A1 | fikir ideal en iyi | I like the idea. |
ideally | B2 | en iyi şekilde | Ideally, I would like to work from home. |
identify | B2 | tanımlamak | Every baby can identify its mother by her voice. |
identity | B2 | kimlik | The identity of the witness is kept secret. |
if | A2 | eğer, ise | I don’t know if we can afford a new house. |
ignore | B2 | aldırmamak, yoksaymak | She smiled at him but he ignored her. |
ill | A2 | hasta | She was vey ill yesterday. |
illegal | B2 | yasadışı | Stealling is illegal. |
illegally | B2 | yasadışı olarak | He entered the country illegally. |
illness | B1 | hastalık | He had suffered a lot becuase of a long illness. |
illustrate | B2 | tasvir etmek, ya da çizim yapmak | They have a beautifully illustrated brochure. |
image | C2 | imge, görüntü | I have an in image in my mind of how this office should be decorated. |
imaginary | C1 | hayali | When I was a kid I had an imaginary friend. |
imagination | B1 | hayal gücü | She has a very vivid imagination. |
imagine | B1 | hayal etmek | Imagine the world is more peacefull than ever. |
immediate | B2 | hemen, derhal | We need to take an immediate action. |
immediately | A2 | hemen, derhal | We need to take an action immediately. |
immortal | C2 | ölümsüz | Atatürk is immortal for for Turks. |
impact | B2 | etki | The new precautions will have an impact in the economy. |
impatient | B2 | sabırsız | He is an impatient sttudent. He can’t wait at all. |
impatiently | B2 | sabırsızlıkla | We were waiting impatiently for the show to begin . |
implication | C2 | içerme (belirtmeden) | She accused the party and, by implication, its leader too. |
imply | C2 | ima etmek | I’m not implying anything about your cooking. |
import | B2 | ithalat, ithal etmek | We import a lot of stuff from China. |
importance | B1 | önem, ehemmiyet | The importance on education comes first. |
important | A1 | önemli | Education is an important matter for parents. |
importantly | B2 | önemlisi | Most importantly, you must keep a record of everything you do |
impose | C1 | yüklemek, empoze etmek | Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes. |
impossible | B1 | imkansız | This is an impossible mission. |
impress | B2 | etkilemek | He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of technolgy. |
impressed | B2 | etkilenmiş | I am very impressed with the team. |
impression | B2 | izlenim | First impression is everything. |
impressive | B2 | etkileyici | That was an impressive performance from the team. |
improve | A2 | geliştirmek | I want to improve my English. |
improvement | B1 | gelişim | There is a great improvement in your English. |
in | A1 | içinde, dahil | Calculate the number of days in a century. |
inability | C1 | yetersizlik | Inability to use a computer is a serious disadvantage |
inch | B1 | inç | One inch is 2.54 centimeters. |
incident | B2 | olay | A boy was seriously injured in a shooting incident. |
include | A2 | dahil etmek | The bill includes tax. |
including | A2 | dahil olan | 5 people including 2 chidren injured in the accident. |
income | B2 | gelir | My income is higher this month. |
increase | B1 | artırmak | There is a high increase in the inflation. |
increasingly | B2 | giderek artan | People are becoming increasingly aware of this problem. |
indeed | B1 | aslında | We live in strange times indeed. |
independence | B2 | bağımsızlık | A month after independence, elections were held. |
independent | B2 | bağımsız | The audit will be done by an independent organization. |
independently | B2 | bağımsız olarak | Each part of the organization operates independently of the others. |
index | C1 | fihrist | Try to find in the index. |
indicate | B2 | belirtmek | Please indicate which which one you would like to buy. |
indication | C1 | belirti, gösterge | Ayse’s face gave no indication of what she was thinking. |
indirect | C2 | dolaylı | The benefits from pure research are often indirect. |
indirectly | C1 | dolaylı olarak | It will effect the people indirectly. |
individual | B2 | bireysel | This is individual price list. |
indoors | B1 | içeriye | Come indoors, it’s cold outside. |
indoor | A2 | kapalı, dahili | There is an indoor poool at this hotel. |
industrial | B2 | endüstriyel | The fund provides money to clean up chemically polluted industrial sites. |
industry | B2 | endüstri | The government is trying to attract industry to the area . |
inevitable | C1 | kaçınılmaz | The accident was the inevitable result of carelessness. |
inevitably | C1 | kaçınılması mümkün olmayan | Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk. |
infect | C1 | bulaştırmak | All the potato plants are infected with a virus. |
infection | B2 | enfeksiyon | The breathing problem has now been complicated by a chest infection. |
infectious | C2 | bulaşıcı | an infectious disease |
influence | B2 | etkilemek, etki | My grandmother had a strong influence on my early childhood. |
inform | B1 | bilgi vermek | Why wasn’t I informed about this earlier? |
informal | B2 | resmi olmayan, gayriresmi | The two groups agreed to hold an informal meeting. |
information | A2 | bilgi | Do you have any information about bus times? |
ingredient | B1 | içerik | You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk. |
initial | B2 | ilk | My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight. |
initially | başlangıçta, ilk olarak | Initially, most people approved of the new plan. | |
initiative | girişim | ||
injure | yaralamak | ||
injured | yaralı | ||
injury | hasar | ||
ink | mürekkep | ||
inner | iç, dahili | ||
innocent | masum, suçsuz | ||
inquiry | soruşturma | ||
insect | böcek, haşere | ||
insert | eklemek, girmek | ||
inside | içinde, iç, içeride | ||
insist | ısrar etmek, dayatmak | ||
install | kurmak, yerleştirmek | ||
instance | örnek | ||
instead | yerine | ||
instead | of yerine | ||
institute | enstitü | ||
institution | kurum, kuruluş | ||
instruction | talimat | ||
instrument | müzik aleti, enstrüman | ||
insult | hakaret, aşağılama | ||
insulting | aşağılayıcı | ||
insurance | sigorta | ||
intelligence | zeka, istihbarat | ||
intelligent | akıllı | ||
intend | niyet etmek | ||
intended | istenilen | ||
intention | niyet | ||
interest | ilgisini çekmek, ilgi, faiz | ||
interesting | ilginç, ilgi çekici | ||
interested | ilgili, meraklı | ||
interior | iç, dahili | ||
internal | iç, dahili | ||
international | uluslararası | ||
Internet | internet, genel ağ | ||
interpret | yorumlamak | ||
interpretation | yorumlama | ||
interrupt | kesmek, yarıda kesmek | ||
interruption | kesinti, ara | ||
interval | aralık, ara | ||
interview | görüşmek, görüşme, mülakat, röportaj | ||
into | içine | ||
introduce | takdim etmek, tanıştırmak | ||
introduction | giriş, başlangıç | ||
invent | icat etmek | ||
invention | buluş | ||
invest | yatırım yapmak, yatırmak | ||
investigate | araştırmak, incelemek | ||
investigation | soruşturma | ||
investment | yatırım | ||
invitation | davet, davetiye | ||
invite | davet etmek | ||
involve | dahil, kapsamak | ||
involved | in dahil | ||
involvement | ilgi | ||
iron | ütülemek, demir | ||
irritate | kızdırmak | ||
irritating | rahatsız edici | ||
irritated | tedirgin | ||
island | ada | ||
issue | ihraç, sorun | ||
it | o | ||
its | onun | ||
item | madde | ||
itself | kendisi |
“J” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “J” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
jacket | ceket | ||
jam | reçel | ||
January | Ocak | ||
jealous | kıskanç | ||
jeans | kot | ||
jelly | jöle | ||
jewellery | mücevher | ||
job | iş | ||
join | katılmak | ||
joint | eklem, ortak, müşterek | ||
jointly | ortaklaşa | ||
joke | şaka | ||
journalist | gazeteci | ||
journey | seyahat | ||
joy | sevinç | ||
judge | yargılamak, hakim, yargıç | ||
judgement | hüküm, karar | ||
juice | meyve suyu | ||
July | Temmuz | ||
jump | atlamak, sıçramak, atlama | ||
June | Haziran | ||
junior | genç, küçük | ||
just | sadece | ||
justice | adalet | ||
justify | haklı çıkarmak, düzeltmek | ||
justified | haklı |
“K” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “K” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
keen | keskin | ||
keen | on istekli, meraklı | ||
keep | tutmak, korumak | ||
key | anahtar, kilitlemek | ||
keyboard | tuş takımı, klavye | ||
kick | tekmelemek, tekme | ||
kid | çocuk, ufaklık | ||
kill | öldürmek | ||
killing | öldürme, ölüm | ||
kilogram | kilogram | ||
kilometre | kilometre | ||
kind | tür, nazik | ||
kindly | nazikçe, lütfen | ||
kindness | iyilik, nezaket | ||
king | kral | ||
kiss | öpmek, öpücük | ||
kitchen | mutfak | ||
knee | diz | ||
knife | bıçak | ||
knit | örmek, örgü örmek | ||
knitted | örgü, dokuma | ||
knitting | örme, örgü | ||
knock | vurmak, vuruş | ||
knot | düğüm, budak | ||
know | bilmek | ||
known well | tanınmış, iyi bilinen | ||
knowledge | bilgi, malumat |
“L” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “L” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
label | etiketlemek, etiket | ||
laboratory | laboratuvar | ||
labour | emek, işgücü | ||
lack | yoksun olmak, yoksunluk, eksiklik | ||
lacking | eksik | ||
lady | kadın, hanım, leydi | ||
lake | göl | ||
lamp | lamba, ampul | ||
land | yere inmek, indirmek, arazi | ||
landscape | manzara, peyzaj | ||
lane | şerit, kulvar | ||
language | dil, lisan | ||
large | büyük, geniş | ||
largely | çok, büyük oranda | ||
last | son, en son, geçen | ||
late | geç, gecikmiş | ||
later | sonra | ||
latest | en son çıkan, en yeni | ||
latter | ikinci, ikincisi, sonraki | ||
laugh | gülmek, kahkaha | ||
launch | başlatmak | ||
law | kanun | ||
lawyer | avukat | ||
lay | koymak, yerleştirmek | ||
layer | katman | ||
lazy | tembel | ||
lead | öncülük etmek, öncülük | ||
leading | önemli | ||
leader | lider | ||
leaf | yaprak | ||
league | lig | ||
lean | eğilmek, yaslanmak | ||
learn | öğrenmek | ||
least | en az derece, en az | ||
leather | deri | ||
leave | ayrılmak | ||
leave | out dışarıda bırakmak, atlamak | ||
lecture | ders | ||
left | sola, sol | ||
leg | bacak | ||
legal | yasal | ||
legally | yasal olarak | ||
lemon | limon | ||
lend | ödünç vermek | ||
length | uzunluk | ||
less | daha az lesson ders | ||
let | izin vermek | ||
letter | mektup | ||
like | seviye | ||
library | kütüphane | ||
licence | lisans, ruhsat | ||
license | lisans, ruhsat | ||
lid | kapak | ||
lie | uzanmak, yalan | ||
life | hayat, yaşam | ||
lift | kaldırmak, asansör | ||
light | yakmak, ışık, hafif | ||
lightly | hafifçe | ||
like | beğenmek, gibi, sanki | ||
likely | muhtemelen, olası | ||
limit | sınırlamak, sınır | ||
limited | sınırlı | ||
line | hat, çizgi | ||
link | bağlamak, bağlantı | ||
lip | dudak | ||
liquid | sıvı | ||
list | listelemek, liste | ||
listen | dinlemek | ||
literature | literatür, edebiyat | ||
litre | litre | ||
little | azıcık, küçük | ||
live | canlı, yaşayan, yaşamak | ||
living | yaşayan, canlı | ||
lively | canlı, hayat dolu | ||
load | yüklemek, yük | ||
loan | borç, ödünç verme | ||
local | yerel | ||
locally | yerel olarak | ||
locate | yerleştirmek, yerini saptamak | ||
located | bulunan, yerini saptamak | ||
location | yer, konum | ||
lock | kilitlemek, kilit | ||
logic | mantık | ||
logical | mantıksal | ||
lonely | yalnız | ||
long | uzun zamandır, uzun | ||
look | bakmak, bakış | ||
look | after ilgilenmek | ||
look | at bakmak, gözden geçirmek | ||
look | for aramak, bulmaya çalışmak | ||
look | forward to sabırsızlanmak, can atmak | ||
loose | gevşek, serbest, bol | ||
loosely | gevşek | ||
lord | kral, lord | ||
lorry | kamyon | ||
lose | kaybetmek, kaçırmak | ||
lost | kayıp, kaybolmuş | ||
loss | kayıp, zarar | ||
lot | çok, bir sürü | ||
loud | yüksek sesle, gürültülü | ||
loudly | gürültüyle | ||
love | sevmek, aşk | ||
lovely | güzel, hoş | ||
lover | sevgili | ||
low | alçak, düşük | ||
loyal | sadık, vefalı | ||
luck | şans lucky şanslı | ||
luggage | bagaj | ||
lump | yumru, şişlik | ||
lunch | öğle yemeği | ||
lung | akciğer |
“M” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “M” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
machine | makine | ||
machinery | makinalar, mekanizme | ||
mad | deli, kızgın | ||
magazine | dergi, şarjör | ||
magic | büyü, sihirli | ||
postalamak, posta | |||
main | ana, başlıca, esas | ||
mainly | başlıca, ağırlıklı olarak | ||
maintain | sürdürmek, korumak | ||
major | büyük, önemli | ||
majority | çoğunluk | ||
make | yapmak, kazanç | ||
make | up uydurmak | ||
make | up makyaj | ||
male | erkek | ||
mall | alışveriş merkezi | ||
man | adam, insan | ||
manage | yönetmek | ||
management | yönetim | ||
manager | yönetici, müdür | ||
manner | tavır, tarz | ||
manufacture | üretmek, üretim | ||
manufacturing | imalat | ||
manufacturer | imalatçı, üretici firma | ||
many | çok, bir hayli | ||
map | harita | ||
March | Mart | ||
march | marş, yürüyüş yaptırmak | ||
mark | işaretlemek, iz | ||
market | piyasa, pazar, market | ||
marketing | pazarlama | ||
marriage | evlilik | ||
marry | evlenmek | ||
married | evli | ||
mass | kitle, küme | ||
massive | iri, ağır | ||
master | usta, efendi | ||
match | karşılaştırmak, eşlemek | ||
matching | eşleştirme | ||
mate | eşlemek, eş, arkadaş | ||
material | malzeme, maddi | ||
mathematics | matematik | ||
matter | önemli, madde | ||
maximum | azami, en fazla | ||
may | olası, mümkün | ||
May | Mayıs | ||
maybe | olabilir, belki | ||
mayor | belediye başkanı | ||
me | ben, bana, beni | ||
meal | yemek, öğün | ||
mean | kastetmek | ||
meaning | anlam, kasıt | ||
means | araç, vesile, anlamına gelmek | ||
meanwhile | bu arada, o esnada | ||
measure | ölçmek, ölçü | ||
measurement | ölçüm, ölçme | ||
meat | et | ||
media | medya, basın | ||
medical | tıbbi | ||
medicine | tıp, ilaç | ||
medium | orta, ortalama | ||
meet | karşılamak, tanışmak | ||
meeting | toplantı, buluşma | ||
melt | eritmek, erimek | ||
member | üye | ||
membership | üyelik, üyeler | ||
memory | bellek, hafıza, anı | ||
mental | zihinsel, ruhsal | ||
mentally | zihinsel olarak | ||
mention | anma, bahsetmek | ||
menu | tarife, yemek listesi | ||
menü | mere katkısız, sade | ||
merely | sadece, yalnız | ||
mess | karışıklık, dağınıklık, pislik | ||
message | mesaj | ||
metal | maden, metal | ||
method | usul, yöntem, metot | ||
metre | metre | ||
mid | orta | ||
midday | öğlen, öğle vakti | ||
middle | orta, ortadaki | ||
midnight | gece yarısı | ||
might | belki, olası | ||
mild | hafif, yumuşak | ||
mile | mil | ||
military | askeri | ||
milk | süt | ||
milligram | miligram | ||
millimetre | milimetre | ||
mind | aldırmak, akıl, zihin | ||
mine | mayın, benim, benimki | ||
mineral | mineral, maden, madeni | ||
minimum | asgari, en az, en düşük | ||
minister | bakan | ||
ministry | bakanlık | ||
minor | küçük, ikincil | ||
minority | azınlık | ||
minute | dakika | ||
mirror | ayna | ||
miss | kaçırmak | ||
missing | eksik, kayıp | ||
mistake | YANLIŞ yapmak, hata | ||
mistaken | yanlış, hatalı | ||
mix | karıştırmak, karışım | ||
mixed | karışık, karma | ||
mixture | karışım | ||
mobile | seyyar, hareketli | ||
mobil | mobile | ||
phone | cep telefonu | ||
model | numune, örnek olan | ||
model | modern modern, çağdaş | ||
mom | anne, ana | ||
moment | an | ||
Monday | Pazartesi | ||
money | para | ||
monitor | izlemek, ekran | ||
month | ay | ||
mood | ruh hali | ||
moon | ay, kamer | ||
moral | manevi, ahlaki | ||
morally | manevi olarak, ahlaken | ||
more | daha, daha fazla | ||
moreover | dahası, üstelik | ||
morning | sabah | ||
most | en, çoğu, en çok | ||
mostly | çoğunlukla | ||
mother | anne | ||
motion | hareket | ||
motor | motor | ||
motorcycle | motorsiklet | ||
mount | çıkmak, binmek, dağ | ||
mountain | dağ | ||
mouse | fare | ||
mouth | ağız | ||
move | hareket etmek, hareket | ||
moving | hareketli, hareket eden | ||
movement | hareket | ||
movie | film | ||
movie | theater sinema | ||
Mr | bay, bey, beyefendi | ||
Mrs | hanım, bayan, hanımefendi | ||
Ms | hanım, bayan, hanımefendi | ||
much | çok, fazla | ||
mud | çamur | ||
multiply | çarpmak, çarpma işlemi | ||
murder | öldürmek, cinayet | ||
muscle | kas | ||
museum | müze | ||
music | müzik | ||
musical | müzikli, müzikal | ||
musician | müzisyen | ||
must | meli malı (şart) | ||
my | benim | ||
myself | kendim, ben | ||
mysterious | gizemli, esrarengiz | ||
mystery | gizem, sır |
“N” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “N” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
nail | tırnak | ||
naked | çıplak | ||
name | isim vermek, isim | ||
narrow | dar | ||
nation | ulus, millet | ||
national | milli, ulusal | ||
natural | doğal, tabii | ||
naturally | doğal olarak | ||
nature | tabiat, doğa | ||
navy | donanma, deniz filosu | ||
near | yakın | ||
nearby | yakında | ||
nearly | neredeyse, hemen hemen | ||
neat | temiz, zarif | ||
neatly | temiz, temizce | ||
necessary | gerekli | ||
necessarily | zorunlu olarak | ||
neck | boyun | ||
need | gerekmek, gerekli, ihtiyaç | ||
needle | iğne, ibre | ||
negative | olumsuz | ||
negatif | neighbour komşu | ||
neighbourhood | komşuluk, semt, çevre, muhit | ||
neither | hiçbiri, ikisi de değil | ||
nephew | erkek yeğen | ||
nerve | sinir | ||
nervous | sinirli, gergin | ||
nervously | sinirli olarak, gergin biçimde | ||
nest | yuvaya yerleşmek, yuva | ||
net | ağ, file | ||
network | ağ, şebeke | ||
never | asla, hiçbir zaman | ||
nevertheless | yine de, buna rağmen | ||
new | yeni | ||
newly | yeni, yakın zamanda | ||
news | haber | ||
newspaper | gazete | ||
next | ardından, sonraki | ||
next | to bitişik, yanında | ||
nice | güzel, hoş | ||
nicely | güzelce, hoş | ||
niece | kız yeğen | ||
night | gece | ||
no | hayır | ||
nobody | kimse, hiç kimse | ||
noise | gürültü, ses | ||
noisy | gürültülü | ||
noisily | gürültüyle | ||
non | olmayan (olumsuz ön ek) | ||
none | yok, hiçbiri | ||
nonsense | saçmalık | ||
no | one kimse, hiç kimse | ||
nor | ne de | ||
normal | normal | ||
normally | normalde | ||
north | kuzeyinde, kuzey | ||
northern | kuzey | ||
nose | burun | ||
not | değil | ||
note | not etmek | ||
not | nothing hiç, hiçbir şey | ||
notice | bildirmek, ihtar, uyarı | ||
take | notice of dikkate almak | ||
noticeable | göze çarpan, farkedilebilir | ||
novel | roman | ||
November | Kasım | ||
now | şimdi, hemen | ||
nowhere | hiçbir yerde | ||
nuclear | nükleer, atom | ||
number | numara, sayı | ||
nurse | hemşire | ||
nut | ceviz |
“O” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “O” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
obey | itaat etmek, uymak | ||
object | itiraz etmek, nesne | ||
objective | objektif, nesnel | ||
observation | gözlem | ||
observe | gözlemek | ||
obtain | elde etmek | ||
obvious | açık, apaçık | ||
obviously | belli ki, apaçık | ||
occasion | fırsat, durum | ||
occasionally | bazen, ara sıra | ||
occupy | işgal etmek | ||
occupied | meşgul, dolu | ||
occur | oluşmak, meydana gelmek | ||
ocean | okyanus | ||
o’clock | saat | ||
October | Ekim | ||
odd | tuhaf, tek | ||
oddly | tuhaf bir şekilde | ||
of | yüzünden, nin, den | ||
off | kapalı | ||
offence | saldırı, suç | ||
offend | gücendirmek, kırmak | ||
offensive | saldırgan, kötü | ||
offer | teklif etmek, teklif | ||
office | ofis, büro | ||
officer | memur | ||
official | resmi | ||
officially | resmen, resmi olarak | ||
often | sık sık, sıklıkla | ||
oil | yağ, petrol, gaz | ||
OK | tamam | ||
old | eski, yaşlı | ||
old | fashioned eski moda, modası geçmiş | ||
on | üstünde, üzerinde | ||
once | bir kere, bir zamanlar, hemen | ||
one | bir | ||
one | another bir başka, birbirine | ||
onion | soğan | ||
only | sadece, tek | ||
onto | üstüne, üzerine | ||
open | açmak, açık | ||
openly | açıkça | ||
opening | açılış | ||
operate | çalıştırmak, işletmek | ||
operation | işlem, operasyon | ||
opinion | görüş, fikir | ||
opponent | rakip, karşı taraf | ||
opportunity | fırsat | ||
oppose | karşı çıkmak | ||
opposing | karşı, karşılıklı | ||
opposed | to karşı | ||
opposite | karşı, karşısında, ters, zıt | ||
opposition | muhalefet, karşıtlık | ||
option | seçenek, opsiyon or veya, ya da | ||
orange | turuncu, portakal | ||
order | sipariş vermek, sipariş, düzen, sıra, emir | ||
ordinary | sıradan, olağan, normal | ||
organ | organ, uzuv | ||
organization | organizasyon, örgüt | ||
organize | düzenlemek, ogranize etmek | ||
organized | düzenli, örgütlü | ||
origin | köken, menşei | ||
original | özgün, orijinal | ||
originally | aslında, aslen other başka, diğer | ||
otherwise | aksi takdirde, yoksa, başka türlü | ||
ought | to meli malı (ought to walk = yürümeli) | ||
our | bizim | ||
ours | bizimki, bizimkiler | ||
ourselves | kendimiz, bizler, kendimize | ||
out | dışarı, dışarıda | ||
outdoors | açık havada, dışarıda | ||
outdoor | açık hava, dışarısı | ||
outer | dış, harici | ||
outline | özetlemek, taslak, özet | ||
output | çıktı, üretim | ||
outside | dışında, dış, dışarıda | ||
outstanding | seçkin, göze çarpan | ||
oven | fırın, ocak | ||
over | fazla, aşırı, üzerine, üzerinde | ||
overall | bir uçtan bir uca, etraflı, tam | ||
overcome | üstesinden gelmek, atlamak, halletmek | ||
owe | borçlu olmak, minnettar olmak | ||
own | sahip olmak, öz, kendisinin, kendi | ||
owner | sahip, mal sahibi |
“P” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “P” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
peni | kuruş (kısaca) | ||
pace | hız, adım, yürüyüş | ||
pack | paketlemek, paket, ambalaj | ||
package | paketlemek, paket, koli | ||
packaging | paketleme | ||
packet | paket, bohça, çıkın | ||
page | sayfa | ||
pain | ağrı, acı | ||
painful | acı verici, üzücü | ||
paint | boyamak, boya | ||
painting | boyama, resim | ||
painter | ressam, boyacı | ||
pair | çift, eş | ||
palace | saray | ||
pale | soluk, solgun | ||
pan | tava | ||
panel | panel, pano, levha | ||
pants | pantolon | ||
paper | kağıt | ||
parallel | paralel | ||
parent | ebeveyn | ||
park | park etmek, park | ||
parliament | meclis, parlamento | ||
part | parça, bölüm | ||
take | part in yeralmak, katılmak | ||
particular | özel, belirli | ||
particularly | özellikle, bilhassa | ||
partly | kısmen | ||
partner | ortak, eş | ||
partnership | ortaklık | ||
party | parti | ||
pass | geçmek, geçiş | ||
passing | geçiş, geçen, geçici | ||
passage | geçit | ||
passenger | yolcu, gezgin | ||
passport | giriş izni | ||
pasaport | past geçecek şekilde, geçmiş, geçe | ||
path | yol, patika | ||
patience | sabır | ||
patient | hasta, sabırlı | ||
pattern | model, kalıp, desen | ||
pause | duraklamak, durma | ||
pay | ödemek, ödeme | ||
payment | ödeme | ||
peace | barış, huzur | ||
peaceful | huzurlu, sakin | ||
peak | tepe, zirve | ||
pen | kalem, tükenmez kalem | ||
pence | peni, sent, kuruş | ||
pencil | kalem, kurşun kalem | ||
penny | peni, kuruş | ||
pension | emeklilik, pansiyon | ||
people | insanlar, halk | ||
pepper | biber per başına, göre | ||
percent | yüzde | ||
perfect | mükemmel | ||
perfectly | kusursuzca, mükemmel bir şekilde | ||
perform | yapmak, uygulamak | ||
performance | verim, performans | ||
performer | sanatçı, oyuncu | ||
perhaps | belki, muhtemelen | ||
period | dönem, süre, periyot | ||
permanent | kalıcı, sürekli, daimi | ||
permanently | kalıcı olarak, daimi olarak | ||
permission | izin, müsaade, ruhsat | ||
permit | izin vermek, olanak vermek | ||
person | kişi, şahıs | ||
personal | kişisel, özel | ||
personally | şahsen, bizzat | ||
personality | kişilik, karakter | ||
persuade | ikna etmek, inandırmak, kandırmak | ||
pet | evcil hayvan | ||
petrol | benzin | ||
phase | faz, aşama, evre | ||
philosophy | felsefe, dünya görüşü | ||
phone | telefon | ||
photocopy | fotokopi | ||
photograph | fotoğraflamak, fotoğrafını çekmek, fotoğraf | ||
photographer | fotoğrafçı | ||
photography | fotoğrafçılık | ||
phrase | ifade, tabir | ||
physical | fiziksel, fiziki | ||
physically | fiziksel olarak, bedenen | ||
physics | fizik | ||
piano | piyano | ||
pick | seçmek, toplamak | ||
picture | resim, görüntü | ||
piece | parça, bir parça | ||
pig | domuz | ||
pile | yığmak, istif | ||
pill | hap, ilaç | ||
pilot | pilot, kılavuz | ||
pin | tutturmak, pim, iğne | ||
pink | pembe | ||
pipe | boru, pipo, baca, düdük | ||
pitch | saha, zift, perde, eğim | ||
pity | yazık, merhamet, acıma | ||
place | yerleştirmek, yer, mekan | ||
plain | düz, sade | ||
plan | planlamak, plan, taslak | ||
planning | planlama, tasarım | ||
plane | uçak | ||
planet | gezegen | ||
plant | dikmek, ekmek, bitki, tesis, fabrika | ||
plastic | plastik, naylon | ||
plate | plaka, levha | ||
platform | platform, rampa, podyum | ||
play | oynamak, çalmak, oyun | ||
player | oyuncu | ||
pleasant | hoş, keyifli, güzel | ||
pleasantly | hoşça | ||
please | lütfen, memnun etmek | ||
pleasing | hoş, memnuniyet verici | ||
pleased | memnun, hoşnut | ||
pleasure | zevk, keyif | ||
plenty | bol, bolluk, çok | ||
plot | yerini belirlemek, arsa, parsel, plan | ||
plug | fiş, tıpa, priz | ||
plus | artı, fazlalık, fazla, ayrıca | ||
pm | öğleden sonra | ||
cep, torba, kese | |||
poem | şiir | ||
poetry | şiir, şiir sanatı | ||
point | doğrultmak, nokta, puan | ||
pointed | sivri, sivri uçlu, keskin | ||
poison | zehirlemek, zehir | ||
poisonous | zehirli, fesat | ||
pole | direk, sırık | ||
police | polis | ||
policy | politika, siyaset, poliçe, tedbir | ||
polish | Lehçe, parlatma, cilalama | ||
polite | kibar, nazik, terbiyeli | ||
politely | kibarca, nazikçe | ||
political | siyasi, politik | ||
politically | politik olarak, kurnazca | ||
politician | politikacı, devlet adamı | ||
politics | siyaset, politika | ||
pollution | kirlenme, çevre kirliliği | ||
pool | havuz, bilardo | ||
poor | yoksul, kötü, zayıf | ||
pop | popüler, pop müzik popular popüler, sevilen | ||
population | nüfus | ||
port | liman, iskele | ||
pose | poz vermek, poz, duruş | ||
position | pozisyon, konum | ||
positive | olumlu, pozitif | ||
possess | sahip olmak, hakim olmak | ||
possession | sahiplik, sahip olma, kontrol altına alma | ||
possibility | olasılık, ihtimal | ||
possible | mümkün, olası | ||
possibly | muhtemelen, belki | ||
post | postalamak, posta, ileti | ||
post | office postane | ||
pot | tencere, kap, çömlek | ||
potato | patates | ||
potential | potansiyel, olası | ||
potentially | potansiyel olarak | ||
pound | pound, sterlin, libre | ||
pour | dökmek, boşaltmak, akıtmak | ||
powder | toz, pudra, barut | ||
power | güç, enerji | ||
powerful | güçlü, kuvvetli | ||
practical | pratik, uygulamalı | ||
practically | pratikte, hemen hemen | ||
practice | uygulama, pratik | ||
practise | uygulama, pratik | ||
praise | övme, övgü | ||
prayer | namaz, dua, ibadet | ||
precise | kesin, tam, kusursuz | ||
precisely | tam, kesin olarak, kesinlikle | ||
predict | tahmin etmek | ||
prefer | tercih etmek | ||
preference | tercih | ||
pregnant | hamile | ||
premises | tesisler, mülk, arazi | ||
preparation | hazırlık | ||
prepare | hazırlamak | ||
prepared | hazırlanmış | ||
presence | mevcudiyet, varlık | ||
present | sunmak, hediye, mevcut, şimdiki | ||
presentation | sunum | ||
preserve | muhafaza etmek, korumak | ||
president | başkan, cumhurbaşkanı | ||
press | basmak, basın | ||
pressure | basınç | ||
presumably | muhtemelen | ||
pretend | numara yapmak, yapar gibi görünmek | ||
pretty | oldukça, güzel | ||
prevent | önlemek, engel olmak | ||
previous | önceki, geçmiş | ||
previously | önceden, evvelce | ||
price | fiyat | ||
pride | gurur | ||
priest | rahip, papaz, keşiş | ||
primary | birincil, temel primarily öncelikle, başlıca | ||
prime | minister başbakan | ||
prince | prens, şehzate princess prenses | ||
principle | prensip | ||
yazdırma, baskı | |||
printing | baskı, basma | ||
printer | yazıcı, matbaa | ||
prior | önce, önceki | ||
priority | öncelik | ||
prison | hapis, cezaevi | ||
prisoner | mahkum, tutsak, esir | ||
private | özel, gizli | ||
privately | özel olarak | ||
prize | ödül, ikramiye | ||
probable | muhtemel, olası | ||
probably | muhtemelen | ||
problem | sorun, problem | ||
procedure | prosedür, işlem | ||
proceed | ilerlemek, devam etmek | ||
process | süreç, işlemek | ||
produce | üretmek, yetiştirmek | ||
producer | üretici, yapımcı | ||
product | ürün | ||
production | üretim, yapım | ||
profession | meslek, iş | ||
professional | profesyonel, uzman | ||
professor | profesör profit kar, gelir | ||
program | program, yazılım | ||
programme | program, yazılım | ||
progress | ilerlemek, gelişim | ||
project | yansıtmak, tasarlamak, proje | ||
promise | söz vermek, söz | ||
promote | desteklemek, yükseltmek, terfi ettirmek | ||
promotion | promosyon, tanıtım, terfi | ||
prompt | yönlendirmek, hemen, çabuk | ||
promptly | derhal, tez | ||
pronounce | söylemek, telaffuz | ||
pronunciation | telaffuz, söyleniş | ||
proof | kanıt, ispat | ||
proper | uygun, DOĞRU | ||
properly | uygun şekilde, DOĞRU dürüst | ||
property | emlak, mülk, özellik | ||
proportion | oran, orantı | ||
proposal | teklif, öneri | ||
propose | teklif etmek, önermek | ||
prospect | olasılık, ihtimal | ||
protect | korumak, savunmak | ||
protection | koruma, korunma | ||
protest | protesto etmek, protesto, itiraz | ||
proud | gururlu, onurlu | ||
proudly | gururla, iftiharla | ||
prove | kanıtlamak, ispatlamak | ||
provide | sağlamak, temin etmek | ||
provided | sağlanan | ||
providing | şartıyla, koşuluyla | ||
pint | sıvı ölçüsü, pint | ||
pub | bar, birahane, meyhane | ||
public | kamu, halk, genel | ||
publicly | alenen | ||
publication | yayın, yayınlama | ||
publicity | tanıtım, tanıtma | ||
publish | yayınlamak, yayınla, basmak | ||
publishing | yayıncılık | ||
pull | çekmek, çekme | ||
punch | yumruklamak, yumruk | ||
punish | cezalandırmak, ceza vermek | ||
punishment | ceza, cezalandırma | ||
pupil | öğrenci, stajyer, göz bebeği | ||
purchase | satın almak, satın alma, alım | ||
pure | saf, temiz | ||
purely | sadece, yalnızca | ||
purple | mor, morumsu | ||
purpose | amaç, kasıt | ||
pursue | takip etmek, sürdürmek | ||
push | itmek, zorlamak, itme | ||
put | koymak, yerleştirmek | ||
put | on giymek, takınmak, abartmak | ||
put out | söndürmek, sönmüş, çıkarmak |
“Q” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “Q” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
qualification | nitelik, yeterlik, vasıf | ||
qualify | nitelemek, yeterlik kazanmak | ||
qualified | nitelikli, kaliteli, yetkili | ||
quality | kalite, nitelik | ||
quantity | miktar, nicelik | ||
quarter | çeyrek, mahalle, bölge | ||
queen | kraliçe | ||
question | sorgulamak, soru, sorun | ||
quick | hızlı, çabuk, seri | ||
quickly | çabucak, hızla | ||
quiet | sessiz, sakin, huzurlu | ||
quietly | sessizce, yavaşça | ||
quit | çıkmak, bırakmak | ||
quite | epeyce, tamamen | ||
quote | alıntı yapmak |
“R” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “R” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
race | yarışmak, yarış, ırk | ||
racing | yarış, yarışma | ||
radio | radyo, telsiz | ||
rail | demiryolu, ray | ||
railway | demiryolu, trenyolu | ||
rain | yağmur yağmak, yağmur | ||
raise | yükseltmek, artırmak | ||
range | aralık, menzil, alan | ||
rank | sayılmak, rütbe, sıra, derece | ||
rapid | hızlı, çabuk, seri | ||
rapidly | hızla, seri şekilde | ||
rare | nadir, ender, seyrek | ||
rarely | nadiren, seyrek olarak | ||
rate | fiyat belirlemek, oran, sınıf | ||
rather | daha doğrusu, oldukça, aksine | ||
rather | than ziyade, daha çok, bundan çok | ||
raw | ham, çiğ, saf, işlenmemiş | ||
re | yeniden (önek) | ||
reach | ulaşmak, yetişmek, erişmek | ||
react | tepki, karşı etki | ||
reaction | reaksiyon, tepki, tepkime | ||
read | okumak, anlamak | ||
reading | okuma, ölçüm | ||
reader | okuyucu, okur | ||
ready | hazır, hazırlıklı | ||
real | gerçek, reel, asıl | ||
really | gerçekten, aslında, cidden | ||
realistic | gerçekçi, realist | ||
reality | gerçeklik, realite | ||
realize | farkına varmak, anlamak | ||
rear | arka, geri, arkadaki | ||
reason | sebep, neden, gerekçe | ||
reasonable | makul, mantıklı | ||
reasonably | oldukça, makul bir şekilde, epey | ||
recall | hatırlamak, hatırlatmak, geri çağırmak | ||
receipt | fiş, makbuz, alındı | ||
receive | teslim almak, almak, ağırlamak | ||
recent | son, yeni | ||
recently | son günlerde, geçenlerde, yakınlarda | ||
reception | resepsiyon, karşılama, kabul | ||
reckon | saymak, hesaba katmak | ||
recognition | tanıma, tanınma, tanıtma | ||
recognize | tanımak, farkına varmak, farketmek | ||
recommend | önermek, tavsiye etmek | ||
record | kaydetmek, kayıt, rekor | ||
recording | kayıt, ses kaydı, bant | ||
recover | kurtarmak, geri kazanmak, iyileşmek | ||
red | kırmızı, kızıl | ||
reduce | azaltmak, düşürmek, küçültmek | ||
reduction | azalma, indirgeme | ||
refer | to başvurmak | ||
reference | referans, ilgi, başvurma, gönderme | ||
reflect | yansıtmak, düşünmek, aksettirmek | ||
reform | düzeltmek, reform yapmak, reform, ıslah | ||
refrigerator | buzdolabı, soğutucu | ||
refusal | red, reddetme, inkar | ||
refuse | reddetmek, geri çevirmek | ||
regard | saymak, saygı | ||
regarding | ilgili, ilişkin, hakkında | ||
region | bölge, yöre, alan, çevre | ||
regional | bölgesel, yöresel, yerel | ||
register | kaydetmek, sicil, kütük | ||
regret | pişman olmak, pişmanlık, üzüntü | ||
regular | düzenli, olağan | ||
regularly | düzenli olarak, devamlı, muntazaman | ||
regulation | düzenleme, ayarlama | ||
reject | reddetmek, geri çevirmek | ||
relate | ilgili olmak, bağlı olmak | ||
related | ilişkili, ilgili | ||
relation | ilişki, bağlantı, bağ | ||
relationship | ilişki, bağ, yakınlık, akrabalık | ||
relative | akraba, yakın | ||
relatively | nispeten, göreceli | ||
relax | rahatlamak, dinlenmek | ||
relaxed | rahatlamış, rahat | ||
relaxing | rahatlatıcı, dinlendirici | ||
release | bırakmak, serbest bırakmak, salıverme | ||
relevant | ilgili, uygun | ||
relief | rahatlama, yardım, kurtarma | ||
religion | din, inanç | ||
religious | dini, dinsel, dindar | ||
rely | on güvenmek, itimat etmek | ||
remain | kalmak, sürdürmek | ||
remaining | kalan, artan | ||
remains | kalıntılar, kalanlar | ||
remark | açıklamak, söylemek, belirtmek, dikkat, uyarı | ||
remarkable | dikkate değer, olağanüstü | ||
remarkably | dikkate değer biçimde | ||
remember | hatırlamak, anımsamak | ||
remind | hatırlatmak, aklına getirmek | ||
remote | uzak | ||
removal | çıkarma, giderme, uzaklaştırma | ||
remove | kaldırmak, çıkarmak | ||
rent | kiralamak, kiraya vermek, kira, kira bedeli | ||
rented | kiralanmış | ||
repair | tamir etmek, onarmak, onarım, tamir | ||
repeat | tekrarlamak, yinelemek | ||
repeated | tekrarlanan, yinelenen | ||
repeatedly | tekrar tekrar, defalarca | ||
replace | değiştirmek, yerine koymak | ||
reply | cevap vermek, cevap, yanıt | ||
report | bildirmek, rapor etmek, rapor, bildiri, haber | ||
represent | temsil etmek | ||
representative | temsilci | ||
reproduce | çoğaltmak, yeniden üretmek | ||
reputation | itibar, ün | ||
request | istemek, istek, talep | ||
require | istemek, gerektirmek, zorunlu tutmak | ||
requirement | gereksinim, koşul | ||
rescue | kurtarmak, kurtarma, yardım | ||
research | araştırma | ||
reservation | rezervasyon, yer ayırma | ||
reserve | ayırmak, rezerv, ihtiyat | ||
resident | oturan, yerli, yerleşik | ||
resist | direnmek, karşı koymak | ||
resistance | direnç, rezistans, dayanıklılık | ||
resolve | çözmek, halletmek | ||
resort | dinlenme tesisi, tatil yeri | ||
resource | kaynak | ||
respect | saygı göstermek, saygı | ||
respond | cevap vermek, yanıtlamak | ||
response | yanıt, tepki, karşılık | ||
responsibility | sorumluluk, yükümlülük | ||
responsible | kaynak | ||
rest | dinlenmek | ||
restaurant | restoran, lokanta | ||
restore | onarmak | ||
restore | etmek | ||
restrict | kısıtlamak, sınırlamak | ||
restricted | kısıtlı | ||
restriction | kısıtlama | ||
result | sonuç | ||
retain | sürdürmek | ||
retire | emekli olmak | ||
retired | emekli | ||
retirement | emeklilik | ||
return | geri dönmek, dönüş | ||
reveal | ortaya çıkarmak, ifşa etmek | ||
reverse | ters, geri | ||
review | gözden geçirmek, eleştiri | ||
revise | düzeltme yapmak, gözden geçirmek | ||
revision | tashih, gözden geçirme | ||
revizyon | revolution ihtilal, devrim | ||
reward | ödül | ||
rhythm | ritim | ||
rice | pilav | ||
rich | zengin | ||
rid | kurtulmak | ||
ride | sürmek, binmek | ||
riding | binme, binicilik | ||
rider | binici, bisikletçi, atlı | ||
ridiculous | gülünç, komik, saçma | ||
right | sağ, doğru, haklı | ||
rightly | haklı olarak, kesin olarak | ||
ring | yüzük, halka, çember | ||
rise | artış, yükseliş | ||
risk | risk, tehlike | ||
rival | rakip, hasım | ||
river | nehir | ||
road | yol, karayolu | ||
rob | soymak, çalmak | ||
rock | kaya, taş | ||
role | rol | ||
roll | yuvarlama, rulo, silindir | ||
romantic | romantik, duygusal | ||
roof | çatı, dam | ||
room | oda, boş yer | ||
root | kök, temel, kaynak | ||
rope | ip, halat | ||
rough | kaba, pürüzlü | ||
roughly | kabaca | ||
round | boyunca, tur, daire, yuvarlak | ||
rounded | yuvarlak | ||
route | rota, yol, güzergah | ||
routine | rutin, sıradan | ||
row | sıra, dizi | ||
royal | kraliyet, asil | ||
rub | ovmak, ovalamak | ||
rubber | lastik, kauçuk | ||
rubbish | zırva, saçmalık | ||
rude | kaba, terbiyesiz | ||
rudely | kabaca, terbiyesizce | ||
ruin | bozmak, yıkmak, harabe, yıkıntı | ||
ruined | harap, yıkılmış | ||
rule | yönetmek, kural, hüküm | ||
ruler | cetvet, hükümdar, yönetici | ||
rumour | söylenti, dedikodu, rivayet | ||
run | koşmak, çalıştırmak, koşu | ||
running | çalışma, koşu | ||
runner | koşucu, atlet | ||
rural | kırsal, köy | ||
rush | acele etmek, acele |
“S” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “S” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
sack | soymak, çuval, torba | ||
sad | üzgün, hüzünlü | ||
sadly | ne yazık ki, acı bir şekilde | ||
sadness | üzüntü, hüzün | ||
safe | güvenli | ||
safely | güvenli bir şekilde | ||
safety | emniyet, güvenlik | ||
sail | yelkenli ile gitmek, gemi ile yolculuk, yelken | ||
sailing | yelkencilik | ||
sailor | denizci | ||
salad | salata | ||
salary | maaş, ücret | ||
sale | satış | ||
salt | tuz | ||
salty | tuzlu same aynı, benzer | ||
sample | örnek, numune | ||
sand | kum | ||
satisfaction | memnuniyet, tatmin | ||
satisfy | tatmin etmek | ||
satisfied | memnun, tatmin olmuş | ||
satisfying | tatmin edici, doyurucu | ||
Saturday | Cumartesi | ||
sauce | sos | ||
save | kurtarmak, korumak | ||
saving | tasarruf, kurtarma | ||
say | söylemek | ||
scale | ölçek, skala | ||
scare | korkmak, korku | ||
scared | korkmuş, ürkmüş | ||
scene | sahne, olay yeri | ||
schedule | zamanlamak, program | ||
scheme | şema, plan, düzen | ||
school | okul | ||
science | bilim, fen | ||
scientific | bilimsel, ilmi | ||
scientist | bilim adamı | ||
scissors | makas | ||
score | çizmek, skor, puan | ||
scratch | kazımak, çizik | ||
scream | haykırmak, bağırmak, çığlık | ||
screen | ekran, perde | ||
screw | vidalamak, vida | ||
sea | deniz | ||
seal | mühürlemek, mühür | ||
search | aramak, arama | ||
season | sezon, mevsim | ||
seat | koltuk, oturma yeri | ||
second | ikinci | ||
secondary | ikincil | ||
secret | sır, giz, gizli | ||
secretly | gizlice | ||
secretary | sekreter, yazman | ||
section | bölüm, kesit | ||
sector | sektör, bölge | ||
secure | korumak, güvenli, güvenilir | ||
security | güvenlik | ||
see | görmek, anlamak, bakmak | ||
seed | tohum, çekirdek | ||
seek | aramak, araştırmak | ||
seem | görünmek, gibi görünmek | ||
select | seçmek, ayıklamak | ||
selection | seçim | ||
self | öz, kendi, kişilik | ||
sell | satmak | ||
senate | senato | ||
senator | senatör | ||
send | göndermek, yollamak | ||
senior | üst, kıdemli | ||
sense | duyu, duygu, his, algı | ||
sensible | mantıklı, makul | ||
sensitive | hassas, duyarlı | ||
sentence | cümle | ||
separate | ayırmak, ayrı | ||
separated | ayrık | ||
separately | ayrı ayrı | ||
separation | ayrılma, ayrılık | ||
September | Eylül | ||
series | dizi, seri | ||
serious | ciddi, cidden | ||
seriously | cidden, ciddi olarak | ||
servant | hizmetçi, kul | ||
serve | hizmet vermek, | ||
servis | yapmak | ||
service | hizmet, servis | ||
session | oturum, toplantı, celse | ||
set | ayarlamak, | ||
set, | takım, grup, seri | ||
settle | yerleşmek, yetinmek | ||
several | birkaç, bir takım | ||
severe | şiddetli, ağır | ||
severely | şiddetli bir şekilde | ||
sew | dikmek | ||
sewing | dikiş | ||
sex | cinsiyet, seks | ||
sexual | cinsel | ||
sexually | cinsel olarak | ||
shade | gölge, ton | ||
shadow | gölge, karanlık | ||
shake | sallamak, sarsmak, çalkalamak | ||
shall | acak, eceki, meli, malı | ||
shallow | sığ, yüzeysel | ||
shame | utanç, ayıp, yazık | ||
shape | şekil, biçim | ||
shaped | şekilli, biçimli | ||
share | paylaşmak, pay, hisse | ||
sharp | keskin, net | ||
sharply | kesin bir şekilde | ||
shave | tıraş olmak | ||
she | o (kadın) | ||
sheep | koyun | ||
sheet | çarşaf | ||
shelf | raf, pervaz | ||
shell | kabuk, kovan, deniz kabuğu | ||
shelter | barınmak, barınak, sığınak | ||
shift | değiştirmek, vites değiştirmek, vardiya, mesai | ||
shine | parlamak, ışık saçmak | ||
shiny | parlak, aydınlık | ||
ship | gemi | ||
shirt | gömlek | ||
shock | şok, darbe | ||
shocking | şok edici, korkunç | ||
shocked | sarsılmış, şok olmuş | ||
shoe | ayakkabı, pabuç | ||
shoot | çekmek, vurmak, ateş etmek | ||
shooting | çekim, atış, atıcılık | ||
shop | alışveriş yapmak, mağaza, dükkan | ||
shopping | alışveriş | ||
short | kısa | ||
shortly | kısaca | ||
shot | çekim, atış | ||
should | meli, malı | ||
shoulder | omuz | ||
shout | bağırmak, bağırış | ||
show | göstermek, gösteri, şov | ||
shower | duş, sağanak | ||
shut | kapatmak, kapalı | ||
shy | utangaç | ||
sick | hasta | ||
side | taraf, yan | ||
sideways | yandan, yanlamasına | ||
sight | görme, görüş, manzara | ||
sign | imzalamak, işaret etmek, işaret, iz | ||
signal | sinyal vermek, işaret etmek, sinyal, işaret | ||
signature | imza | ||
significant | önemli, anlamlı | ||
significantly | önemli ölçüde | ||
silence | sessizlik, suskunluk | ||
silent | sessiz, suskun | ||
silk | ipek | ||
silly | aptal, aptalca | ||
silver | gümüş, gümüş kaplama | ||
similar | benzer, benzeyen | ||
similarly | benzer şekilde | ||
simple | basit, kolay, yalın | ||
simply | basitçe, sadece since beri, den beri | ||
sincere | samimi, içten | ||
sincerely | samimi olarak, içtenlikle | ||
sing | söylemek, şarkı söylemek | ||
singing | şarkı söyleme | ||
singer | şarkıcı | ||
single | tek, yalnız, bekar | ||
sink | batırmak, batmak, lavabo | ||
sir | sayın, beyefendi | ||
sister | kız kardeş | ||
sit | oturmak | ||
sit | down otur | ||
site | alan, yerleşim yeri | ||
situation | durum, hal | ||
size | boyut, beden | ||
sized | boyutlu | ||
skilful | becerikli, yetenekli | ||
skilfully | ustaca | ||
skill | beceri, yetenek | ||
skilled | yetenekli, vasıflı | ||
skin | cilt, deri | ||
skirt | etek | ||
sky | gökyüzü, gök, hava | ||
sleep | uyumak, uyku | ||
sleeve | kol, elbise kolu | ||
slice | dilimlemek, dilim | ||
slide | kaydırmak | ||
slight | hafif, küçük | ||
slightly | hafifçe, biraz | ||
slip | kaymak, kaçırmak, atlatmak | ||
slope | eğimli olmak, eğim, meyil s | ||
low | yavaş, ağır | ||
slowly | yavaşça, yavaş yavaş | ||
small | küçük, az, ufak | ||
smart | akıllı, zeki | ||
smash | parçalamak, ezmek, parçalanma | ||
smell | koklamak, sezmek, koku | ||
smile | gülümsemek, gülüş | ||
smoke | sigara içmek, tütmek, duman, sigara | ||
smoking | sigara içme, tütme | ||
smooth | pürüzsüz, düzgün, düz | ||
smoothly | pürüzsüzce, düzgünce, kolayca | ||
snake | yılan | ||
snow | kar yağışı, kar | ||
so | böyle, bu yüzden | ||
so | that böylece | ||
soap | sabun | ||
social | sosyal, toplumsal | ||
socially | sosyal olarak | ||
society | toplum, topluluk | ||
sock | çorap | ||
soft | yumuşak, hafif | ||
softly | usulca | ||
software | yazılım | ||
soil | toprak, kir, leke | ||
soldier | asker, er | ||
solid | katı, sağlam | ||
solution | çözüm, çözelti, solüsyon | ||
solve | çözmek | ||
some | bazı, biraz | ||
somebody | birisi | ||
somehow | bir şekilde, her nasılsa | ||
something | bir şey | ||
sometimes | bazen, ara sıra | ||
somewhat | biraz, bir miktar | ||
somewhere | bir yerde, herhangi bir yerde | ||
son | oğul, erkek evlat | ||
song | şarkı | ||
soon | yakında, hemen | ||
sore | ağrılı, acıyan | ||
sorry | üzgün, pişman | ||
sort | sınıflandırmak, tür, çeşit | ||
soul | ruh | ||
sound | çalmak, ses | ||
soup | çorba | ||
sour | ekşi | ||
source | kaynak | ||
south | güney | ||
southern | güneyli | ||
space | uzay, alan, yer | ||
spare | yedek parça, yedek | ||
speak | konuşmak, söylemek | ||
spoken | konuşulmuş | ||
speaker | konuşmacı, sözcü, hoparlör | ||
special | özel, has | ||
specially | özellikle | ||
specialist | uzman | ||
specific | özel, belirli | ||
specifically | özellikle | ||
speech | konuşma | ||
speed | hız, sürat | ||
spell | hecelemek, büyü, sihir | ||
spelling | heceleme, imla | ||
spend | harcamak | ||
spice | baharat, çeşni | ||
spicy | baharatlı | ||
spider | örümcek | ||
spin | döndürmek, çevirmek | ||
spirit | ruh, hayalet | ||
spiritual | manevi, ruhsal, ruhani | ||
spite | inat, nispet, kin | ||
split | bölmek, bölünme, yarık | ||
spoil | bozmak, şımartmak | ||
spoon | kaşık, kepçe | ||
sport | spor | ||
spot | nokta, yer, leke, benek | ||
spray | sprey, püskürtücü | ||
spread | yaymak, yayılmak | ||
spring | ilkbahar | ||
square | meydan, kare, bağdaşmak | ||
squeeze | sıkmak, sıkıştırmak, sıkma | ||
stable | ahır, istikrarlı, kararlı | ||
staff | kadro, personel | ||
stage | sahne, ortam, evre | ||
stair | merdiven, kademe | ||
stamp | damgalamak, damga, pul, kaşe | ||
stand | durmak, ayakta durmak, duruş, | ||
sehpa | stand up ayağa kalk | ||
standard | standart, normal | ||
star | yıldız olmak, yıldız | ||
stare | bakmak, gözünü dikme | ||
start | başlatmak, başlangıç | ||
state | belirtmek, devlet, eyalet | ||
statement | beyan, ifade, açıklama | ||
station | istasyon, gar | ||
statue | heykel | ||
status | durum, hal | ||
stay | kalmak, durmak, kalma | ||
steady | istikrarlı, sabit, sürekli | ||
steadily | sürekli | ||
steal | çalmak, aşırmak, hırsızlık yapmak | ||
steam | buhar, buğu | ||
steel | çelik | ||
steep | dik, sarp | ||
steeply | dik | ||
steer | yönlendirmek, yönetmek, idare etmek | ||
step | adım atmak, adım | ||
stick | yapışmak, sopa, çubuk | ||
stick | out dışarı çıkmak | ||
sticky | yapışkan, yapış yapış | ||
stiff | katı, sert | ||
stiffly | sertçe | ||
still | yine, hala, hareketsiz | ||
sting | sokmak, acı, batma, iğne stir karıştırmak | ||
stock | stok, malzeme, hisse senedi | ||
stomach | karın, mide s | ||
tone | taş | ||
stop | durdurmak, durak, durma | ||
store | depolamak, depo, mağaza storm fırtına, kasırga | ||
story | öykü, hikaye | ||
stove | soba, ocak, fırın | ||
straight | düz, dümdüz | ||
strain | gerginlik, zorlanma | ||
strange | yabancı, garip strangely garip bir şekilde | ||
stranger | yabancı | ||
strategy | strateji, taktik | ||
stream | akarsu, akıntı, aktarım | ||
street | sokak, cadde | ||
strength | kuvvet, güç | ||
stress | sıkıştırmak, stres, gerilme | ||
stressed | stresli | ||
stretch | germek, uzatmak | ||
strict | sıkı, katı | ||
strictly | kesinlikle, tam olarak | ||
strike | çarpmak, vurmak, grev | ||
striking | dikkat çekici, çarpıcı | ||
string | ip, sicim | ||
strip | soymak, soyunmak, şerit, bant | ||
stripe | şerit, çizgi, çubuk striped çizgili | ||
stroke | okşamak, sıvazlamak, inme, felç | ||
strong | güçlü, kuvvetli | ||
strongly | şiddetle, kuvvetle, kuvvetlice | ||
structure | yapı, bina | ||
struggle | savaşmak, boğuşmak, mücadele | ||
student | öğrenci studio stüdyo | ||
study | çalışmak, araştırma | ||
stuff | şey, madde, eşya | ||
stupid | aptal, salak | ||
style | stil, tarz subject konu, özne, denek | ||
substance | madde, cisim, öz | ||
substantial | varlıklı, sağlam, dayanıklı | ||
substantially | esasen, oldukça, aslında | ||
substitute | yerine geçmek, yedek oyuncu, vekil | ||
succeed | başarmak, başarılı olmak | ||
success | başarı | ||
successful | başarılı | ||
successfully | başarıyla | ||
such | böylesine, çok, oldukça | ||
such | as örneğin, gibi | ||
suck | emmek, çekmek | ||
sudden | ani, birden, ansızın | ||
suddenly | aniden, birdenbire | ||
suffer | acı çekmek, katlanmak | ||
suffering | acı, dert, ızdırap | ||
sufficient | yeterli, kafi | ||
sufficiently | yeteri kadar, yeterince | ||
sugar | şeker | ||
suggest | önermek, tavsiye etmek | ||
suggestion | telkin, öneri | ||
suit | uymak, uygun, takım elbise | ||
suited | uygun, yeterli | ||
suitable | uygun, elverişli | ||
suitcase | bavul, valiz | ||
sum | toplam, tutar | ||
summary | özet, kısaltma | ||
summer | yaz, yaz mevsimi | ||
sun | güneş | ||
Sunday | pazar, pazar günü | ||
superior | üst, üstün, üstteki | ||
supermarket | süpermarket | ||
supply | besleme, tedarik, arz | ||
support | desteklemek, destek, yardım | ||
supporter | destekçi, taraftar | ||
suppose | sanmak, varsaymak | ||
sure | elbette, kesinlikle, kesin make | ||
sure | emin olmak | ||
surely | elbette, muhakkak | ||
surface | yüzey | ||
surname | soyisim | ||
surprise | şaşırtmak, sürpriz | ||
surprising | şaşırtıcı | ||
surprisingly | şaşırtıcı bir şekilde | ||
surprised | şaşırmış | ||
surround | kuşatmak, sarmak | ||
surrounding | çevreleyen, kuşatan | ||
surroundings | çevre, etraf | ||
survey | incelemek, araştırmak, anket | ||
survive | hayatta kalmak | ||
suspect | şüphelenmek, şüpheli | ||
suspicion | şüphe, kuşku | ||
suspicious | şüpheli, kuşkulu | ||
swallow | yutmak, yutkunmak | ||
swear | yemin etmek | ||
swearing | küfür, küfretme, sövgü | ||
sweat | terlemek, ter | ||
sweater | kazak sweep süpürmek | ||
sweet | tatlı, güzel, hoş | ||
swell | şişmek, kabarmak, büyümek | ||
swelling | şişme, şişlik | ||
swollen | şişmiş, şişkin | ||
swim | yüzmek | ||
swimming | yüzme | ||
swimming | pool yüzme havuzu | ||
swing | sallanmak, savurmak, salınmak | ||
switch | değiştirmek, şalter | ||
switch | off kapatmak | ||
switch | on açmak | ||
symbol | sembol, simge | ||
sympathetic | sempatik, sevimli | ||
sympathy | sempati | ||
system | sistem |
“T” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “T” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
table | tablo, masa, sofra | ||
tablet | tablet, hap | ||
tackle | ele almak, uğraşmak, takım, donanım tail kuyruk | ||
take | almak, götürmek | ||
take off | çıkarmak | ||
take over | devralmak, üstlenmek | ||
talk | konuşmak, sohbet | ||
tall | uzun boylu, uzun | ||
tank | tank, depo, tüp tap dokunmak, musluk | ||
tape | kaset, bant, şerit | ||
target | hedef, amaç | ||
task | görev, iş | ||
taste | tatmak, tat, lezzet | ||
tax | vergilendirmek, vergi | ||
taxi | taksi | ||
tea | çay | ||
teach | öğretmek | ||
teaching | öğretim | ||
teacher | öğretmen | ||
team | takım, ekip | ||
tear | koparmak, yırtmak, gözyaşı | ||
technical | teknik | ||
technique | teknik, yöntem, usul | ||
technology | teknoloji | ||
telephone | telefon | ||
television | televizyon | ||
tell | söylemek, anlatmak | ||
temperature | hava sıcaklığı, sıcaklık | ||
temporary | geçici | ||
temporarily | geçici olarak | ||
tend | bakmak, yönelmek | ||
tendency | eğilim, meyil | ||
tension | tansiyon, gerilim, gerginlik | ||
tent | çadır | ||
term | terim, ifade | ||
terrible | korkunç, berbat | ||
terribly | berbat bir şekilde test sınamak, | ||
test | test | ||
text | metin | ||
than | den, dan, göre | ||
thank | teşekkür | ||
thanks | teşekkürler | ||
thank | you teşekkür ederim | ||
that | o, şu t | ||
he | o | ||
theatre | tiyatro | ||
their | onların | ||
theirs | onlarınki | ||
them | onlara, onları | ||
theme | tema, konu | ||
themselves | kendileri | ||
then | o zaman, daha sonra | ||
theory | teori, kuram | ||
there | orada, şurada | ||
therefore | öyleyse, bu nedenle | ||
they | onlar | ||
thick | kalın | ||
thickly | kalınca | ||
thickness | kalınlık | ||
thief | hırsız | ||
thin | ince, zayıf | ||
thing | şey, konu | ||
think | düşünmek, sanmak | ||
thinking | düşünme, düşünce, fikir | ||
thirsty | susuz, susamış | ||
this | bu | ||
thorough | kapsamlı, tam, eksiksiz | ||
thoroughly | iyice, tamamen | ||
though | gerçi, rağmen, karşın | ||
thought | düşünce, fikir | ||
thread | iplik, tel, başlık, en küçük iş birimi | ||
threat | tehdit, tehlike | ||
threaten | tehdit etmek, korkutmak | ||
threatening | tehditkar, tehdit eden | ||
throat | boğaz, gırtlak | ||
through | sayesinde, yüzünden | ||
throughout | boyunca, süresince | ||
throw | atmak, fırlatmak | ||
throw | away uzağa atmak, atmak | ||
thumb | baş parmak | ||
Thursday | Perşembe | ||
thus | böylece, bu nedenle | ||
ticket | bilet, etiket, fiş | ||
tidy | çekidüzen vermek, düzenli, derli toplu | ||
tie | bağlamak, bağ, kravat tie up bağlamak | ||
tight | sıkı, dar, gergin | ||
tightly | sıkıca till e kadar, şuana dek | ||
time | zaman, süre | ||
timetable | tarife, zaman çizelgesi | ||
tin | kala, teneke | ||
tiny | küçücük, minicik, minik | ||
tip | bağşiş vermek, bağşiş | ||
tire | yormak, yorulmak, lastik | ||
tiring | yorucu, eziyetli | ||
tired | yorgun, bitkin | ||
title | başlık, ünvan, sıfat to mek, mak, e göre | ||
today | bugün, günümüzde | ||
toe | ayak parmağı | ||
together | birlikte, beraber | ||
toilet | tuvalet | ||
tomato | domates | ||
tomorrow | yarın | ||
ton | ton, renk tonu | ||
tone | ton, ses tonu, ses, perde | ||
tongue | dil, lisan | ||
tonight | bu gece | ||
tonne | ton, bin kilo | ||
too | fazla, çok | ||
tool | araç, alet, parça | ||
tooth | diş | ||
top | üst, tepe, en yüksek | ||
topic | başlık, konu | ||
total | toplam, adet, tüm | ||
totally | tamamen, bütünüyle | ||
touch | dokunmak, dokunuş | ||
tough | sert, zorlu, dayanıklı | ||
tour | gezmek, tur, gezi | ||
tourist | turist | ||
towards | karşı, yönünde, e DOĞRU | ||
towel | havlu tower kule, kale, hisar | ||
town | şehir, kasaba | ||
toy | oyuncak | ||
trace | izlemek, iz, işaret | ||
track | rota, iz, pist, hat | ||
trade | ticaret yapmak, | ||
ticaret, | alım satım | ||
trading | ticaret, ticari, alışveriş | ||
tradition | gelenek | ||
traditional | geleneksel | ||
traditionally | geleneksel olarak | ||
traffic | trafik | ||
train | eğitmek, yetiştirmek, tren | ||
training | eğitim, egzersiz, antrenman | ||
transfer | aktarmak, transfer, devir | ||
transform | dönüştürmek | ||
translate | tercüme etmek, çevirmek | ||
translation | çeviri, tercüme | ||
transparent | şeffaf, saydam, transparan | ||
transport | taşımak, ulaşım, taşıma, nakliye | ||
trap | yakalamak, tuzak kurmak, tuzak, kapan | ||
travel | seyahat etmek, gezmek, seyahat, yolculuk | ||
traveller | gezgin, yolcu t | ||
reat | davranmak, tedavi etmek | ||
treatment | tedavi, muamele | ||
tree | ağaç trend eğilim, akım, gidişat, meyil | ||
trial | deneme, test, yargılama, duruşma | ||
triangle | üçgen | ||
trick | kandırmak, oyuna getirmek, hile, numara | ||
trip | çelme takmak, tökezlmek, yolculuk, gezi | ||
tropical | tropikal | ||
trouble | sorun, sıkıntı, bela, arıza | ||
trousers | pantolonlar | ||
truck | kamyon, yük vagonu | ||
true | gerçek, doğru, hakiki | ||
truly | tamamen, hakikaten, gerçekten | ||
trust | güvenmek, güven, itimat, inanma | ||
truth | gerçek, hakikat | ||
try | denemek, gayret etmek t | ||
tube | tüp, boru, metro Tuesday Salı | ||
tune | ayarlamak, akort etmek, melodi | ||
tunnel | tünel | ||
turn | çevirmek, dönmek, dönüş TV televizyon | ||
twice | iki defa | ||
twin | ikiz, çift | ||
twist | bükmek, sarmak, bükülme, bükme | ||
twisted | bükülmüş, kıvrımlı, burmalı | ||
type | daktilo ile yazmak, tip, tür | ||
typical | tipik, karakteristik | ||
typically | tipik | ||
tyre | lastik, tekerlek, araba lastiği |
“U” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “U” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
ugly | çirkin, kötü, iğrenç | ||
ultimate | nihai, son | ||
ultimately | sonuçta, en sonunda | ||
umbrella | şemsiye | ||
unable | aciz, gücü yetmez | ||
unacceptable | kabul edilemez | ||
uncertain | belirsiz, şüpheli | ||
uncle | amca, dayı | ||
uncomfortable | rahatsız, rahatsız edici | ||
unconscious | bilinçsiz, baygın | ||
uncontrolled | kontrolsüz, kontrol edilemeyen | ||
under | altında, aşağıda, altına, altından | ||
underground | yeraltı, gizli, yeraltında | ||
underneath | altında, altına | ||
understand | anlamak, kavramak | ||
understanding | anlayış, anlama, kavrayış | ||
underwater | sualtı | ||
underwear | iç çamaşırı | ||
undo | geri alma | ||
unemployed | işsiz, boşta, aylak | ||
unemployment | işsizlik | ||
unexpected | beklenmedik, umulmadık | ||
unfair | haksız, hileli | ||
unfortunate | talihsiz, şansız | ||
unfortunately | ne yazık ki, maalesef | ||
unfriendly | düşmanca, dostça olmayan | ||
unhappiness | mutsuzluk, üzüntü | ||
unhappy | mutsuz, üzgün | ||
uniform | uniforma, uniforma giymek | ||
unimportant | önemsiz, mühim olmayan | ||
union | birlik, sendika | ||
unique | benzersiz, eşsiz, özgün | ||
unit | birim, ünite unite birleştirmek, kaynaştırmak | ||
united | birleşik | ||
universe | evren, kainat, cihan, alem | ||
university | üniversite unkind kaba, sert | ||
unknown | bilinmeyen, meçhul | ||
unless | meğer ki, olmadıkça, olmazsa | ||
unlike | aksine, farklı | ||
unlikely | muhtemel olmayan, olası değil | ||
unload | boşaltmak, elden çıkarmak | ||
unlucky | şansız, uğursuz, talihsiz | ||
unnecessary | gereksiz, lüzumsuz | ||
unpleasant | hoş olmayan, tatsız | ||
unreasonable | mantıksız, makul olmayan | ||
unsteady | kararsız, düzensiz, istikrarsız | ||
unsuccessful | başarısız | ||
untidy | düzensiz, dağınık | ||
until | kadar, değin, dek | ||
unusual | olağan dışı, alışılmadık | ||
unusually | alışılmadık şekilde | ||
unwilling | isteksiz, gönülsüz | ||
unwillingly | isteksizce, istemeyerek | ||
up | yukarı, yukarıya | ||
upon | üzerine, üzerinde | ||
upper | üst, üstteki | ||
upset | devirmek, bozmak, üzgün, sinirli | ||
upsetting | üzücü | ||
upside | down tepe taklak, altüst | ||
upstairs | üst katta, yukarıda | ||
upwards | yukarı, yukarıya | ||
upward | yukarı, yukarıya | ||
urban | kentsel, şehre ait | ||
urge | zorlamak, dürtü, istek, arzu | ||
urgent | acil, ivedi | ||
us | biz, bize | ||
use | kullanmak, kullanım | ||
used | kullanılmış, eski | ||
used | to alışkın, alışkın olmak, eskiden | ||
useful | işe yarar, faydalı | ||
useless | işe yaramaz, faydasız | ||
user | kullanıcı | ||
usual | olağan, alışılmış | ||
usually | genelde, genellikle | ||
unusual | alışılmadık, olağandışı | ||
unusually | olağandışı olarak |
“V” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “V” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
vacation | tatil | ||
valid | geçerli, yürürlükte, yasal | ||
valley | vadi, dere | ||
valuable | değerli, kıymetli | ||
value | paha biçmek, değer, kıymet | ||
van | kamyonet, minibüs, karavan | ||
variation | varyasyon, değişim, çeşitlilik | ||
variety | çeşitlilik, çeşit | ||
various | çeşitli, birçok, türlü | ||
vary | değiştirmek, farklılık göstermek | ||
varied | çeşitli, değişik, farklı | ||
vast | geniş, çok büyük, uçsuz bucaksız | ||
vegetable | sebze, bitkisel | ||
vehicle | araç, taşıt, vasıta | ||
venture | tehlikeye atmak, risk, girişim | ||
version | versiyon, model | ||
vertical | dikey | ||
very | çok, en, tam | ||
via | aracılığıyla, üzerinden, yolu ile | ||
victim | kurban, mağdur kimse | ||
victory | zafer, galibiyet | ||
video | video v | ||
iew | görmek, bakmak, görünüm, görüntü, bakış | ||
village | köy | ||
violence | şiddet, zorbalık | ||
violent | şiddetli, sert, berbat | ||
violently | şiddetle | ||
virtually | sanal olarak, fiilen, aslında | ||
virus | virüs | ||
visible | görünür, gözle görülür | ||
vision | vizyon, görüş, ileriyi görme | ||
visit | ziyaret etmek, ziyaret, misafirlik | ||
visitor | ziyaretçi, misafir, konuk | ||
vital | hayati, yaşamsal | ||
vocabulary | kelime bilgisi, kelime haznesi | ||
voice | ses, söz | ||
volume | ses, hacim | ||
vote | oy vermek, oylamak, oy |
“W” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “W” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
wage | maaş, ücret | ||
waist | bel | ||
wait | beklemek | ||
waiter | garson | ||
waitress | kadın garson | ||
wake | uyanmak, uyandırmak, kalkmak | ||
walk | yürümek, yürüyüş | ||
walking | yürüme, yürüyüş | ||
wall | duvar, çeper, sur | ||
wallet | cüzdan | ||
wander | dolaşmak, gezmek, sayıklama | ||
want | istemek, arzulamak, arzu | ||
war | savaş | ||
warm | ısıtmak, sıcak, ılık | ||
warmth | sıcaklık, ısı | ||
warn | uyarmak | ||
warning | uyarı, ikaz | ||
wash | yıkamak | ||
washing | yıkama | ||
waste | harcamak, atık, kullanılmış | ||
watch | izlemek, seyretmek, saat, kol saati | ||
water | su | ||
wave | el sallamak, dalga | ||
way | yol, yön we biz | ||
weak | zayıf, güçsüz | ||
weakness | zayıflık | ||
wealth | varlık, servet, zenginlik | ||
weapon | silah | ||
wear | giymek, takmak, aşınma, yıpranma | ||
weather | hava durumu | ||
web | ağ, örümcek ağı | ||
website | internet sitesi | ||
wedding | düğün, nikah | ||
Wednesday | Çarşamba | ||
week | hafta | ||
weekend | hafta sonu | ||
weekly | haftalık | ||
weigh | tartmak weight ağırlık, yük, tartma | ||
welcome | hoşgeldiniz | ||
well | iyi, iyice, güzel as | ||
well | as yanısıra, hem de | ||
well | known iyi bilinen, tanınmış | ||
west | batı | ||
western | batılı | ||
wet | ıslak, yaş, nemli | ||
what | ne, hangi | ||
whatever | her neyse | ||
wheel | tekerlek, teker, çark | ||
when | ne zaman, iken | ||
whenever | her ne zaman | ||
where | nerede, nereye, nereden | ||
whereas | buna karşılık, halbuki | ||
wherever | her nerede, nerede olursa | ||
whether | eğer, ikisinden biri | ||
which | hangisi, hangi | ||
while | süre, zaman, iken, sırasında | ||
whilst | sırasında, iken, süresince | ||
whisper | fısıldamak, fısıltı | ||
whistle | ıslık çalmak, ıslık, düdük | ||
white | beyaz, ak | ||
who | kim, kimi, kime | ||
whoever | her kim, kim olursa | ||
whole | tüm, bütün, tam, toplu | ||
whom | kime, kimi | ||
whose | kimin | ||
why | neden, niçin | ||
wide | geniş, büyük, yaygın, enli | ||
widely | yaygın olarak, geniş ölçüde | ||
width | genişlik, en | ||
wife | eş, hanım | ||
wild | vahşi, yabani | ||
wildly | çılgınca | ||
will | dilemek, arzulamak, irade, niyet | ||
willing | istekli, gönüllü | ||
willingly | isteyerek, seve seve, kendi isteğiyle | ||
willingness | isteksiz | ||
win | kazanmak, kazanç, galip gelmek | ||
winning | kazanan, kazandıran | ||
wind | sarmak, rüzgar | ||
wind | up bitirmek, son vermek | ||
window | pencere, cam, vitrin | ||
wine | şarap | ||
wing | kanat | ||
winner | kazanan, galip, birinci | ||
winter | kış | ||
wire | tel | ||
wise | bilge, akıllı, bilgili | ||
wish | dilemek, istemek, istek | ||
with | ile, ile birlikte | ||
withdraw | çekmek, para çekmek, geri çekmek | ||
within | içinde, dahilinde, kapsamında | ||
without | olmadan, dışında, hariç | ||
witness | şahit olmak, tanık, şahit | ||
woman | kadın | ||
wonder | merak etmek, şaşmak | ||
wonderful | olağanüstü, harika | ||
wood | odun, tahta, kereste | ||
wooden | ahşap, tahta | ||
wool | yün | ||
word | kelime, sözcük, söz | ||
work | çalışmak, iş, eser | ||
working | çalışma, çalışan, işleyen | ||
worker | çalışan, işçi, emekçi | ||
world | dünya | ||
worry | endişelenmek, endişe, kaygı | ||
worrying | endişe verici, üzücü | ||
worried | endişeli, kaygılı | ||
worse | daha kötüsü, daha fena | ||
worship | ibadet etmek, tapınmak, ibadet | ||
worth | değer, değerinde, bedel, layık | ||
would | istemek, cekti, caktı (ek) | ||
wound | yaralanmak, yara | ||
wounded | yaralı, yaralanmış | ||
wrap | sarmak, paketlemek, örtmek | ||
wrapping | sarma, paketleme, sargı | ||
wrist | bilek | ||
write | yazmak | ||
writing | yazı, yazı yazma, yazarlık | ||
written | yazılı, yazılmış | ||
writer | yazar | ||
wrong | yanlış, hatalı | ||
wrongly | haksız yere, hatalı bir şekilde |
“Y” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “Y” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
yard | avlu, depo, ağıl | ||
yawn | esnemek | ||
yeah | evet | ||
year | yıl, sene | ||
yellow | sarı, sararmak | ||
yes | evet | ||
yesterday | dün | ||
yet | henüz, daha, yine de | ||
you | sen, size, sizi | ||
young | genç, küçük | ||
your | senin, sizin | ||
yours | seninki, sizinki, seninkiler, sizinkiler | ||
yours | truly saygılarımla, hürmetlerimle | ||
yourself | kendin, kendiniz | ||
youth | gençlik, gençler, genç |
“X” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “X” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
yard | avlu, depo, ağıl | ||
yawn | esnemek | ||
yeah | evet | ||
year | yıl, sene | ||
yellow | sarı, sararmak | ||
yes | evet | ||
yesterday | dün | ||
yet | henüz, daha, yine de | ||
you | sen, size, sizi | ||
young | genç, küçük | ||
your | senin, sizin | ||
yours | seninki, sizinki, seninkiler, sizinkiler | ||
yours | truly saygılarımla, hürmetlerimle | ||
yourself | kendin, kendiniz | ||
youth | gençlik, gençler, genç |
“Z” ile Başlayan İngilizce Kelimeler
İngilizcede en sık ve en çok kullanılan “Z” harfi ile başlayan İngilizce kelimeler, İngilizce kelimelerin seviyesi, Türkçe anlamı ve örnek cümleler;
İngilizce Kelimeler | İngilizce Kelime Seviyesi | Türkçesi | Örnek Cümle |
zero | sıfır | ||
zone | alan, mıntıka |
Faydalı mı?
Eğer makalemizi faydalı bulduysanız aşağıdaki makalelerde ilginizi çekebilir;
Bu sayfada en çok arananlar:
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Skıça Sorulan Sorular
İngilizcede 6000 kelime bilmek, C1 seviyesi olarak kabul edilir. C1 seviyesi, Avrupa Ortak Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) tarafından tanımlanan bir İngilizce dil seviyesidir. Bu seviyedeki kişiler:
- Geniş bir yelpazede karmaşık ve soyut konuları anlayabilir ve konuşabilir.
- Uzun ve ayrıntılı metinler okuyabilir ve yazabilir.
- Akıcı ve doğal bir şekilde konuşabilir.
- Dilbilgisi ve telaffuz konusunda oldukça yetkindir.
İngilizcede 5000 kelime bilmek, B2 seviyesine (Orta Üst Düzey) denk gelir. B2 seviyesi, Avrupa Ortak Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) tarafından tanımlanan bir İngilizce dil seviyesidir. Bu seviyede, günlük hayatta ve akademik ortamda karşılaşılan metinlerin %80-90’ını anlayabilir ve konuşabilirsiniz.
B2 seviyesinde:
- Günlük hayatta ve iş hayatında karşılaşabileceğiniz birçok konuda akıcı bir şekilde konuşabilirsiniz.
- Karmaşık metinleri anlayabilir ve yorumlayabilirsiniz.
- Resmi ve gayri resmi e-postalar, mektuplar ve raporlar yazabilirsiniz.
- Farklı aksanlarda İngilizceyi anlayabilirsiniz.
İngilizcede 4000 kelime bilmek, orta-üst seviye yani B2 seviyesi olarak kabul edilir. B2 seviyesi, Avrupa Ortak Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) tarafından tanımlanan bir İngilizce dil seviyesidir. Bu seviyedeki kişiler:
- Genellikle günlük hayatta karşılaşılan tüm konularda konuşabilir.
- Karmaşık fikirleri ve düşünceleri ifade edebilir.
- Haberleri, filmleri ve kitapları anlayabilir.
- Akademik makaleleri ve teknik dokümanları okuyabilir.
- İş e-postaları yazabilir ve sunumlar yapabilir.
4000 İngilizce kelime bilgisinin yanında, B2 seviyesindeki kişilerin:
- Gramer kurallarına hakim olması
- Doğru telaffuza sahip olması
- Kelimeleri farklı bağlamlarda kullanabilmesi
- Dinleme, okuma, konuşma ve yazma becerilerinin gelişmiş olması
da beklenir.
İngilizcede 3000 kelime bilmek, orta-üst – B2 seviyesine denk gelir. B2 seviyesi, Avrupa Ortak Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) tarafından tanımlanan bir İngilizce dil seviyesidir. Bu seviyede, günlük hayatta ve akademik ortamda karşılaşılan metinlerin %80-90’ını anlayabilir ve konuşabilirsiniz.
B2 seviyesindeki birinin sahip olduğu beceriler:
- Genel konularda akıcı ve tutarlı bir şekilde konuşabilir.
- Karmaşık fikirleri ve kavramları anlayabilir ve ifade edebilir.
- Ayrıntılı ve açıklayıcı metinler yazabilir.
- Resmi ve gayri resmi ortamlarda uygun şekilde iletişim kurabilir.
İngilizcede 2000 kelime bilmek, B1 seviyesi olarak kabul edilir. B1 seviyesi, Avrupa Ortak Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) tarafından tanımlanan bir İngilizce dil seviyesidir. Bu seviyede, günlük hayatta ve akademik ortamda karşılaşılan metinlerin %80-90’ını anlayabilir ve basit sohbetler yapabilirsiniz.
2000 kelime ile yapabilecekleriniz:
- Temel ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılamak için İngilizce konuşabilirsiniz.
- Kendinizi ve ailenizi tanıtma, hava durumu, hobiler gibi basit konularda konuşma yapabilirsiniz.
- Basit metinleri okuyabilir ve anlayabilirsiniz.
- Basit talimatları anlayabilir ve uygulayabilirsiniz.
- Mağazalarda, restoranlarda ve turistik mekanlarda iletişim kurabilirsiniz.
İngilizcede 1000 kelime bilmek, A2 seviyesine denk gelir. A2 seviyesi, Avrupa Ortak Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) tarafından tanımlanan bir İngilizce dil seviyesidir. Bu seviyede, temel günlük konuşma ve yazma becerilerine sahip olursunuz.
A2 seviyesinde:
- Basit sohbetler edebilirsiniz.
- Kendinizi ve ailenizi tanıtabilirsiniz.
- Hava durumu, yemek, alışveriş gibi basit konularda konuşabilirsiniz.
- Kısa ve basit metinler okuyabilir ve yazabilirsiniz.
- Temel gramer kurallarını bilirsiniz.
1000 kelimeyi aşmak için:
- Kelime öğrenmeye devam etmeniz önemlidir.
- Kelime kartları, kelime oyunları ve kelime öğrenme uygulamaları gibi birçok farklı yöntem kullanabilirsiniz.
- Gramer kurallarını öğrenmeniz ve telaffuzunuzu geliştirmeniz de önemlidir.
- Mümkün olduğunca çok İngilizce konuşmaya ve yazmaya çalışın.
- İngilizce 3000 kelime listesini inceleyin.
İngilizce’de 500 kelime bilmek, A1 seviyesine denk gelir. A1 seviyesi, Avrupa Ortak Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) tarafından tanımlanan bir İngilizce dil seviyesidir. Bu seviyedeki bir kişi:
- Yavaş ve anlaşılır bir şekilde konuşanlar ile basit düzeyde konuşabilir.
- Her zaman tekrar ettiği rutinleri, günlük ifadeleri ve temel düzeyde konuşmaları gerçekleştirebilir.
- İnsanlar ile tanışabilir, başkalarını tanıştırabilir, bunun ile ilgili, nerede oturduğu, nereli olduğu gibi temel konularda sorulara cevap verebilir.
İngilizce konuşmak için kaç kelime bilmeniz gerektiği, ne tür bir konuşma yapmak istediğinize bağlıdır.
- Basit sohbetler: Günlük hayatta basit sohbetler edebilmek için yaklaşık 500-1000 İngilizce kelime bilmeniz yeterli olabilir. Bu kelimeler selamlaşma, kendini tanıtma, hava durumu, aile, hobiler gibi temel konularda konuşmanıza yardımcı olacaktır.
- Akıcı konuşma: Akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce konuşabilmek için yaklaşık 3000-5000 İngilizce kelime bilmeniz gerekir. Bu kelimeler, günlük hayatta ve akademik ortamda karşılaşılan metinlerin %80-90’ını oluşturmaktadır.
- Uzmanlık alanları: Tıp, hukuk, mühendislik gibi özel bir alanda İngilizce konuşabilmek için o alanla ilgili ek kelimeler ve terimler öğrenmeniz gerekir.
Kelime bilgisinin yanı sıra, İngilizce konuşabilmek için İngilizce gramer kurallarını da bilmeniz ve telaffuzunuzu geliştirmeniz önemlidir.
İngilizce öğrenmenin en önemli adımlarından biri, en sık kullanılan İngilizce kelimeleri öğrenmektir. Oxford 3000, dil uzmanları ve deneyimli öğretmenler tarafından belirlenmiş, İngilizce’de en çok kullanılan 3000 kelimelik bir listedir. Bu kelimeler, günlük hayatta ve akademik ortamda karşılaşılan metinlerin %80-90’ını oluşturmaktadır. Aşağıaki linklerden ingilizce kelimeler listesine ulaşabilirsiniz;
- İngilizcede en çok kullanılan 100 kelime
- İngilizcede en çok kullanılan 1000 kelime
- İngilizcede en çok kullanılan 3000 kelime
İngilizcede yaklaşık 1 milyon civarında kelime var. Bu 1 milyon kelimenin içerisinde terimler, madenler gibi detaylarda mevcut. Ama genelde dünyaca ünlü sözlüklerde bu sayı 300 bin ile 470 bin arasında değişir. Ama İngilizce konuşabilmek ve anlayabilmek için bu kadar kelime bilmene gerek yok. Yaklaşık 3,000 kelime bilmen yeterli. İngilizcedeki bu 3000 Kelime gündelik hayatta konuşulanların %95’ini rahatlıkla anlamanı sağlayacak.
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