İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime
İngilizcede en çok kullanılan 1000 kelime listesini aşağıda bulabilirsin. Liste oluşturulurken, özellikle İngilizcede en sık kullanılan kelimeler seçildi. İngilizcede en çok kullanılan 1000 kelime listesinin Türkçe anlamları ise gündelik konuşma ve yazma dilinde en sık kullanılan anlamları ile birlikte alfabetik olarak listelendi. Ayrıca İngilizcede en çok kullanılan 1000 kelime ile ilgili örnek cümleleri de kelimelerin karşısında bulabilirsin.
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İngilizce öğrenmek istiyorsan ve henüz başlangıç seviyesinde isen aşağıdaki kelimeleri mümkün olduğu kadar hızlı öğrenmelisin. Özellikle A1 seviyesi öğrenciler için ve İngilizce kursuna gidenler için konuşma ve yazma yeteneğini geliştirmek için bu liste çok faydalı olacaktır.
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Son güncellenme tarihi: 06/03/2025

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- İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (201 – 400 arası kelimeler)
- İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (401 – 600 arası kelimeler)
- İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (601 – 800 arası kelimeler)
- İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (801 – 1000 arası kelimeler)
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İngilizce’de en sık kullanılan 1000 kelimeyi öğrenmenin çeşitli avantajları vardır. Her şeyden önce, size sağlam bir dilsel temel sağlar. Bu kelimelerde ustalaşarak, çok çeşitli günlük durumlarda kendinizi anlayabilir ve ifade edebilirsiniz. Ek olarak, bu kelimeler genellikle edebiyat, film ve müzik dahil olmak üzere çeşitli bağlamlarda görünür. Onlara aşina olmak, İngilizce içeriği anlamanızı ve keyfini çıkarmanızı kolaylaştıracaktır.
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İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime
İngilizcede en çok kullanılan 1000 kelime listesinin PDF versiyonunu yazının en sonunda bulabilirsin. Bu liste hazırlanırken özellikle İngilizcede sık kullanılan kelimeler, Türkçe karşılıkları, örnek cümleler ve okunuşlarını ele aldık.
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İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (ilk 200 kelime)
1 | a | bir | a car, a flower, a table |
2 | ability | kabiliyet, yetenek, beceri, güç, iktidar | He has the ability to do the job. |
3 | able | yapabilmek, yapabilen | I’m able to swim. |
4 | about | hakkında, ilgili, konusunda | Tell us about Tom. |
5 | above | yukarıda | Tom lives in the room above us. |
6 | accept | kabul etmek | He accepted my idea. |
7 | according | göre | We’re proceeding according to plan. |
8 | account | Hesap, açıklama, banka hesabı | Here’s my account number. |
9 | across | karşısında | It’s across the street. |
10 | act | hareket, eylem, davranış | You need to act. |
11 | action | eylem, etki, hareket | His action frightened us. |
12 | activity | faaliyet, etkinlik | What’s your favorite holiday activity? |
13 | actually | aslında, gerçekte | We never actually met. |
14 | add | eklemek, katmak, ilave etmek, toplamak, katmak | Add more water to it. |
15 | address | adres | Give me Tom’s address. |
16 | administration | yönetim, idare | They complained about the city administration. |
17 | admit | Kabul etmek | I admit my mistake. |
18 | adult | yetişkin, erişkin | Two adult tickets, please. |
19 | affect | etkilemek, etki etmek | The audience was deeply affected. |
20 | after | sonra, ardından, daha sonra | Repeat after me. |
21 | again | tekrar, yeniden | I’ll try again. |
22 | against | karşısında, karşı | It’s against the rules. |
23 | age | yaş | Tom is my age. |
24 | agency | Ajans, acenta | Tom started an advertising agency. |
25 | agent | Ajan, temsilci, etken | He is an FBI agent. |
26 | ago | önce, evvel | Tom left an hour ago. |
27 | agree | anlaşmak, kabul etmek | Tom and Mary agree. |
28 | agreement | Anlaşma, sözleşme | That was our agreement. |
29 | ahead | Önde, ileri | Go ahead and ask Tom. |
30 | air | hava | We need fresh air. |
31 | all | herşey, tüm, bütün | Is that all? |
32 | allow | izin vermek | I can’t allow you to do that. |
33 | almost | neredeyse, hemen hemen | It’s almost 2:30. |
34 | alone | yalnız, tek başına | I live alone. |
35 | along | boyunca, yanı sıra | Come along with me. |
36 | already | zaten | It’s already 7:00. |
37 | also | ayrıca, hem de | I also like candy. |
38 | although | rağmen, karşın , gerçi | Although it rained, everyone had a good time. |
39 | always | her zaman, daima | He’s always busy. |
40 | American | Amerikan | I’m an American; we don’t have masters. |
41 | among | arasında, içinde | Divide the cake among you three. |
42 | amount | miktar, tutar, değer | This amount includes tax. |
43 | analysis | analiz, çözümleme | After careful analysis, he decided not to go. |
44 | and | ve, ile | Come and see. |
45 | animal | hayvan | I love animals. |
46 | another | bir diğeri, başka, farklı, ayrı | I need another job. |
47 | answer | cevap, yanıt | Answer the phone. |
48 | any | herhangi, hiç, her | Is there any sugar? |
49 | anyone | kimse, herhangi biri, hiç kimse | Anyone home? |
50 | anything | bir şeyi herhangi bir şey, hiçbir şey | Can I do anything? |
51 | appear | görünmek, gözükmek | Tom sometimes appears on TV. |
52 | apply | uygulamak, başvurmak | I’d like to apply for a job. |
53 | approach | yaklaşım, yaklaşma | Don’t approach the dog. |
54 | area | alan, bölge | There is no beach in this area. |
55 | argue | tartışmak | I don’t have time to argue. |
56 | arm | kol, silah, dal | Tom broke his arm. |
57 | around | etrafında | I left around 2:30. |
58 | arrive | varmak, ulaşmak | Tom arrives today. |
59 | art | sanat | Last week I visited a beautiful art store. |
60 | article | makale, madde, yazı | The article was written in French. |
61 | artist | sanatçı | Tom wants to be a tattoo artist. |
62 | as | gibi, olarak | Do as you like. |
63 | ask | sormak, istemek | Don’t ask. |
64 | assume | varsaymak, farzetmek | I assume you’re angry. |
65 | attack | saldırı, atak | We’re under attack. |
66 | attention | dikkat | Pay attention. |
67 | attorney | avukat, vekil | I’m an attorney. |
68 | audience | seyirci, izleyici | The audience was deeply affected. |
69 | author | yazar | Who is your favorite author? |
70 | authority | yetki, otorite | I have the authority to do this. |
71 | available | müsait, mevcut, geçerli | Are seats available? |
72 | avoid | önlemek, kaçınmak | I’m trying to avoid Tom. |
73 | away | uzak, uzakta | Take that away. |
74 | baby | bebek | The baby is crying. |
75 | back | geri | Turn back from here. |
76 | bad | kötü | The weather will be bad today. |
77 | bag | sırt çantası | Do not forget your bag. |
78 | ball | top | The ball is in your court now. |
79 | bank | banka | Her bank account is zero. |
80 | bar | bar | He sat on the bar. |
81 | base | üs, temel, baz | He is working in the navy base. |
82 | be | olmak, var olmak | Be quite. |
83 | beat | dövmek, yenmek | We beat them. |
84 | beautiful | güzel | The weather is beautiful today. |
85 | because | çünkü | I do it because I want to. |
86 | become | olmak, haline gelmek | It’s become dark. |
87 | bed | yatak | Go to bed before 12:00. |
88 | before | önce | Go to bed before 12:00. |
89 | begin | başlamak, başlatmak | Let’s begin. |
90 | behavior | davranış, tutum, hareket | I don’t speak with because of his behaviour. |
91 | behind | arkasında, gerisinde | Stay behind the wall. |
92 | believe | inanmak, inancı olmak | Believe me, it is true. |
93 | benefit | yarar, fayda | I can benefit from your experience. |
94 | best | en iyi, en iyisi, en | I am the best player in the team. |
95 | better | daha iyi, daha güzel, daha iyi şekilde | He is better than me. |
96 | between | arasında, aralarında | Choose between this two colors. |
97 | beyond | ötesinde, öte | My house is beyond that bridge. |
98 | big | büyük | How big is it? |
99 | bill | Fatura | I have to pay the internet bill. |
100 | billion | milyar | One in a billion. |
101 | black | siyah | Do you see the black clouds. |
102 | blood | kan | My blood type is Orh+. |
103 | blue | mavi | The sky is blue. |
104 | board | yazı tahtası | Clean the board please. |
105 | body | vücut | He has a strong body. |
106 | book | kitap | Open your books. |
107 | born | doğmuş, doğum | I was born in 2000. |
108 | both | her ikisi de, ikisi de | They both smile. |
109 | box | kutu | Your gift is in that red box. |
110 | boy | erkek çocuk | Boys are playing football. |
111 | break | kırılma | Who broke the glass? |
112 | bring | getirmek | Bring your bag with you. |
113 | brother | erkek kardeş | I have 2 brothers and one sister. |
114 | budget | bütçe | We are traveling on a tight budget. |
115 | build | inşa etmek | They are building a new house. |
116 | building | bina | The building is very high. |
117 | business | iş | I have a business English course tonight. |
118 | but | fakat, ama, lakin | I want to come but it is too late. |
119 | buy | satın almak | Can I buy this one? |
120 | by | tarafından, ile, göre, vasıtasıyla | He came by bus. |
121 | call | aramak | Can you call her? |
122 | camera | kamera | Turn off the camera please. |
123 | campaign | kampanya | Did you take part in the campaign? |
124 | can | yapabilmek | I can do it. |
125 | cancer | kanser | Cancer of the Stomach is a common disease. |
126 | candidate | aday | Michael was the perfect candidate. |
127 | capital | Başkent | The capital was the center of the commercial activities. |
128 | car | Araba | Her car was in full view. |
129 | card | Kart | A Christmas cardcome to life. |
130 | care | bakım | He will not care. |
131 | career | kariyer | She had a short career as a writer. |
132 | carry | Taşımak | I bid you carry it to him. |
133 | case | dava | Don’t plead my case for me. |
134 | catch | yakalamak | Catch hold from underneath. |
135 | cause | sebep olmak | All I do is cause pain. |
136 | cell | hücre | The cell reproduced and the organism grew. |
137 | center | merkez | This way, around the center of the lake. |
138 | central | merkezi | After the war, it remained a central hub. |
139 | century | Yüzyıl | A century later, machines entered the scene. |
140 | certain | Belli | I feel certain of it. |
141 | certainly | kesinlikle | She certainly didn’t feel any different. |
142 | chair | sandalye | He leaned forward in his chair, sobering. |
143 | challenge | meydan okuma | I like a challenge once in a while. |
144 | chance | Şans | You had your chance to solve it on your own. |
145 | change | değişiklik | He was struck by the change in him. |
146 | character | karakter | It was totally out of character for her. |
147 | charge | şarj etmek | I will be in charge of your initiation. |
148 | check | Kontrol | I’ll check that too. |
149 | child | çocuk | This child has a wonderful gift. |
150 | choice | seçim | At that moment there was a choice to make. |
151 | choose | seçmek | I had hoped he’d choose your sister. |
152 | church | kilise | Are you all going to church this morning? |
153 | citizen | vatandaş | You’re a private citizen in a few days. |
154 | city | şehir | You should have called the city cops. |
155 | civil | sivil | The last civil war set us back fifty years. |
156 | claim | iddia | She went to claim it. |
157 | class | sınıf | He skipped the class on good nom de plumes. |
158 | clear | açık | It was clear and frosty. |
159 | clearly | Açıkça | His expression was clearly displeased. |
160 | close | kapat | Close our eyes, count to five. |
161 | coach | Koç | Do you have a coach? |
162 | cold | soğuk | It was cold in the cave. |
163 | collection | Toplamak | Vogt published a collection of Bugenhagen’s correspondence in 1888 |
164 | college | kolej | She’ll be going to college next month. |
165 | color | renk | The color is amazing. |
166 | come | gelmek | I can come back. |
167 | commercial | ticari | The capital was the center of the commercial activities. |
168 | common | ortak | She will only utilize it for common good. |
169 | community | Topluluk | To her surprise, the condo community was as quiet as the night she left. |
170 | company | Şirket | She joined the company last year. |
171 | compare | karşılaştırmak | I don’t compare you to Josh. |
172 | computer | bilgisayar | Yes, and I ordered a computer for you too. |
173 | concern | ilgilendirmek | So there’s no concern these visions may stop completely? |
174 | condition | şart | Do you know theconditionI am in? |
175 | conference | konferans | Death dude sat at the back of the conferenceroom, out of the glare of the screen. |
176 | Congress | Kongre | The Berlin congress decided that it should remain with Servia. |
177 | consider | göz önüne almak | It was too far to consider driving every day, even if she had a car. |
178 | consumer | tüketici | There was a rising worldwide consumption of consumergoods. |
179 | contain | içermek | Fred could hardly contain his excitement. |
180 | continue | devam et | He would continueuntil he was satisfied. |
181 | control | kontrol | I can’t control it yet. |
182 | cost | maliyet | It must have cost a fortune! |
183 | could | Yapabilir | What could he do about it but lose more sleep? |
184 | country | Ülke | The country was wild and beautiful. |
185 | couple | çift | I have a couple of polo shirts, but no light shirts. |
186 | course | ders | Its course down the cliff was marked by the cracking of limbs. |
187 | court | mahkeme | “The ball is in yourcourt,” I said. |
188 | cover | örtü | Deep from the fire-bars to the cover. |
189 | create | yaratmak | Trading is able to create value for two reasons. |
190 | crime | suç | The crime had begun and must now be completed. |
191 | cultural | kültürel | This gave people a shared set of cultural references. |
192 | culture | kültür | If only she understood our culture better. |
193 | cup | fincan | He took the cupfrom her hand. |
194 | current | şu andaki | This is the currentbattle situation. |
195 | customer | müşteri | They suggest other products a customer might be interested in. |
196 | cut | Kesmek | I’ve cut enough here for supper. |
197 | dark | Karanlık | He looked tall and lean in a dark suit. |
198 | data | veri | You have some access to data bases that could be helpful. |
199 | daughter | kız evlat | I remember the daughter, too. |
200 | day | gün | “This may be the last great day,” he said. |
İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (201 – 400 arası kelimeler)
201 | dead | Ölü | A living dog is better than a deadlion. |
202 | deal | Anlaşmak | She’d deal with him later. |
203 | death | ölüm | I was scared to death I couldn’t… get back! |
204 | debate | Tartışma | See you at thedebatetomorrow. |
205 | decade | on yıl | Then there can be a week, a month, a year, a decade, and a century without war. |
206 | decide | karar vermek | I hope you decide to take the job. |
207 | decision | karar | It was no small decision for her. |
208 | deep | derin | She drew a deep breath. |
209 | defense | savunma | In her defense, she thought I was trying to kill her. |
210 | degree | derece | Every child feels displaced to some degree when a new sibling arrives. |
211 | Democrat | Demokrat | I’m a tried and truedemocrat. |
212 | democratic | demokratik | You have to split this in a nice democraticfashion. |
213 | describe | tanımlamak | I can’t describe how helpless I felt. |
214 | design | tasarım | It’s a Lou Rankin design, Fred answered. |
215 | despite | rağmen | He appeared relaxed, despite the danger. |
216 | detail | ayrıntı | I related in detailwhat I’d learned on line. |
217 | determine | belirlemek | She couldn’t determine if she’d won this round or not. |
218 | develop | geliştirmek | The second crop of cabbage was starting to develop, and the okra looked good. |
219 | development | Kalkınma | But three years later a new economic development began. |
220 | die | ölmek | I should die of happiness! |
221 | difference | Fark | He was so tall there was a vast difference in their height. |
222 | different | farklı | There’s nothing wrong with having a different opinion. |
223 | difficult | zor | It must be difficult for Alex to keep you happy. |
224 | dinner | akşam yemeği | Dinner will be ready at six O’clock. |
225 | direction | Yön | She faced the direction from which she’d come. |
226 | director | Yönetmen | You’re a vital asset and the director knows it. |
227 | discover | Keşfetmek | I want to discoverwhat I can do. |
228 | discuss | Tartışmak | They could discuss it privately when they got home. |
229 | discussion | tartışma | Once decided, there would be no discussion or argument. |
230 | disease | Hastalık | Given all this, do you really believe this disease still has a chance? |
231 | do | yapmak | I never thought I could do it. |
232 | doctor | doktor | Thedoctor seemed tired and in a hurry. |
233 | dog | köpek | Does a dog have ears? |
234 | door | kapı | The door opened and Alex stepped into the room. |
235 | down | aşağı | She sat down on the bed and sighed again. |
236 | draw | Çizmek | He evidently wished todraw him on. |
237 | dream | rüya | I dream of you too, dear. |
238 | drive | Sürmek | Do you want me to drive you there? |
239 | drop | düşürmek | Can you just drop me off near the mall? |
240 | drug | uyuşturucu | Had Allen been here to make a drug deal with Giddon? |
241 | during | sırasında | Sleep was not her friend duringthe day. |
242 | each | her | For eachdinner, sixty or more people show up. |
243 | early | erken | I never eat this earlyin the morning. |
244 | east | doğu | Sun rises in the eastand sets in the west. |
245 | easy | kolay | You make an easytarget. |
246 | eat | yemek | “I eat in here,” he said. |
247 | economic | ekonomik | This is a straight shot to economicpoverty for any country desperate enough to try it. |
248 | economy | Ekonomi | The economy was affected by the establishment of a land tax. |
249 | edge | Kenar | His voice had an edge to it. |
250 | education | Eğitim | “That’s what comes of a modern education,” exclaimed the visitor. |
251 | effect | Efekt | The changes had an immediate effect. |
252 | effort | çaba | I admire the effort and sacrifice you put into it. |
253 | eight | sekiz | Newly crowned heroine Lydia Larkin won the election by eight votes. |
254 | either | ya | He put a hand on eitherside of her. |
255 | election | seçim | Jake’s not standing for election next August. |
256 | else | başka | Someone elsecarries this baby for you. |
257 | employee | çalışan | The employee turned to her and waved her through. |
258 | end | son | In the end, there was no choice. |
259 | energy | enerji | Now put that energyinto walking. |
260 | enjoy | keyif almak | You’re beginning to enjoy it, aren’t you? |
261 | enough | yeterli | She had enough for the entire family. |
262 | enter | girmek | I’ll wait ’til you enterthe door. |
263 | entire | tamamı | She had enough for the entire family. |
264 | environment | Çevre | The law was a win for the environment. |
265 | environmental | Çevreci | They must try to protect the environment. |
266 | especially | özellikle | Joseph feels especially good today. |
267 | establish | kurmak | She established the rules. |
268 | evening | akşam | How is your evening going on? |
269 | event | olay | She will win the event. |
270 | ever | Hiç | Did you ever feel so bad? |
271 | every | her | Every alive people drinks water. |
272 | everybody | Herkes | Everybody knows that 2+2=4. |
273 | everyone | herkes | Everyone should feel the fresh air. |
274 | everything | her şey | You should know everything. |
275 | evidence | delil | She doesn’t have any evidence. |
276 | exactly | kesinlikle | I don’t know exactly where she is. |
277 | example | örnek | Why don’t you read Rıza’s example? |
278 | executive | yönetici | Ahmet is soft enough to be a good executive. |
279 | exist | var olmak | She believes that angels exist. |
280 | expect | ummak | What do you expect from me? |
281 | experience | deneyim | Do you have experience for this job? |
282 | expert | uzman | The expert is called for advice. |
283 | explain | açıklamak | She will explain the case to you. |
284 | eye | göz | Close your right eye and smile. |
285 | face | Yüz | Her face became sad. |
286 | fact | Gerçek | It is hard to tell fact from fiction! |
287 | factor | Faktör | His manner is a factor in his success. |
288 | fail | başarısız | He failed the test. |
289 | fall | düşmek | The rain falls heavily onto the roof. |
290 | family | aile | He wants to spend more time with his family. |
291 | far | Uzak | Far from eye far from heart. |
292 | fast | hızlı | He had a liking for fast cars. |
293 | father | Baba | He’s the father of three small children. |
294 | fear | korku | She is trying to face her fear of dogs. |
295 | federal | federal | The territories are governed by federal laws. |
296 | feel | Hissetmek | They feel a lot of anxiety before a test. |
297 | feeling | duygu | He got a strange feeling he was being watched. |
298 | few | az | There are a few reasons. |
299 | field | alan | The football field is enclosed by a wall. |
300 | fight | kavga | She joined the fight against cancer. |
301 | figure | şekil | Her dress moulds to her figure. |
302 | fill | Doldurmak | He helped us to fill in the form. |
303 | film | film | He really enjoys horror films. |
304 | final | Nihai | Our final exams start in about two weeks. |
305 | finally | en sonunda | They finally found the cat up on the roof. |
306 | financial | Mali | The company needs more financial assistance |
307 | find | Bulmak | I find it hard to believe you. |
308 | fine | Güzel | You did a fine job. |
309 | finger | parmak | She cut her finger on a piece of glass. |
310 | finish | bitiş | They have to finish their clean-up. |
311 | fire | ateş | They are fighting a house fire. |
312 | firm | firma | An education firm called Eduvio produced a similar product. |
313 | first | ilk | She finished the race at first position. |
314 | fish | balık | He caught a huge fish. |
315 | five | beş | I got up at five o’clock. |
316 | floor | Zemin | His office is on the second floor. |
317 | fly | uçmak | I will fly to Istanbul tomorrow. |
318 | focus | Odaklanmak | Focus on your studies. |
319 | follow | Takip etmek | Somebody is following us. |
320 | food | Gıda | She made his favorite food for his birthday. |
321 | foot | ayak | Her foot slipped and she fell down the stairs. |
322 | for | için | Next year, I will travel for three weeks. |
323 | force | Kuvvet | I tried to force from my memory. |
324 | foreign | yabancı | He also spent some time in the Foreign Office in Berlin. |
325 | forget | unutmak | I forget my keys |
326 | form | form | Please fill in the form. |
327 | former | eski | He was former worker of our company. |
328 | forward | Ileri | She stepped forward and hugged him. |
329 | four | dört | There are four people there. |
330 | free | ücretsiz | The Wi-Fi is free in this cafe. |
331 | friend | arkadaş | She is my best friend. |
332 | front | ön | He is in front of me in the que. |
333 | full | tam | Are you a full time student? |
334 | fund | fon, sermaye | The company was short of funds. |
335 | future | Gelecek | Could you be more careful in future? |
336 | game | Oyun | Game Over. |
337 | garden | Bahçe | They’re working in the backyard garden. |
338 | gas | gaz | The car almost ran out of gas. |
339 | general | genel | I am going to take IELTS General exam. |
340 | generation | Nesil | This model belongs to the latest generation. |
341 | get | almak | He gets his residence permit today. |
342 | girl | kız | The girl in red dress is beautiful |
343 | give | Vermek | Give me Tom’s address. |
344 | glass | bardak | Who broke the glass? |
345 | go | gitmek | Can we go now? |
346 | goal | hedef | What is yoor goal for this month? |
347 | good | iyi | I am good. How about you? |
348 | government | Hükümet | She works for the federal government. |
349 | great | harika | This is a great house. |
350 | green | yeşil | Green is my favorite color. |
351 | ground | zemin | Mechanical problems kept the plane on the ground. |
352 | group | Grup | We like to let these students work in groups whenever possible. |
353 | grow | Büyümek | The city is growing rapidly. |
354 | growth | büyüme | She’s concerned that the medication might slow her child’s growth. |
355 | guess | tahmin | Can you guess how many people were there? |
356 | gun | Silah | I never shot a gun in my life. |
357 | guy | adam | He is a funny guy. |
358 | hair | saç | There are dog hairs all over my coat. |
359 | half | yarım | His eyes were half closed. |
360 | hand | el | I have two hands. |
361 | hang | asmak | A photograph of her family hangs on the wall. |
362 | happen | olmak | She wondered what would happen if her parents found her. |
363 | happy | mutlu | He is a happy child. |
364 | hard | zor | It’s hard not to worry about her. |
365 | have | sahip olmak | I have got the keys. |
366 | he | O | He is a happy child. |
367 | head | Kafa | The third gorilla was taller by a head. |
368 | health | sağlık | He is taking care of his health nowadays. |
369 | hear | duymak | I can’t hear you very well. |
370 | heart | Kalp | He has a bad heart. |
371 | heat | sıcaklık | The sun’s heat melted the snow. |
372 | heavy | ağır | The box is to heavy for me to lift. |
373 | help | Yardım | Can you help me? |
374 | her | ona | Her foot slipped and she fell down the stairs. |
375 | here | İşte | “I eat in here,” he said. |
376 | herself | kendini | She is financially able to support herself. |
377 | high | yüksek | The building is very high. |
378 | him | Onu | I bid you carry it to him. |
379 | himself | Kendisi | He accidentally cut himself while shaving. |
380 | his | Onun | He gets his residence permit today. |
381 | history | Tarih | I studied history in college. |
382 | hit | Çarptı | Hit the road, Jack. |
383 | hold | Tutmak | He is holding an apple. |
384 | home | ev | Home, home, sweet home. |
385 | hope | umut | I hope she will never come back. |
386 | hospital | hastane | We need to go to hospital. |
387 | hot | Sıcak | The soup is very hot. |
388 | hotel | otel | We will stay in a hotel for the weekend. |
389 | hour | saat | He is already an hour late. |
390 | house | ev | This house is not for sale. |
391 | how | Nasıl | How are you doing? |
392 | however | ancak | Ronaldo wanted to play football tonight; however, his injury kept him on the bench. |
393 | huge | Kocaman | This is a very huge forest. |
394 | human | insan | The dog’s expression was almost human. |
395 | hundred | yüz | Can you borrow me a hundred lira. |
396 | husband | koca | He was a good husband and father. |
397 | idea | Fikir | I don’t like the idea to go for shopping. |
398 | identify | Tanımlamak | Can you identify yourself, please. |
399 | if | Eğer | We woldn’t miss the train if he wasn’t late. |
400 | image | Imge | The image in my brain was not like this. |
İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (401 – 600 arası kelimeler)
401 | imagine | hayal etmek | I can’t imagine living in such a place. |
402 | impact | Etki | The book had a huge impact when it first came out. |
403 | important | önemli | I have an important meeting tomorrow morning. |
404 | improve | Geliştirmek | If you want to improve your English, you have to practise more. |
405 | in | içinde | I can’t imagine living in such a place. |
406 | include | Dahil etmek | This amount includes tax. |
407 | including | dahil olmak üzere | Eight people, including two children, were injured in the explosion. |
408 | increase | artırmak | The population continues to increase. |
409 | indeed | aslında | ‘Did you win the game?’ ‘We did, indeed.’ |
410 | indicate | Belirtmek | The map indicates where the treasure is buried. |
411 | individual | Bireysel | This price list is for individuals. |
412 | industry | Endüstri | She invested in technology industry. |
413 | information | bilgi | Can I have some individual about time tables? |
414 | inside | Içeride | Is there anyone inside? |
415 | instead | yerine | I prefer watching movies instead of listening to music. |
416 | institution | Kurum | That school is a very successful instution. |
417 | interest | faiz veya ilgi | The kids listened to the speaker for a little while, but then lost interest. |
418 | interesting | ilginç | this book is very interesting. |
419 | international | Uluslararası | This is an international class. |
420 | interview | röportaj | She was one of the three candidates interviewed for the vacancy. |
421 | into | Içine | The door was opened and Alex stepped into the room. |
422 | investment | yatırım | My whole investment is this house. |
423 | involve | Dahil etmek | He remained involved with the organization for many years. |
424 | issue | konu | Water purity is a public health issue. |
425 | it | o | I find it hard to believe you. |
426 | item | Öğe | I need to buy a few household items like soap. |
427 | its | onun | This book is better than its cover. |
428 | itself | Kendis | It repeats itself because it is the record of the choices of people. |
429 | job | iş | You did a fine job. |
430 | join | katılmak | She joined the fight against cancer. |
431 | just | sadece | Can you just drop me off near the mall? |
432 | keep | Tutmak | Go and keep her company for ten minutes. |
433 | key | Anahtar | I forgot my keys. |
434 | kid | çocuk | The kids listened to the speaker for a little while, but then lost interest. |
435 | kill | öldürmek | In her defense, she thought I was trying to kill her. |
436 | kind | kibar | Please be kind to your brother. |
437 | kitchen | mutfak | Can you bring a knife form the kitchen. |
438 | know | Bilmek | I don’t Please be kind to your sister! him. |
439 | knowledge | bilgi | I don’t have any Please be kind to your sister! about this subject. |
440 | land | Arazi | This is his father’s farm and their family land. |
441 | language | dil | How many languages can you speak? |
442 | large | geniş | Do you have a larger size? |
443 | last | son | this is the last one. |
444 | late | geç | Don’t be late to the class. |
445 | later | sonra | I will come later. |
446 | laugh | gülmek | They laugh at him behind his back |
447 | law | hukuk | It is against law to carry a gun. |
448 | lawyer | avukat | I need a lawyer to fill a complain about the company. |
449 | lay | Yatırmak | She laid the baby in his crib for a nap. |
450 | lead | öncülük etmek | The team has now built up a commanding lead. |
451 | leader | Lider | Who is the leader of this team? |
452 | learn | Öğrenmek | I want to learn English. |
453 | least | en az | Can you at least tell me when will you arrive? |
454 | leave | ayrılmak | I will leave at 4:oo pm tomorrow. |
455 | left | ayrıldı | He left at 4:00 pm yesterday. |
456 | leg | bacak | It will cost an arm and a leg. |
457 | legal | yasal | It is not legal to smoke here. |
458 | less | az | You have to get. |
459 | let | Izin vermek | We need less talk and more work. |
460 | letter | Mektup | Can you write a letter to your grandmother? |
461 | level | Seviye | If you can get 70 from the exam you can go to next level. |
462 | lie | Yalan | It is not true. Don’t lie to me. |
463 | life | Hayat | Life is good. |
464 | light | Işık | Can you switch on the light. |
465 | like | sevmek | I like swimming. |
466 | likely | Muhtemel | “Will it rain tomorrow?” “Most likely.” |
467 | line | çizgi, sıra | Everybody had to get in line and wait their turn. |
468 | list | liste | Can you write a shopping list. |
469 | listen | Dinlemek | Would you listen to me? |
470 | little | Küçük | It is a little cold today. |
471 | live | canlı | The football match is live on T.V. now. |
472 | local | yerel | It is better to check local stores. |
473 | long | uzun | It was a long trip. |
474 | look | bakmak | I looked through the window but couldn’t see anything. |
475 | lose | kaybetmek | I don’t want to lose you. |
476 | loss | Kayıp | I am sorry for your loss. |
477 | lot | çok | He has a lot of money. |
478 | love | Aşk | I love you. |
479 | low | düşük | The temperature is very low. |
480 | machine | Makine | This machine generates electricity. |
481 | magazine | Dergi | She buys all the latest fashion magazines. |
482 | main | ana | The main event of the evening is … |
483 | maintain | sürdürmek | She still maintains a close relationship with her college roommate. |
484 | majority | Çoğunluk | According to most opinion polls, he is set to win a clear majority. |
485 | make | Yapmak | He tried to make his wife happy, |
486 | man | adam | She tried to make his man happy, |
487 | manage | Yönetmek | I managing this company. |
488 | management | Yönetim | We’re using new management techniques. techniques. |
489 | manager | Müdür | I want to speak with the manager. |
490 | many | Çok | There are so many wonderful books by him. |
491 | market | pazar | We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market. |
492 | marriage | evlilik | Both her marriages ended in divorce. |
493 | material | malzeme | The builders ran out of materials. |
494 | matter | sorun | It doesn’t matter. |
495 | may | Mayıs ayı | My birthday is in May. |
496 | maybe | olabilir | I do think about having children, maybe when I’m 30. |
497 | me | ben mi | The box is to heavy for me to lift. |
498 | mean | anlamına gelmek | I don’t want to mean that! |
499 | measure | Ölçmek | Can you measure the temperature of the patient. |
500 | media | Medya | His works has changed the way the media works. |
501 | medical | tıbbi | He needs a medical assistance. |
502 | meet | Buluşmak | I don’t want to meet her. |
503 | meeting | toplantı | Our meeting is next week on Monday. |
504 | member | Üye | The lion is a member of the cat family. |
505 | memory | Hafıza | The data are stored in the computer’s memory. |
506 | mention | söz etmek | They mentioned him by name. |
507 | message | mesaj | Did you get my message? |
508 | method | yöntem | I tried many different methods to solve the problem. |
509 | middle | orta | The car stopped in the middle of the road. |
510 | might | belki | It looks nice, but it might be very expensive. |
511 | military | askeri | I did my military service in 2003. |
512 | million | milyon | There are millions of stars in the sky. |
513 | mind | mahsuru var mı | Do you mind if I take this chair. |
514 | minute | dakika | One minute please. |
515 | miss | Özlemek | I miss my mom. |
516 | mission | misyon | He has been on a diplomatic mission. |
517 | model | Model | This a very realistic model of the car. |
518 | modern | modern | Stress is a major problem of modern life. |
519 | moment | an | Can I have your moment, please. |
520 | money | para | I don’t have any money. |
521 | month | ay | I need to study harder next month. |
522 | more | Daha | Add more water to it. |
523 | morning | sabah | Are you all going to church this morning? |
524 | most | çoğu | According to most opinion polls, he is set to win a clear majority. |
525 | mother | Anne | Can you write a letter to your mother? |
526 | mouth | ağız | Keep your mouth shut while you are eating. |
527 | move | hareket etmek | She was unable to move her legs. |
528 | movement | Hareket | There are reports of fresh troop movements across the border. |
529 | movie | film | I prefer watching movies instead of listening to music. |
530 | Mr | Bay | Good morning Mr. Downson. |
531 | Mrs | bayan | Good morning Mrs. Downson. |
532 | much | çok | They both talk too much. |
533 | music | müzik | I prefer watching movies instead of listening to music. |
534 | must | Zorunlu | They must try to protect the environment. |
535 | my | benim | I tried to force from my memory. |
536 | myself | kendim | I felt ashamed of myself. |
537 | name | Isim | What is your name? |
538 | nation | Ulus | The entire nation is celebrating the victory. |
539 | national | Ulusal | Today is a national holiday. |
540 | natural | doğal | He has a natural ability to understand the motives of others. |
541 | nature | doğa | That is a color not found in nature. |
542 | near | Yakın | Can you just drop me off near the mall? |
543 | nearly | neredeyse | I see her nearly every day. |
544 | necessary | gerekli | Sleep is necessary for good health. |
545 | need | Ihtiyaç | I need to study harder next month. |
546 | network | ağ | Huge sections of the rail network are out of action. |
547 | never | asla | I hope she will never come back. |
548 | new | yeni | We’re using new management techniques. techniques. |
549 | news | haber | Have you seen the news? |
550 | newspaper | gazete | Did you read the newspaper? |
551 | next | Sonraki | I need to study harder next month. |
552 | nice | Güzel | It looks nice, but it might be very expensive. |
553 | night | gece | To her surprise, the condo community was as quiet as the night she left. |
554 | no | yok hayır | So there’s no concern these visions may stop completely? |
555 | none | Yok | He did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself. |
556 | nor | Ne de | She’s not the best student in her class, nor is she the worst. |
557 | north | kuzeyinde | The wind is coming from the north. |
558 | not | değil | It is not true. Don’t lie to me. |
559 | note | Not | You hae to take notes while he speaks. |
560 | nothing | Hiçbir şey | There is nothing you can do. |
561 | notice | ihbar | This is the last notice for you. |
562 | now | Şimdi | I have to call him now. |
563 | number | numara | His phone number is … |
564 | occur | Meydana gelmek | |
565 | off | Kapalı | |
566 | offer | Teklif etmek | |
567 | office | ofis | |
568 | officer | Memur | |
569 | official | resmi | |
570 | often | Sıklıkla | |
571 | oil | yağ | |
572 | ok | tamam | |
573 | old | eski | |
574 | on | Üzerinde | |
575 | once | bir Zamanlar | |
576 | one | bir | |
577 | only | bir tek | |
578 | onto | üstüne | |
579 | open | açık | |
580 | operation | Ameliyat | |
581 | opportunity | Fırsat | |
582 | option | Seçenek | |
583 | or | veya | |
584 | order | sipariş | |
585 | organization | Organizasyon | |
586 | other | diğer | |
587 | others | Diğerleri | |
588 | our | bizim | |
589 | out | dışarı | |
590 | outside | dışında | |
591 | over | Bitti | |
592 | own | kendi | |
593 | owner | sahip | |
594 | page | sayfa | |
595 | pain | Ağrı | |
596 | painting | Boyama | |
597 | paper | Kağıt | |
598 | parent | Ebeveyn | |
599 | part | Bölüm | |
600 | participant | katılımcı |
İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (601 – 800 arası kelimeler)
601 | particular | Özel | |
602 | particularly | özellikle | |
603 | partner | ortak | |
604 | party | Parti | |
605 | pass | Geçmek | |
606 | past | Geçmiş | |
607 | patient | hasta | |
608 | pattern | Desen | |
609 | pay | Ödemek | |
610 | peace | Barış | |
611 | people | insanlar | |
612 | per | başına | |
613 | perform | Gerçekleştirmek | |
614 | performance | Performans | |
615 | perhaps | Belki | |
616 | period | Dönem | |
617 | person | kişi | |
618 | personal | kişisel | |
619 | phone | telefon | |
620 | physical | fiziksel | |
621 | pick | Almak | |
622 | picture | resim | |
623 | piece | parça | |
624 | place | Yer | |
625 | plan | plan | |
626 | plant | bitki | |
627 | play | Oynamak | |
628 | player | Oyuncu | |
629 | point | puan | |
630 | police | polis | |
631 | policy | politika | |
632 | political | Siyasi | |
633 | politics | siyaset | |
634 | poor | Fakir | |
635 | popular | popüler | |
636 | population | Nüfus | |
637 | position | Pozisyon | |
638 | positive | pozitif | |
639 | possible | mümkün | |
640 | power | güç | |
641 | practice | Uygulama | |
642 | prepare | Hazırlamak | |
643 | present | mevcut | |
644 | president | Devlet Başkanı | |
645 | pressure | basınç | |
646 | pretty | güzel | |
647 | prevent | engel olmak | |
648 | price | fiyat | |
649 | private | özel | |
650 | probably | muhtemelen | |
651 | problem | sorun | |
652 | process | Işlem | |
653 | produce | üretmek | |
654 | product | ürün | |
655 | production | üretim | |
656 | professional | profesyonel | |
657 | professor | Profesör | |
658 | program | Program | |
659 | project | Proje | |
660 | property | Gayrimenkul | |
661 | protect | Korumak | |
662 | prove | kanıtlamak | |
663 | provide | sağlamak | |
664 | public | halka açık | |
665 | pull | Çek | |
666 | purpose | Amaç | |
667 | push | Itmek | |
668 | put | koymak | |
669 | quality | kalite | |
670 | question | soru | |
671 | quickly | hızlı bir şekilde | |
672 | quite | oldukça | |
673 | race | yarış | |
674 | radio | radyo | |
675 | raise | yükseltmek | |
676 | range | Menzil | |
677 | rate | Oran | |
678 | rather | daha doğrusu | |
679 | reach | Ulaşmak | |
680 | read | okumak | |
681 | ready | hazır | |
682 | real | gerçek | |
683 | reality | Gerçeklik | |
684 | realize | Farketmek | |
685 | really | Gerçekten mi | |
686 | reason | neden | |
687 | receive | teslim almak | |
688 | recent | son | |
689 | recently | son günlerde | |
690 | recognize | tanımak | |
691 | record | kayıt | |
692 | red | kırmızı | |
693 | reduce | Azaltmak | |
694 | reflect | Yansıtmak | |
695 | region | Bölge | |
696 | relate | Ilişki kurmak | |
697 | relationship | Ilişki | |
698 | religious | dini | |
699 | remain | kalmak | |
700 | remember | hatırlamak | |
701 | remove | kaldırmak | |
702 | report | rapor | |
703 | represent | temsil etmek | |
704 | Republican | Cumhuriyetçi | |
705 | require | Gerektirir | |
706 | research | Araştırma | |
707 | resource | kaynak | |
708 | respond | yanıtlamak | |
709 | response | Cevap | |
710 | responsibility | Sorumluluk | |
711 | rest | dinlenme | |
712 | result | sonuç | |
713 | return | dönüş | |
714 | reveal | ortaya çıkartmak | |
715 | rich | zengin | |
716 | right | sağ | |
717 | rise | Yükselmek | |
718 | risk | risk | |
719 | road | yol | |
720 | rock | Kaya | |
721 | role | Rol | |
722 | room | Oda | |
723 | rule | kural | |
724 | run | koşmak | |
725 | safe | Güvenli | |
726 | same | aynı | |
727 | save | kayıt etmek | |
728 | say | söylemek | |
729 | scene | faliyet alani, sahne | |
730 | school | Okul | |
731 | science | Bilim | |
732 | scientist | Bilim insanı | |
733 | score | Skor | |
734 | sea | deniz | |
735 | season | sezon | |
736 | seat | koltuk | |
737 | second | ikinci | |
738 | section | Bölüm | |
739 | security | güvenlik | |
740 | see | görmek | |
741 | seek | aramak | |
742 | seem | görünmek | |
743 | sell | satmak | |
744 | send | Göndermek | |
745 | senior | Kıdemli | |
746 | sense | Anlam | |
747 | series | dizi | |
748 | serious | ciddi | |
749 | serve | servis | |
750 | service | hizmet | |
751 | set | Ayarlamak | |
752 | seven | Yedi | |
753 | several | birkaç | |
754 | shake | sallamak | |
755 | share | Paylaşmak | |
756 | she | o | |
757 | shoot | şut çekmek | |
758 | short | kısa | |
759 | shot | atış | |
760 | should | meli | |
761 | shoulder | omuz | |
762 | show | göstermek | |
763 | side | yan | |
764 | sign | işaret | |
765 | significant | önemli | |
766 | similar | benzer | |
767 | simple | basit | |
768 | simply | Basitçe | |
769 | since | dan beri | |
770 | sing | şarkı söyle | |
771 | single | tek | |
772 | sister | kız kardeş | |
773 | sit | Oturmak | |
774 | site | yer | |
775 | situation | durum | |
776 | six | altı | |
777 | size | boyut | |
778 | skill | beceri | |
779 | skin | Cilt | |
780 | small | küçük | |
781 | smile | gülümseme | |
782 | so | yani | |
783 | social | sosyal | |
784 | society | toplum | |
785 | soldier | asker | |
786 | some | bazı | |
787 | somebody | Birileri | |
788 | someone | birisi | |
789 | something | Bir şey | |
790 | sometimes | ara sıra | |
791 | son | oğul | |
792 | song | şarkı | |
793 | soon | yakında | |
794 | sort | çeşit | |
795 | sound | ses | |
796 | source | kaynak | |
797 | south | Güney | |
798 | southern | güney | |
799 | space | Boşluk | |
800 | speak | Konuşmak |
İngilizcede En Çok Kullanılan 1000 Kelime Listesi (801 – 1000 arası kelimeler)
801 | special | özel | |
802 | specific | özel | |
803 | speech | konuşma | |
804 | spend | Harcamak | |
805 | sport | spor | |
806 | spring | Bahar | |
807 | staff | personel | |
808 | stage | Sahne | |
809 | stand | Durmak | |
810 | standard | standart | |
811 | star | star | |
812 | start | başlama | |
813 | state | belirtmek | |
814 | statement | Beyan | |
815 | station | Istasyon | |
816 | stay | kalmak | |
817 | step | adım | |
818 | still | Hala | |
819 | stock | Stok | |
820 | stop | Dur | |
821 | store | Mağaza | |
822 | story | Öykü | |
823 | strategy | Strateji | |
824 | street | sokak | |
825 | strong | güçlü | |
826 | structure | Yapı | |
827 | student | Öğrenci | |
828 | study | ders çalışma | |
829 | stuff | şey | |
830 | style | Stil | |
831 | subject | Konu | |
832 | success | Başarı | |
833 | successful | başarılı | |
834 | such | Böyle | |
835 | suddenly | aniden | |
836 | suffer | acı çekmek | |
837 | suggest | önermek | |
838 | summer | yaz | |
839 | support | destek | |
840 | sure | emin | |
841 | surface | yüzey | |
842 | system | Sistem | |
843 | table | Tablo | |
844 | take | Almak | |
845 | talk | Konuşmak | |
846 | task | görev | |
847 | tax | vergi | |
848 | teach | Öğretmek | |
849 | teacher | öğretmen | |
850 | team | takım | |
851 | technology | Teknoloji | |
852 | television | televizyon | |
853 | tell | söylemek | |
854 | ten | on | |
855 | tend | Eğilmek | |
856 | term | terim | |
857 | test | test | |
858 | thank | teşekkür | |
859 | that | O | |
860 | their | onların | |
861 | them | Onları | |
862 | themselves | kendilerini | |
863 | then | sonra | |
864 | theory | Teori | |
865 | there | Orada | |
866 | these | bunlar | |
867 | they | onlar | |
868 | thing | şey | |
869 | think | Düşünmek | |
870 | third | üçüncü | |
871 | this | bu | |
872 | those | Bunlar | |
873 | though | Olsa da | |
874 | thought | Düşündü | |
875 | thousand | bin | |
876 | threat | tehdit | |
877 | three | üç | |
878 | through | vasitasiyla | |
879 | throughout | boyunca | |
880 | throw | atmak | |
881 | thus | Böylece | |
882 | time | zaman | |
883 | to | Için | |
884 | today | bugün | |
885 | together | birlikte | |
886 | tonight | Bu gece | |
887 | too | çok | |
888 | top | üst | |
889 | total | Genel Toplam | |
890 | tough | Sert | |
891 | toward | DOĞRU | |
892 | town | Kasaba | |
893 | trade | Ticaret | |
894 | traditional | geleneksel | |
895 | training | Eğitim | |
896 | travel | seyahat | |
897 | treat | tedavi etmek | |
898 | treatment | Tedavi | |
899 | tree | Ağaç | |
900 | trial | Deneme | |
901 | trip | Yolculuk | |
902 | trouble | sorun | |
903 | true | DOĞRU | |
904 | truth | hakikat | |
905 | try | Denemek | |
906 | turn | Çevirmek | |
907 | TV | televizyon | |
908 | two | iki | |
909 | type | Yazın | |
910 | under | altında | |
911 | understand | anlama | |
912 | unit | Ünite | |
913 | until | a kadar | |
914 | up | Yukarı | |
915 | upon | Üzerinde | |
916 | us | bize | |
917 | use | Kullanmak | |
918 | usually | genellikle | |
919 | value | Değer | |
920 | various | çeşitli | |
921 | very | çok | |
922 | victim | Kurban | |
923 | view | görünüm | |
924 | violence | şiddet | |
925 | visit | ziyaret etmek | |
926 | voice | Ses | |
927 | vote | oy | |
928 | wait | beklemek | |
929 | walk | Yürümek | |
930 | wall | duvar | |
931 | want | istemek | |
932 | war | savaş | |
933 | watch | izlemek | |
934 | water | Su | |
935 | way | Yol | |
936 | we | Biz | |
937 | weapon | Silah | |
938 | wear | giyinmek | |
939 | week | hafta | |
940 | weight | ağırlık | |
941 | well | iyi | |
942 | west | batısında | |
943 | western | Batıda | |
944 | what | ne | |
945 | whatever | her neyse | |
946 | when | ne zaman | |
947 | where | nerede | |
948 | which | hangi | |
949 | while | iken | |
950 | white | beyaz | |
951 | who | Kim | |
952 | whom | kime | |
953 | whose | kimin | |
954 | why | Neden | |
955 | wide | geniş | |
956 | wife | kadın eş | |
957 | win | Kazanmak | |
958 | wind | Rüzgar | |
959 | window | Pencere | |
960 | wish | Dilek | |
961 | with | ile | |
962 | within | Içinde | |
963 | without | Olmadan | |
964 | woman | Kadın | |
965 | wonder | merak etmek | |
966 | word | Kelime | |
967 | work | iş | |
968 | worker | işçi | |
969 | world | Dünya | |
970 | worry | endişelenmek | |
971 | would | Olur mu | |
972 | write | yazmak | |
973 | writer | yazar | |
974 | wrong | yanlış | |
975 | yard | avlu | |
976 | yeah | Evet | |
977 | year | yıl | |
978 | yes | Evet | |
979 | yet | Henüz | |
980 | you | sen | |
981 | young | genç | |
982 | your | Senin | |
983 | yourself | kendin |
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